How Does School Prepare Us for Life?

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Did you know that 167 million Americans play Sudoku? Being able to play that mathematically challenging puzzler of a game is just one real-world benefit of an education. But besides gaming, school is preparation for a whole host of other skills we’ll use in everyday life.

Are you in the process of choosing a school, or wondering what your child will have learned by their school graduation? How does school prepare us for life? Here are some life lessons we learn at school.

Basic Life Skills

Whether you’re learning in a standard classroom, or with a school like, your child will learn basic life skills like reading, writing, math, and more. Science doesn’t just belong in the lab – forces in physics and reactions in chemistry have real-life applications.

For example, understanding the concept of traction will help you choose the right shoes for running, soccer, or a Zumba class. Understanding the process of sugar as energy and the Maillard reaction will help you cook the perfect steak, every time.

Learn How to Learn

School is great at teaching us how to learn. Homework and essays involve research and analysis. Researching is one of the most important skills we can learn, as it helps us in every aspect of life.

For example, how do you choose the best school, and what are the school costs involved? You’d have to research what makes a good school, and which are the best schools in your area.

And our careers are not necessarily fixed forever. If we want a career change a few years in, then learning new information is vital to starting on that bright new career path.

Problem Solving

Critical thinking and problem-solving are both crucial life skills for your child. They’ll not only use them in their chosen career but in their home life as well.

For example, if they planned to cook a certain recipe but don’t have one of the ingredients – what will they do? Critical thinking will help them think around the problem and find a practical solution in this everyday scenario.

Builds Resilience

Have you ever had your child come home with a ‘fail’ on an exam? Or maybe they received the comment, ‘could do better.’ The truth is, while they might feel like giving up, the school teaches them to make improvements so they can turn that fail into a pass.

While it’s an unpleasant experience, making mistakes builds resilience in your child. This helps them develop a stronger mindset, which will set them up for the future.

How Does School Prepare Us for Life?

So, how does school prepare us for life? The benefits of a good education will show themselves in every aspect of our lives, from our career and workplace to our personal lives. Learning crucial skills like reading, writing and science will help us in everyday scenarios.

Critical thinking will help us overcome knotty problems, as well as assist us with practical tasks around the house. And by correcting mistakes and overcoming setbacks, we build resilience, which helps us on a larger scale when we leave school. If we invest in our children’s education today, it’ll pay dividends in their future.

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