Top Tips For New Moms

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Whether you are having your first baby or welcoming another addition to your family, it’s hard work being a mom – especially now you are going to be looking after your newborn. A lack of sleep, feeling tired, stressed, overwhelmed and cranky, will see your mood swings change and hormones soar. It may be hard working bringing home a newborn, and it may be overwhelming at first. However, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy those magical first few months. It’s crucial that you look after yourself and your baby if you want to keep you both in the best of health. Keep these top tips to hand, and you’re sure to enjoy motherhood.

Get the nursery ready

It’s going to be near impossible to get the nursery ready or finish any painting around the house once the baby arrives, so make sure that you take time to get prepped and prepared during your last few weeks of pregnancy. If that isn’t the case, and you are feeling a little lost, then worry not. There are a few quick fixes that you can use. First and foremost, make sure that the heating and lighting is right for your baby – too hot or too cold could cause colds and infections to spread. Next, stock up on diapers, you can never have enough! Finally, make sure that you invest in a crib that supports your baby. Sites such as provide reviews and information to help you choose the best option for you.

Sleep when you can

It might sound obvious, but once you are looking after your newborn, you are going to seriously struggle to get enough shuteye. If you are going to have enough energy to deal with the ups and downs of becoming a mom, then you might want to adopt a different approach to resting. You need to try and opt for quality downtime, over the actual number of hours that you sleep. Try booking a spa day, going for a gentle walk with your baby and even attending a Yoga class to help you rest and have a change of scenery.

Follow your gut

It’s a tough call being a new mom, especially if you don’t have any family or relatives nearby to help lend a hand with childcare. However, make sure that you aren’t too hard on yourself. If you can’t get your baby to settle, or find it hard to leave your baby when they are crying, then trust your gut to choose the right solution for your child. Remember, when it comes to childcare, every infant is different. So, what your mother or female relatives suggest, might not always work.

It’s hard work being a mom, especially if you are a new mom learning how to look after your first baby. However, make sure that you prepare your nursery, catch up on sleep and follow your gut if you have to deal with any tantrums or teething worries. Most importantly, however, make sure you enjoy the magic of motherhood!

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