Are You Getting Your 8 Hours A Night? Why We Really Do Need Our Beauty Sleep

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When you hear someone mention beauty sleep, you probably think it’s just a saying that has no scientific backing. But research actually shows that we really do need our beauty sleep. Here are some of the most important benefits of sleep, and some tips and tricks to help you get your 8 hours a night.

The benefits of sleep

Physical appearance

We all know the effects of sleepless nights on our appearance. When you look in the mirror, and you’ve not slept a wink, the reflection staring back at you can be a scary sight. Your eyes may be dull and dazed, and you might have dark circles. Your skin may look dry and drab. Your hair might be lank and limp. When you’ve had a good night’s sleep, it’s a different story. Your eyes and bright and alert, your skin glowing. You feel ready to take on the day, rather than wishing you could hide away from the world. Good quality sleep is proven to help brighten your skin and keep your complexion looking youthful. When you sleep, your skin cells undergo essential processes. New skin cells are formed, and this makes your skin look younger and more radiant. There’s also a lower risk of puffiness around the eyes and dark circles.

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Mental health

Most people can cope with a bad night from time to time, but you can usually notice the effects of a disturbed night. The day after, you may struggle to find the energy to get through the day. You may be more irritable and restless than usual, and it’s difficult to concentrate. A lack of sleep can also increase your risk of stress. If you’re tired, even the smallest things can get on top of you. Before you know it, a molehill has become a mountain. If you’re already stressed, sleepless nights can make you feel even worse. You can become trapped in a cycle, as stress can then prevent you from sleeping. Sleep deprivation can also increase the risk of depression and anxiety.


Physical health

Sleep is essential for maintaining good health. When you get enough sleep, your body can recover from the day’s events and prepare for the next day. If you think about everything you do in a 24-hour period, it’s no wonder that your body feels tired sometimes. Taking time out enables it to undergo important healing processes. Your brain takes this time to work out everything that has happened during the day and create memories. The cells in your body can be repaired, and your muscles can rest ready for the physical challenges tomorrow holds.

Getting sufficient sleep is not just important for your energy levels and your mood. It also has a major impact on disease prevention and your ability to fight off illness. Research has linked sleep deprivation to an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. One study, which involved shift workers, found a significant link between sleep and diabetes. After just four days of working shifts, researchers reported shocking results. A third of participants had blood sugar levels representative of pre-diabetes. Sleep can also increase your immunity and decrease the intensity of pain.

Top tips to help you get your 8 hours a night

Making time for sleep

Sleep experts recommend between seven and eight hours of sleep per night. If you’re not getting enough sleep, it’s time to put your health first. It may be a simple matter of going to bed too late or getting up too early. If this is the case, you can adjust your sleep routine to fit in more downtime. Do you fall asleep watching TV and then struggle to get up when your alarm goes off? If so, go to bed earlier. You may find that it takes a while to drop off for the first few nights. But your body will soon adjust to your new regime. If you can get to the stage when you’re going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day, you should find it much easier to get sufficient rest.


Battling stress

Stress is one of the most common causes of sleepless nights. Everyone goes through periods of stress. Often, it’s possible to find solutions and get on with life. But sometimes, stress can be so severe that it takes over and makes you feel like you’re wading through mud. If you are stressed, try and identify triggers, and experiment with coping mechanisms. Popular therapies include massage, aromatherapy, and meditation. Exercise, creative activities and simply taking time to relax can also help. If you’ve tried everything, and you’re still struggling, consult your doctor. You can find more useful information at

Making sure you’re comfortable

They say you never sleep better than when you’re in your own bed. But what happens when your bed is old, lumpy, and full of broken springs? If this sounds familiar, it’s no wonder you’re not enjoying blissful nights. It’s important to replace your mattress when it starts to lose firmness. Your bed should provide support for your back and neck when you sleep. If you’re waking up with aches and pains, see for reviews and recommendations. A new bed could help to restore peaceful nights at home.

Identifying what’s keeping you awake

If you have sleep troubles on a regular basis, think about what’s keeping you awake at night? Is it too noisy? Is the dawn light waking you up every morning? Are you worried about work or thinking about paying bills or getting a new job? Are you struggling to switch off or are you suffering from pain? Once you’ve identified the cause, you can try and find solutions. There are may be simple answers out there. You could wear an eye mask or invest in blackout curtains to block out light, for example. In other cases, finding a solution may not be as straightforward. If you can’t manage to do this, don’t hesitate to ask for help.

If you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re probably aware of the short-term effects. You may have noticed the bags under your eyes and your lack of focus. But have you thought about the long-term impact? Sleep is essential for so many reasons. If you can’t sleep, try and adjust your sleep regime and take time to relax. Replace an old mattress, and turn your bedroom into a cozy, calm haven. Try and utilize stress-management methods if you feel under pressure. If self-help techniques don’t help, consider seeing your doctor.


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