Archives for February 2018

The 5 Step Spring Clean

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Spring is fast approaching, and for many of us, it feels like church bells on a Sunday morning calling people to church – there’s just something in the air that compels us to start taking care of our gardens, home, and have a clean out.

With warmer days and lighters nights just around the corner, Spring is a wonderful season full of optimism and perhaps that’s why so many people use this opportunity to get their homes in order.  There have been a number of sociological and psychological studies that link having a tidy home with a tidy mind; indeed, it is now scientifically proven that a cluttered house can contribute to a cluttered mind.

Yet, having a Spring Clean isn’t limited to cleaning and decluttering; there are certain jobs that have been put off (such as repairing the backyard fence) and changes that need to be made such as looking into the best tankless water heater to provide your home with hot water, or simply looking into the best home internet deals.

This article, however focuses purely on having a spring clean in the traditional sense – for which there are five clear steps.  

Now that Spring and Summer are just around the corner you’ll want to ensure your home is friends and family ready for this special time of year and what better time than now to follow these five steps to a spring clean?


If you are always searching through clutter to find your car keys, or frantically searching through drawers prior to going on holiday in a desperate attempt to find your passport – then you could certainly benefit from this advice.  This all important step of decluttering naturally leads onto the next phase of ‘getting organised’… as decluttering your home is a natural precursor to getting organised; for how can you get organised when there is clutter everywhere?


Most people need some form of order in their life in order to feel calm, centred, grounded and balanced.  This sense of emotional stability is closely linked to the feeling of stability and order you feel within your home life.  Now that you’ve decluttered your home, you need to get organised, which sounds like a drag but the time investment will pay off as it will make your life a lot easier in the long run.


Whether it’s removing the internal clutter from your house or removing garden waste it can take a amount of time and effort if you do it yourself.  However, there is a surprising amount of money to be made for people willing to clear other people’s junk; and although junk removal prices vary hugely based on the area in which you live, there’s a strong chance it will be higher than what you might expect.  In the alternative, you could hire a van for a day or two and use this to cart rubbish to a local refuse site.


The act of cleaning your home isn’t a purely physical experience; it has clear practical benefits but there are significant emotional benefits to cleaning too.  It can be cathartic to go through your home and clean every corner of it as this process will cleanse the energy and emotion stored within your home, and can be a very soothing experience.

  1.  RENEW

Now that your home is fresher, it’s time to inject some new vibrancy into your home… as an example you could paint the walls, change the carpet, or purchase some new items for your home.  In the alternative, if you’re on a budget, then consider upcycling some of your old furniture and revamping it to freshen up the feel of your home.

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Shopping Smart To Save Money

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Everyone looks for ways to save money in every aspect of their lives. And it’s no wonder with the economy the way that it is, and even with living wages slowly increasing, it’s never at the same rate. And there always seems to be another bill to pay for, or a surprise one that forces you to dip into your hard-earned savings. But, at least they are there. So many people get into debt through depleting their savings and needing to find further funding. Which makes building up those savings again even harder. But it all begins with finding the money to save in the first place.

Apart from the essential bills, there are always more things we pay out for – like phones, Netflix and shopping. And you should be allowed to have those luxuries, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t save money while still having the things you want.


The issue with shopping online is that you can’t judge the quality of the product until it has been delivered to you. And so you might be spending money on something that isn’t up to standard, plus shopping online can be hard to return products when buying through independent sellers, meaning that you can’t get your money back. Which is way it can be the better option to buy through the big, well-known brands. This way you are aware of their reputation, and they usually have a straightforward return policy. However, to save the most while shopping online, you should always look for the best deal, and to do that, you must shop around. Smaller sellers and e-commerce stores often have reviews written through sites like, where you can get a clear idea of the store and it’s products. Bookmark the pages you’re interested in and compare the prices – and if it is approaching the end of a season, why not wait for a few weeks and see if the item you are looking at will go on sale.


When buying clothes, either in store or online, the main thing to consider is quality. Luckily if you go in store you can feel the material and know pretty quickly whether it’s going to last. Fashion trends come and go, but staple parts of your wardrobe are always worth spending a little extra on. Coats and shoes take a big brunt of day to day life, so make sure you’re buying things that are going to last. Online, again the risks are there with independent stores, but everyone tends to have a favoured clothes store that they can rely on. You should always look to shop in the sales and to learn how to do minor repair work – if there is a split seam or missing button, most stores offer a discount on the product – you can find some basic sewing tips here Buying in store rather than online also give you the chance to try on the product before buying, meaning that you will only spend money on something you know fits and looks good on you. Yes online you can always return – but that missing money for a few weeks might make all the difference. As always – look for the best deal by shopping around. Do your research online and then visit the stores in person to make sure that you are getting the right value for money.


Food shopping isn’t really a luxury, however it is an expense where you buy luxuries. Swap out your branded products and try the store’s own – do it for a week and keep the swap permanently if you can’t tell the difference or prefer the non-brand product. When in the store you can do one of two things to help keep costs down; the first is that you simply buy what you need – no more and no less. If your meal plan (which you should definitely have) calls for two peppers, then only pick up two peppers rather than a pack of four. The second option is to bulk buy sale products. If a cereal your family eats all the time is on a buy one get one free then bulk buy that product and stockpile your long-life products. On top of these practices, you might want to look into coupons. You don’t have to go overboard and end up on that TV show, but you can save a lot of money through using some in your weekly shop.


Shopping for furniture can be pretty straightforward; find the sale and buy what you need from the sale. Furniture needs to be hard wearing and last a lot longer than a new top would. The quality of materials here is so important; if it’s a sofa, for example, you will have people hopping on and off it constantly for the next five years. Food and drink will be spilled and naps will be taken – so you need to make sure that what you are buying is going to last. You can buy decent second hand furniture online through sites like, and the item can be cheaper and just as good as buying it new from the shop. But, once again, you don’t know what is wrong with the product, if anything, nor can you return the items if it doesn’t work properly, it breaks or if it simply doesn’t fit.


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Ways To Keep You & Your Family Healthy Year-Round

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It’s no secret that keeping your family healthy, happy and active is challenging at times. Schedules are busy, and there’s always a lot going on when you have kids and pets. It’s important that you give yourself a break and do the best you can, but also be proactive about getting your family to pay attention to your advice.

There’s nothing wrong with a little trial and error or learning from your mistakes. You shouldn’t feel guilty if someone catches a cold or the house isn’t spotless. Use the following tips to help keep you on track for keeping your family healthy year-round. Take it one step at a time and get organized to help yourself stay on top of it all.

Educate Yourselves on Best Practices

The key is making sure you have the knowledge you need to create positives change in your household. The more you understand what it takes to keep you and your family healthy, the easier it becomes to do. It’s good to know what the experts are advocating and why they’re making particular recommendations. For example, you know to wash your hands, but telling your kids why they’re doing it will help reinforce the habit.

Schedule Regular Dentist & Doctor Visits

Be proactive about getting everyone in your family to the dentist and doctor at the appropriate times. You could set a schedule where you all go in together and get it done at once if that’s easier. You should keep the reports in a safe place in case you need to refer back to them. These appointments are also a good time to bring up any questions or concerns you have about your health or that of your children or spouse.

Be Aware of any Abnormalities

Health issues can sneak up at any moment in time and wreak havoc on your family if you’re not careful, and this includes your pets too. Use a resource like Vitality Science to read up on malignant tumors in dogs and what signs you can look for. It’s extremely important that you do the same for you and your kids. Have resources like blogs and books handy that can help answer your tough questions on the spot and encourage your kids to speak up if they don’t feel well or find a funny mark or bump on their bodies. The same goes for you and your spouse, talk about if anything’s bothering you and get to the doctor right away.

Clean Regularly

Everyone’s homes get dirty once in a while, but it’s good practice to keep it clean on a regular basis. Try to at least pick up any clutter and wipe down surfaces consistently. It’s especially important if you have visitors coming in and out of your house often or you have pets. It’s worthwhile to put a routine in place that helps you get through each task without having to think too much about it. Have your family members help out if you’re busy or running short on time. A clean home is a happy home and will keep the germs away.

Exercise & Stay Active

Your best defense against health issues is a good offense like working out on a regular basis. Keep your heart healthy and stay active to help fight off disease and unwanted complications. Try to make it fun and get the whole family together for outings where you play volleyball or take the dog for a long hike. You should sign the kids up for activities and sports they like to do or play and find entertaining hobbies for you and your spouse like bike riding. Set the tone for the entire household by keeping active yourself and encouraging others to do so.

Practice Open Communication to Minimize Stress

A major reason that stress emerges is that no one talks or communicates about their emotions or feelings. Create a home that welcomes healthy discussion and doesn’t make you feel bad for opening up. Let your kids know that you and your spouse are always available to chat and have family meetings if it helps clear the air. Stress is an important topic for all ages, so it’s vital to let all your family members know the harmful effects of stress and talk about ways to manage and reduce it.

Cook Healthy Meals

Cooking and eating nutritious meals is a great way to combat any health issues that could arise from a poor diet. It includes purchasing healthy cereals and snacks. It’s good practice to pack lunches for everyone so you can monitor what your family is eating and the portions. You should try to go grocery shop regularly and try different recipes that are not only nutritious but also tasty. It’s important to eat dinner as a family to connect with each other at the end of the day and talk about whatever comes to mind. Eating on the go and when you’re stressed out can create some very poor habits.

Volunteer Your Time

Enlighten your kids and help them see the world from a new perspective. You can do this by volunteering your time together to help those in need. It’s an excellent activity for boosting mental health and learning how to practice gratitude for what you have. Involve your kids in the decision about where you’re going to go or who you want to help, so they feel like a part of the volunteer experience. You’ll meet new people, put a smile on someone else’s face and bond with your family all at the same time. Make it a regular occurrence as a way to remove yourselves from the chaos and stress of everyday life.

Keeping you and your family healthy throughout the year only takes awareness and putting forth a little extra effort to make these ideas a reality. The benefits of feeling better and not having to deal with as many health issues will be worth it. It’s a team effort and takes everyone getting involved in making it work. Not only will the overall wellbeing of your family improve, but so will your relationships with each other.

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Top Tips For New Moms

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Whether you are having your first baby or welcoming another addition to your family, it’s hard work being a mom – especially now you are going to be looking after your newborn. A lack of sleep, feeling tired, stressed, overwhelmed and cranky, will see your mood swings change and hormones soar. It may be hard working bringing home a newborn, and it may be overwhelming at first. However, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy those magical first few months. It’s crucial that you look after yourself and your baby if you want to keep you both in the best of health. Keep these top tips to hand, and you’re sure to enjoy motherhood.

Get the nursery ready

It’s going to be near impossible to get the nursery ready or finish any painting around the house once the baby arrives, so make sure that you take time to get prepped and prepared during your last few weeks of pregnancy. If that isn’t the case, and you are feeling a little lost, then worry not. There are a few quick fixes that you can use. First and foremost, make sure that the heating and lighting is right for your baby – too hot or too cold could cause colds and infections to spread. Next, stock up on diapers, you can never have enough! Finally, make sure that you invest in a crib that supports your baby. Sites such as provide reviews and information to help you choose the best option for you.

Sleep when you can

It might sound obvious, but once you are looking after your newborn, you are going to seriously struggle to get enough shuteye. If you are going to have enough energy to deal with the ups and downs of becoming a mom, then you might want to adopt a different approach to resting. You need to try and opt for quality downtime, over the actual number of hours that you sleep. Try booking a spa day, going for a gentle walk with your baby and even attending a Yoga class to help you rest and have a change of scenery.

Follow your gut

It’s a tough call being a new mom, especially if you don’t have any family or relatives nearby to help lend a hand with childcare. However, make sure that you aren’t too hard on yourself. If you can’t get your baby to settle, or find it hard to leave your baby when they are crying, then trust your gut to choose the right solution for your child. Remember, when it comes to childcare, every infant is different. So, what your mother or female relatives suggest, might not always work.

It’s hard work being a mom, especially if you are a new mom learning how to look after your first baby. However, make sure that you prepare your nursery, catch up on sleep and follow your gut if you have to deal with any tantrums or teething worries. Most importantly, however, make sure you enjoy the magic of motherhood!

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Marvel Studios’ BLACK PANTHER In Theaters February 16th

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BlackPanther2I’ve heard from my blogging friends who had the honor and privilege to attend the red carpet premiere of Marvel Studios’ Black Panther that is it amazing. Here’s a little taste of it for you:

Marvel Studios’ BLACK PANTHER follows T’Challa who, after the death of his father, the King of Wakanda, returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation to succeed to the throne and take his rightful place as king. But when a powerful old enemy reappears, T’Challa’s mettle as king—and Black Panther—is tested when he is drawn into a formidable conflict that puts the fate of Wakanda and the entire world at risk. Faced with treachery and danger, the young king must rally his allies and release the full power of Black Panther to defeat his foes and secure the safety of his people and their way of life.

black panther 3

black panther 4

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BLACK PANTHER arrives in theatres everywhere on February 16, 2018!

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Paramount Pictures & Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures present SHERLOCK GNOMES in theaters March 23, 2018

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If you liked GNOMEO AND JULIET, then you’re going to love SHERLOCK GNOMES, in theaters March 23, 2018! 
Directed by: John Stevenson
Starring: James McAvoy, Emily Blunt, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Maggie Smith, Michael Caine, Ashley Jensen, Matt Lucas, Stephen Merchant, Mary J. Blige and Johnny Depp

The beloved garden gnomes from GNOMEO AND JULIET are back for a whole new adventure in London. When Gnomeo and Juliet first arrive in the city with their friends and family, their biggest concern is getting their new garden ready for spring. However, they soon discover that someone is kidnapping garden gnomes all over London. When Gnomeo and Juliet return home to find that everyone in their garden is missing – there’s only one gnome to call… SHERLOCK GNOMES. The famous detective and sworn protector of London’s garden gnomes arrives with his sidekick Watson to investigate the case. The mystery will lead our gnomes on a rollicking adventure where they will meet all new ornaments and explore an undiscovered side of the city. This action-packed sequel features the voices of returning cast, James McAvoy, Emily Blunt, Michael Caine, Maggie Smith, Stephen Merchant and Ozzy Osbourne, plus Johnny Depp as Sherlock Gnomes, Chiwetel Ejiofor as Watson and Mary J. Blige as Irene.

Hashtag: #SherlockGnomes
Facebook: /SherlockGnomes
Twitter: @SherlockGnomes
Instagram: @SherlockGnomes


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Tell me I’m not the only one who wants to post this ANT-MAN poster as my Facebook user picture to have people think there is a bug on their screen. LOL Be careful not to squash him. 😉
AntManAndTheWasp titleI am so excited to share this new trailer with you for ANT-MAN AND THE WASP. This movie looks awesome but it’s Marvel so of course it would!

From the Marvel Cinematic Universe comes ANT-MAN AND THE WASP, a new chapter featuring heroes with the astonishing ability to shrink. In the aftermath of CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR, Scott Lang grapples with the consequences of his choices as both a Super Hero and a father. As he struggles to rebalance his home life with his responsibilities as Ant-Man, he’s confronted by Hope van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pym with an urgent new mission. Scott must once again put on the suit and learn to fight alongside the Wasp as the team works together to uncover secrets from the past.

Marvel Studios ANT-MAN AND THE WASP..Hope van Dyne/The Wasp (Evangeline Lilly)..Photo: Ben Rothstein..©Marvel Studios 2018

Marvel Studios ANT-MAN AND THE WASP..Hope van Dyne/The Wasp (Evangeline Lilly)..Photo: Ben Rothstein..©Marvel Studios 2018

Marvel Studios' ANT-MAN AND THE WASP L to R: Scott Lang/Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) and Hope van Dyne/The Wasp (Evangeline Lilly) Photo: Film Frame ©Marvel Studios 2018

Marvel Studios’ ANT-MAN AND THE WASP
L to R: Scott Lang/Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) and Hope van Dyne/The Wasp (Evangeline Lilly)
Photo: Film Frame
©Marvel Studios 2018

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP is directed by Peyton Reed and stars Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Michael Pena, Walton Goggins, Bobby Cannavale, Judy Greer, Tip “T.I.” Harris, David Dastmalchian, Hannah John Kamen, Abby Ryder-Fortson, Randall Park, with Michelle Pfeiffer, with Laurence Fishburne and Michael Douglas.

Marvel Studios' ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Ant-Man/Scott Lang in his Giant-Man form (Paul Rudd) Photo: Film Frame ©Marvel Studios 2018

Marvel Studios’ ANT-MAN AND THE WASP
Ant-Man/Scott Lang in his Giant-Man form (Paul Rudd)
Photo: Film Frame
©Marvel Studios 2018

©Marvel Studios 2018

Marvel Studios’ ANT-MAN AND THE WASP opens in theaters everywhere on July 6th!
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ANT-MAN AND THE WASP arrives in theatres everywhere on July 6!

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Why it is Important to Resolve Your Health Issues Immediately

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In life, it can be easy to put things off. If you are struggling to balance a busy schedule, you may feel as though there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. However, there are some issues that should always take priority. No matter what you are doing, if you are struggling with any health issues, you need to act immediately. Failing to seek help will only make matters worse in the long run. When there are so many incredible solutions available, there is no excuse for waiting. Below are examples of four health issues that you could be facing and the steps that you need to take in order to resolve them.

Are you struggling with your weight?

Carrying excess weight can be extremely dangerous for your health. That is why it is important for you to make immediate changes to your lifestyle. You will need to think about what you are eating, what you are drinking, and how much exercise you are doing. You should create a clear plan, as this will help you to hold yourself accountable. The early stages are always the hardest, but once you begin to see results, it will be much easier to stay motivated. Remember to pay attention to the little things. You might start to find it easier to walk long distances, play with your children, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. These are all signs that your body is grateful for the positive steps that you have taken.

Are you struggling with pain?

Whatever you do, don’t suffer in silence. If you are struggling with pain, you need to turn to the experts for help. At Liberty Wellness & Chiro, you can find specialists in massage therapy, physical therapy, and acupuncture. You can also seek help from trained Chiropractors. No matter your problem is, it is vital that you don’t give up on finding a solution.

Are you struggling with your skin?

If you are very self-conscious about your skin, now is the time to act. The longer that you struggle with acne, sun spots, or specific skin conditions, the harder it will be to reverse any damage. The first step is to go and see your doctor. However, if they are unable to find a suitable solution, they may recommend you to a dermatologist. This will be someone who specializes in skin care and can help you to find the answer to your prayers.

Are you struggling with stress?

Are you struggling with stress and anxiety? If so, it is important that you begin to take control of your life. Meditation is a great place to start. It can help you to clear your mind and control your breathing. Make sure that you set aside time each day to meditate. You could do this independently, or sign up for a class. Often, these classes will also provide you with useful tips that will help you to lead a peaceful life.




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How to Enjoy Outdoor Living in the Spring and Summer Without Insects Taking Over

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While it may seem like spring is still ages away here in the U.S., in reality, it’s just a couple of short months away. With that said, it’s not too early to start thinking about how you can incorporate more outdoor living into your lifestyle this spring and summer. If you’re the type that would love to enjoy your yard a bit more but feel it’s often taken over by pesky insects, then you’ll be happy to know that there are some tips that you can use that will help you to reclaim your outdoors.

So, let this spring and summer be the one where you put your foot down, drive away the insects, and enjoy outdoor living like you’re meant to.

The Most Typical Backyard Pests

When it comes to the typical backyard pests that most people are dealing with, it’s normal for the list to include wasps/hornets, mosquitos, spiders, ants, and ticks. Obviously, some of these pests are a lot more bothersome and even dangerous than others. No matter what kind of pest you are dealing with, they can really put a damper on how much you’re able to enjoy the outdoors.

For some people, it’s not even about the insects being pesky; it has to do more with a fear factor. Arachnophobia is a very real phobia. A fear of spiders can leave a person paralyzed and afraid to move, let alone go outside and enjoy nature. Just a couple of years ago, it was announced that Chicago now has flying spiders, as discussed on That realization struck a whole new chord of fear in those who can’t bear to be around spiders.

Use a Fan Outdoors

When it comes to driving pesky insects away, you may want to consider investing in an outdoor fan. This works especially well on mosquitos, which are tiny and not very powerful. The fan will drive them right away, and at the same time, you’ll benefit from the cool air it creates. Opt for an oscillating fan for the most benefit since it will cover greater square footage.

Grow Plants that Drive Away Pests

Did you know that that there are certain plants that are known to drive away insects? Plants such as marigolds, garlic, lemongrass, lemon balm, rosemary, and mint, all do an excellent job at warding off certain insects.

Invest in a Screened in Gazebo

Nowadays, there is no shortage of gazebos on the market in a variety of sizes, styles, and price points. Many of them come with screens that can be zippered closed or opened up. The screen allows for maximum airflow but will keep the insects out.

Get Rid of Any Standing Water

You can also help to deter insects from hanging around your yard by making sure there is no standing water. Bird baths can be the biggest culprit when it comes to mosquito breeding grounds.

Enjoy the Outdoors to the Fullest

When you combine these tips, you’ll be ensuring that your yard is as pest-free as possible, allowing you to enjoy the outdoors to the fullest.

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Set Yourself Up for the Future

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The future is a scary place, but you have to learn to accept it. There’s no going back or staying in one place. If you want to feel more comfortable with the passage of time, creating a plan for your future can help you a lot. Set yourself up for the future you want, so you know where you’re going.

Create a Life Plan

Creating a plan for the rest of your life might be a little ambitious. However, a lot of people think about what they want to do with the next five or ten years of their life. Sitting down to set some goals and then some smaller objectives is a smart idea.

Decide What Matters to You Most

Everyone has different priorities in life. For some, it’s having a family. For others, it’s earning a lot of money or enjoying their career. Whatever makes you tick, decide what matters most and how to get what you want.

Think About Your Finances

Even if you want to spend the rest of your life doing good for others or traveling the world, money is important. You at least need enough to support yourself while you do whatever it is you want to do. So it’s essential to think about your finances of the future.

Complete Your Education

A good education can set you up for a bright future. If you want to have a bright future ahead of you, getting to a level of education that you’re comfortable with will help you. Choosing the right things to study is an important part of your education.

Infographic On How to Choose an Online Graduate Degree

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