5 Reasons to Do Your Grocery Shopping With a Carrying Basket

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Photo by Ivan Samkov
Every grocery store is lined with rows of grocery carts to help shoppers carry their purchases. Some big-box stores even have giant-sized carts. There are other options, and unless a shopper needs to push a child around the store, a cart is rarely the best choice. Shopping with a carrying basket is almost always the best choice while shopping for groceries. Baskets are better for your health and budget.

1. Carrying baskets can be cost-saving.

When a shopper uses handmade baskets usa instead of a cart, they are more likely to stick to the list. There isn’t room for extras to fit into the small carrying basket. The basket will be filled with the essentials rather than extras. This allows a shopper to spend money on just what is needed, so there won’t be extra food at home that goes to waste.

Many stores, counties, and cities are now charging customers for every plastic bag that they need for carrying their purchase. Those small fees can add up during a trip to the grocery store. Shoppers don’t need to waste their money on plastic bags when they can fit all of the grocery items right in their carrying basket.

2. Using carrying baskets keeps the planet green.

When shoppers opt to use the bags that stores provide, they are hurting the environment. Plastic bags, especially the non-compostable ones, can take up to one thousand years to decompose. The paper bags that are used by stores require even more energy, water, and leaves to produce. This results in more air pollution and waste. By bringing a carrying basket with them, shoppers can reduce waste and keep the environment greener.

3. Carrying baskets can limit impulse buying.

When shopping with a big shopping cart, there is often a psychological need to fill it. Shoppers end up buying all sorts of items that aren’t on the list and, in fact, aren’t even needed. Checkout lanes are among the top places where consumers make the most impulse buys. Having a limited amount of space with a carrying basket means that shoppers will have less space to make bad choices.

4. Carrying baskets can get heavy.

This may seem like a negative to carrying a basket. However, adding a two-liter bottle of soda to a carrying basket may help a shopper speed up the trip, thus saving even more money and time. With a cart, shoppers can go up and down isles finding more and more things that they think they need. As a carrying basket fills up, a shopper is reminded that the basket is heavy, and it is time to head to the check-out lane.

5. Carrying baskets can express your style.

Carrying baskets can come in a variety of designs, materials, and styles. Shoppers should look for a high-quality basket to carry their purchases. Some baskets are made of durable aluminum and can fold flat, which is very convenient. Other carrying baskets are made out of woven wood and are both beautiful and functional. Some baskets have pockets for storing keys and other small items.

Before leaving the house next time, consider bringing a carrying basket with you. It can save money, express your style, and keep the planet green all while carrying grocery items.

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