Amazingly Easy Ways You Can Become More Environmentally Friendly

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These days, we are all aware of the threats and dangers to our natural environment. Whether you believe in global warming or not, it is clear that certain things we do in our day to day lives can severely damage our environment. For example, recent studies showed that on average, Americans use up to 75 percent more water per capita than other nationalities. Helping the environment is all about protecting it for generations to come. Recycling is one of those ways we can easily do that from the comfort of our own homes. It hugely minimises the amount of landfill waste left to rot on our land, which also has a huge impact on the economy. Read on to find out how you and your family can start to become more environmentally friendly.

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Invest in glass bottles
Using plastic water bottles or juice bottles can have a terrible effect on the environment.  Many of them ending up in landfill which takes centuries to decompose. Plus, a scary number also end up at the bottom of the ocean – damaging marine life. Avoid buying plastic bottles for the home and instead, switch to glass bottles for cold drinks. As well as helping the environment, you could also be supporting your own health. Studies have shown that drinking water out of a glass bottle could actually be better for you than drinking it out of a plastic one. Plus, drinking out of a glass tends to taste better, too!
Use recycle bins
If you have recycling bins that are provided by your local government, make use of them. It barely takes any time at all to separate different materials such as tins, glass and plastics, and it can have a huge effect on the natural world. If you don’t have any provided, or if that sounds like a little too much hassle, consider buying an indoor recycle bin.

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Dump your stuff responsibly

Many household items that we don’t use anymore end up building up in a pile in our garages, and are then sent to landfill. As well as being a pain for us (because, let’s face it, that pile tends to be there for a while), we are potentially damaging our environment by putting these items in a dumpster or landfill. If your pile of junk has built up so much that it’s impossible to tackle on your own, why not visit somewhere such as Many haulage companies these days pride themselves on being greener than ever, so you can relax knowing that your junk is gone and that it will be recycled.


It might seem gross to you at first, but composting is one of the easiest ways to make your home a little greener. Invest in a compost bin which you can place outside and dispose of any household kitchen waste in there. It will start to decompose and will become compost. As it is full of vital nutrients, it is ideal for growing flowers or plants in. So if you’re a keen gardener, there’s no excuse not to start composting!

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