Archives for July 2017

Independent Living in Old Age: How it Can be Possible for You

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Entering retirement is your chance to relax and take things easy. And that doesn’t have to mean losing your independence. Even if you have health conditions or problems, you can live independently if you take the right steps and are realistic about your circumstances. Here’s how it can be possible for you.

Make the Right Adaptations to Your Home

Making small but meaningful changes to your home can make it much better suited to you and your way of living. Just because you occasionally have a bit of trouble with your hip, that doesn’t mean that you should lose your independence. Everything from hand rails to stair lifts can make a difference. And putting these things in place can be the best investment to make to your home if you want to remain independent and in your own home for a long time to come. So, it’s definitely something worth considering.

Get the Assistance You Need

Living independently does not mean rejecting all help and assistance. If you need assistance with basic things around the house, or some basic care needs, then make sure you get these covered. The right assistance will not take away your independence. Instead, it will enhance it, and make you more likely to be able to remain independent for longer. That’s something that clearly matters a lot, and it should not be underestimated. It could be a good idea to find a in home care agency that suits your needs and preferences if you do have care requirements. There is no need to rush into a decision either.

Move to a More Suitable Home and Location if Necessary

It might also be a good idea to move to a more suitable location. It might be somewhere that’s closer to friends and family members. It’s so much easier to live independently when you don’t feel isolated and shut off from those around you. The suitability of the home should also be thought about. Bungalows are much better suited to people who have problems with mobility. So, give this some thought too. You should think about these things as soon as possible so you can get the right arrangements in place swiftly and smoothly. It’ll be much easier on you that way.

Know Your Limits and Live Accordingly

Everyone is different, and you will have your own limits. You shouldn’t demand too much of yourself if you’re going to be living independently in old age. There are some things that you might not be able to do alone, and there is nothing at all wrong with that. It’s much better to just accept your limitations and find help with them or ways around them. It’s not about admitting defeat or showing weakness. Instead, it’s about making sure that you can live safely and securely without experiencing problems.

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No one likes the idea of losing their independence as they get older, but luckily it doesn’t need to happen. Make sure you use the advice above to stay independent for longer.

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How to Protect Your Home From Burglary

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So, you just bought a house in a lovely neighbourhood last year, but suddenly the crime rates have gone up. It may just have been one isolated incident, but that won’t stop you worrying about protecting your own home and family. Fortunately, there are a plenty of things you can do to avoid being a victim of burglary. Here are simple ideas you can think about when you want to keep your property safe.

Take a Walk Outside

It can often help to see things from a burglar’s perspective. Talk a walk around the outside of your home and try and spot any weaknesses. Where would a burglar most likely be able to get in? Do you have any broken windows, doors? Could a burglar easily climb to the next floor to get in an open window? By knowing your homes weaknesses, you’ll be one step ahead of any potential intruder.


Keep Your Gardens Tidy

For a burglar to notice the perfect time and place for entering a house unnoticed, they’d have to do their research. It’s not unheard of for burglars to hide in shrubbery or trees in gardens to monitor their victim’s routines. If a burglar was found in your home, your messy garden could be the best place to run and hide so he isn’t caught, only leaving when the coast was clear. Keep your garden clear so no-one has the potential to hide there.

Build a Fence

Building a fence around your home means that potential burglars have less opportunity to see into your property. The more privacy you have, the less tempting your home becomes to burglars because they can’t plan their entrance and exit as well as they would in an open view house. It’s also harder to climb a tall fence than it is to climb through a ground floor window.


If you’re really concerned about the threat of burglary, there are precautions you can take to make you and your family feel safer. For example, have a look at the best home security camera system for your property. You can also install sound or motion detectors that switch on a light whenever something is detected. If you have valuables in the home that you want to keep locked away, you could consider investing in a safe.


Don’t Leave Items on Show

One of the biggest temptations for burglars is seeing something as an easy target. For example, if you leave your car keys on a windowsill, why shouldn’t a burglar attempt to steal them and your car? Keep keys, jewellery and other expensive items out of sight. That includes garden items, such as barbeques and lawn mowers. It’s surprisingly easy for burglars to make a quick bit of money by stealing things you’ve left outside.

Know Your Neighbours

Your neighbours could be all the difference when it comes to stopping your home from burgled. If the spot something suspicious, neighbours you’re friendly with will attempt to stop it or call you straight away.


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3 Ways To Freshen Up Your House

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Freshening your house up can be a difficult task, purely because it’s hard to decide what to do! What new item do you put into your house to improve your standard of living, a lot of people don’t know the answer to that question. Thankfully, here is a list of the 3 best ways to put a little bit of life back into your house to make it better for everyone.

Install A Skylight

Skylights are the next big thing in making your house a bright place to be. The drawback with skylights is that it can only be done in a room with a roof, you can’t do it through a ceiling so before you plan anything to make sure it can actually be done! Skylights are windows that are installed on the top of a room to let more light in, which can have a staggering effect on the room. By allowing much more light in, the whole room in question brightens up, giving it a completely different look! This is especially true for rooms that are relatively dark. Companies like Veluxa sell and offer installation services, so you can find something perfect for you!

Get An Air Purifier

Air purifiers are one of the best ways to give your home a freshen up without actually changing anything about it! Air purifiers are small units that do exactly that. Using a small amount of suction, they are able to run all of the air in a room through a filter, taking out all of the dust, odours and microbes that might be flying around! The effect of this is immediately noticeable, websites like sell a wide variety of air purifiers, so you can find one that suits you! Not only does it make your house fresher, it also has health benefits by making purer air for you to breathe because it takes out any nasty microbes or germs that might be lingering in the air! They can also prevent things like mold too, so it’s definitely worth investing.

Hang Up Some Paintings

Paintings can really change the dynamic of a room. Instead of staring at a blank, empty wall, wouldn’t you rather be looking at something engaging instead? This is where the paintings come in, or even a family photo printed on a canvas! Often rooms look boring because there isn’t a lot going on, so by adding a painting you eliminate the boringness! Companies like Novica sell a plethora of paintings, prints and actual paintings, all you need to do is find the right one for you, stick some nails in the wall and hang it up! Do make sure that the painting won’t drown out the wall you’re putting it on though, always measure before you buy so you can see how large it will look on your wall.

Any of these 3 things are certain to make your house a fresher place, whether it’s making the air cleaner to breathe creating a much lighter atmosphere throughout the house, or if it’s installing some skylights to, quite literally, brighten up a room, you can do virtually anything! If you’re looking for some things to do that will increase your quality of life, read this.


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Top Places to Sharpen Up Your DIY Skills

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Learning how to do some DIY and home improvements are highly desirable skills for many people. But many people, particularly young people, no longer have the same level of handiness of their parents or grandparents. There are various places that you can go to improve your skills so you are able to undertake some jobs yourself. As well as being much more affordable than calling in the professionals every time you have an issue, there is a great sense of satisfaction to be gained from completing jobs yourself. So, let’s take a look at the top places that you can go to sharpen up your DIY skills.

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Your Local Hardware Store

Many hardware stores offer classes that allow you to improve your DIY skills by listening to the experts first-hand. Even if they just give you the basics, this is a good starting point if you have never done anything like this before. When it comes to buying equipment, they can also give you advice depending on what sort of jobs you are looking to undertake. It is in the interest of these stores to provide you with advice so they are always good places to go.

The Internet

The internet has made a whole host of information much more readily available. As well as step-by-step guides, there are also plenty of video tutorials that take you through all kinds of tasks. It is extremely helpful to watch someone doing the job before you actually try it yourself. When it comes to power tools, you can check out for a comprehensive guide. It is worth getting as much information as you can if you are attempting a job that you are not too familiar with.

Working with Friends and Family

If you have friends and family who are particularly skilled at DIY and home improvement, you can work alongside them to complete some jobs and get some first-hand experience. Even if you just start off as an assistant, you can watch them complete certain jobs first-hand and then attempt them yourself when you feel more comfortable. There is nothing like getting some real life experience for helping you to become more confident. However, make sure you are learning from someone who knows what they are doing as you don’t want to learn jobs the wrong way!

Volunteer on Home Building Projects

Another good place where you can learn some valuable skills is to volunteer on a home building project. Sometimes, you will find yourself building a home from scratch, while other times you will be working in the interior. As well as learning some valuable skills yourself, you are also doing something that is positive for your community. The people who are leading the project need to show you how to complete the jobs well so that everything is safe. This means that you will be learning skills the right way and can bring them back to your own home.



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7 Gadgets That Will Reduce Energy Waste AND Save You Money

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There are some things we don’t mind paying a little extra for. That extra-safe car seat for our kids, that super-delicious chocolate made from Ecuadorian cocoa, the premium gas that will help keep the car running smoothly. But there’s one thing that it makes absolutely no sense to pay over the odds for… Energy. With fluctuating energy prices and the environmental cost of energy becoming an increasingly worrisome issue we all want to save a little money and help to make the world a better place by making our homes more energy efficient, but many of us don’t realize just how easy it is.

The truth is that our homes don’t need pricey and disruptive renovations to cut energy waste. The consumer technology industry is waking up to the surge of demand for products to make our homes greener without compromising on style or ease of use. Making your home more energy (and cost) efficient needn’t be a case of installing solar panels or replacing your doors and windows. In many cases, it’s simply an issue of deploying some super cool energy efficient gadgets that will scythe down your energy bills while still keeping your home beautiful.

In this post, we’ll have a look over some of the most energy efficient, easy to use gadgets that’ll reduce your household energy waste without breaking the bank.

Light up your home with energy saving bulbs

When it comes to cost effective gadgets to help save energy and money; energy saving LED light bulbs are one of the best possible places to start. Old fashioned incandescent bulbs maybe cheap and disposable, but you’d be astonished at the amount of energy you’re wasting. Incandescent bulbs are only 10% efficient since they work by super heating a filament inside the glass, producing heat and light at a ratio of 9:1. This means that 90% of the energy produced is in the form of heat, and only 10% of that energy is used on light.That’s inefficient by anyone’s standards!

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Until recently, incandescent bulbs were far easier to come by than their money saving counterparts but the market is now chock full of LED (light emitting diode) and CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) bulbs that are as energy efficient as they are beautiful and versatile! Those only familiar with the early ‘corkscrew’ design of CFL bulbs may be surprised by how much energy efficient bulbs have changed over the years. Check out Pretty Handy Girl’s top 12 energy saving bulbs for a true understanding of the style and diversity on offer.

LED lights are made hugely versatile by their small size and light weight, allowing for a huge range of designs. Some of them even incorporate bluetooth speakers for those who like a little music with their light.

Take control of your energy usage with smart plugs

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The humble wall plug has been successfully diverting power from your wall to your appliance for decades. After all these years plugs grew bored and felt like maybe they weren’t living up to their full potential. If only there was some higher calling that could enable them to do something more.

But then, those humdrum wall plugs got smart!

The integration of digital technology to our little friends now enables us to view the energy we use and keep an eye on our energy costs in real time with smart plugs. Smart plugs have been on the market for some time now with a range to suit every budget.

The Smart Future has a useful breakdown on the types of smart plugs available, including prices. While smart plugs are a great way to see and manage your energy expenditure, that’s really just the tip of the iceberg. Pairing them with a mobile app not only allows you access to your energy expenditure, you can control your plugs through the app meaning that you don’t needn’t ever have to make the arduous journey to the socket to switch your appliances on or off ever again.

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Take a shower with the “Green Warrior”

The shower is where we reinvigorate at the start of the day and where we go to unwind at the day’s end… But it’s also where we waste a whole lot of water and energy. The average American family uses a staggering 40 gallons of water per day in the shower. The water that’s wasted is ‘energy rich’ having been heated, making it doubly wasteful. To prevent excessive waste experts recommend that you shower for no more than 4 minutes. But who’s going to take a stopwatch into the shower?

That’s where the Green Warrior shower curtain comes in. This innocuous looking plastic shower curtain is covered with inflatable ‘spikes’ that will ensure that your shower stays at exactly the 4 minute mark by inflating to their full length in that time, essentially kicking your soapy butt out of there.

You can double up on your energy efficiency (and style) with a smart shower head.

Coming soon: The ‘Fitbit’ of carbon footprint management

As digital technology becomes smaller and more durable, it has precipitated a rise in wearable technology. If you’re someone who wears a fitbit to monitor your calorie consumption, heart rate, sleeping time and amount of steps taken per day then you’ll know how useful it can be in plotting your course to a new, healthier you.

That’s why UK based design firm Layer have applied this principle to energy management. As of 2015 they have been working with The Carbon Trust to create Worldbeing; a similar device to measure your energy consumption and calculate your carbon footprint.

Cut down on heat waste with SmartZone

If your home is heated by a central thermostat then you’ve probably never stopped to consider the inherent wastefulness of heating the whole house if you and your family are only using one or two rooms? But think about it! You wouldn’t have a single light switch control every bulb in the house, so why pay to heat rooms and areas of the house which are sitting there unused with just one thermostat?

Well, you need tolerate this waste no longer! SmartZone allows you to prevent this by cerating different zones throughout your home, each with its own thermostat affording you greater control over your home’s temperature, staying warm and cool where you need to without wasting money heating empty rooms.

Multiple thermostats even allows you to avoid the inherent discrepancy between the reported temperature and actual temperature that would be unavoidable with a single thermostat. In some cases that discrepancy can be up to 10 degrees. Now that’s a lot of wasted heat. Check out for more information on creating the zoning system, that’s not only easy to use and instal but sleek and unobtrusive with a simple digital interface.

Give your radiators a boost

Your radiators radiate heat… or at least they should. The problem is that the concept of the radiator is fundamentally flawed. The fact is that only 20% of the heat produced is actually radiated. The rest is lost upwardly through convection. This is compounded by the fact that pretty much all radiators are set up against a wall. The problem with this is that more or less all  of the heat that comes off the back of them is absorbed by the supporting wall, creating even further wastage.

Radiator boosters are an inexpensive and ingeniously simple way to combat this waste by sitting atop your radiator, drawing and redirecting the hot air that is produced through convection and (that’s right) radiating it outward. They activate when the radiator’s temperature reaches an optimal temperature of 86ºF (30ºC). At this point, the booster’s fans kick in, redirecting the heat that would otherwise have been wasted, meaning that you and your family get to enjoy the added warmth rather than wasting it on the wall.

They’re an inexpensive gadget that could save you hundreds of dollars a year. No, really! In a 2009 study conducted by the UK’s Energy Saving Trust, it was revealed that users were able to turn down their thermostats by an average of 1- 3 degrees Celsius while still remaining at the desired temperature. This resulted in energy cost savings of about £140 ($220) per year. Not bad for a device that costs less than 50 cents a year to run!

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Never pay to charge your devices again, with the Freeloader

Most of us in the digital age are dependent on some form of mobile device for work, study or just  to keep us connected with the rest of the world. WHile we take them with us wherever we go, we invariably shoulder the cost of charging them up at home? Why, when they’re in direct contact with the most abundant energy source in the universe… the sun? That was the logic behind the inception of the Freeloader. It allows you to charge a range of devices in any weather due to its solar panel and multitude of attachment arms. In fact, its solar charged battery is so efficient that you can run two devices from it at once.


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Best 3 Gadgets To Have In Your Car!

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Cars are the main way we get around in the 21st century, for some of us they are just a means to an end, and for others they can be a labour of love, a reflection of the self! But regardless of your interest in cars, there are 3 things that every car must have in order to make your journies just that extra bit easier!

A Phone Compatible Radio

All of us listen to music, it can make the time fly if you’re relaxing, get you excited for something or simply entertain you whenever you’re listening to it. Most of our music nowadays is stored on our phones, but unfortunately a lot of car radios don’t have any way of linking to your phone! This can be a problem if you want to listen to your music but the radio stations aren’t playing it! Websites like BestBuy sell a plethora of bluetooth and auxiliary input radios, meaning that you can link or plug your phone into the radio, turn on your music and enjoy it in your car!

A SatNav

SatNav is a shorthand version of Satellite Navigation, and is one of the best things to have in your car. Gone are the days of using maps or direction printouts, satnavs determine your position via GPS and are able to guide you along the right roads to get to your destination! They imitate the roads on their screen and have some form of signalling, usually an arrow, to show you the correct direction to go. Companies like TomTom offer these handy pieces of technology for a small price, it’s recommended that if you’re going anywhere you don’t know you get one of these to ensure that you don’t get lost!

An Air Purifier

People often think that the only use for an air purifier is for people who smoke in cars, but this is completely wrong! Air purifiers can be used in any car for any reason, it takes all of the odour out of the air and stores it within itself, all you need to do is empty the filter when you’ve finished with it! Websites like have great suggestions for which air purifier to get for you car, and even larger ones for you home if you need one, the only difference is the size! It can offer you a much better quality of life, if you’re looking for more ways to improve it, check this out.

Using any one of these things can improve your car experience tenfold, you can listen to your own music to pass the time better or to just have more fun when you’re driving, a satellite navigation unit will mean that you never have to worry about getting lost again (unless you forget to charge it!) and an air purifier will mean that your car smells lovely and fresh every time you step inside it, you need to remember to keep that charged too! All of these things are relatively cheap too, so you should definitely try them out!

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How Teens Grow Into Healthy Adults

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Habits are formed when we’re young, which is why most adults who started smoking or binge drinking at a young age have a more difficult time quitting as they get older. The best way to grow a happy and healthy adult is to start with a healthy and happy teenager. However, this might not be as easy as it sounds; these days, junk food is freely available, and often cheaper than nutritious meals. New gadgets are being released yearly, which means they’re more likely to stay indoors playing with them all weekend. Not to mention the workload that keeps stacking up, and the pressure to get into good schools. It’s easy to see the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle in a teenager’s weight and on their skin. But if they cultivate good habits now, these teenagers could all grow up to be healthy adults.

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Don’t smoke, drink, or do drugs

Everything you do when you’re young can catch up to you when you’re older. Therefore, if you start smoking as a teenager, you’re more likely to have cancer, heart disease, or a stroke as an adult. Binge drinking before you reach the legal drinking age can increase your chances of getting liver disease or developing problems with alcohol. Taking any drugs will impact your health, but they will do more damage if you take them young. You might not want to have these conversations with your kids, but the best way to keep them safe is to encourage dialogue about these taboo topics. Avoiding them altogether means that your child is less likely to seek out help if they have a problem down the road. Don’t shy away from your own history, but make it clear why you don’t want your children to follow in your example. There are plenty of tips for talking to teens about these issues, but you will have to find a method that works for you. Don’t just trust their school to cover these subjects for you; they don’t know your child as well as you do, and you have a better chance of getting through to them.

Safe sex

No parent wants to think about their kids having intercourse, but the truth is that it’s going to happen eventually whether you like it or not. If you want them to avoid any unpleasant surprises like pregnancies or STDs, then you need to sit down with them and have a mature discussion. Most teenagers get confusing second-hand information from their peers or older siblings, so many of them might be grateful for their parents or other trusted adults taking the time to talk about it, even if they might be embarrassed about it at first.  However you bring up the topic of sex and relationships, listen to what your teenager has to say and use this to let the conversation develop. If they talk about STDs then you can both check out information at to learn more. If they mention condoms or birth control pills, then make sure they know why it’s important to use them, where to get them and how to use them. Having this conversation with your teenager won’t give them a green light to have sex, but it will teach them to be smart and safe when the time comes.

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Diet and exercise

Of all the habits that are toughest to form, diet and exercise are at the top of the list, and they are also the most essential. Teenagers require greater amounts of nutrition because this is when they do most of their growing. A healthy diet equals a healthy teenager. However, eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to stuff your face with spinach and lettuce every day (although leafy greens are rich in fiber, Vitamin C, and can reduce the risk of cancer). Cheese, lean meats, and even dark chocolate can all keep you healthy and energized. They’ll also be thrilled to learn that PB&J sandwiches are an acceptable study snack, because peanuts and peanut butter are a good source of vitamin E, a potent antioxidant that protects nervous membranes, and thiamin to help the brain and nervous system use glucose for energy.

Keeping fit is not just good for the body, but it can also increase the effectiveness of studying. Exercise creates many chemicals for the brain that help motivation, focus and alertness which are all key to being a good student, especially around exam time and finals. Exercise also decreases stress hormones and chemicals like cortisol that can interfere with learning and overall health. Fortunately, they don’t have to join a gym to get their regular exercise; just encourage your teenager to join a sports club at school by saying it will look good on a college application.

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Plenty of sleep

Parents may wish their children would get out of bed earlier on weekends, but the average teenager actually needs between nine and ten hours of sleep per night to function well in the mornings, particularly during school terms. You can read more about the studies done into teenagers and sleep at to get a better idea of how you can help your child get the sleep they need. There is a link between tiredness and anxiety levels, as emotional stability is improved when you are fully rested. Studies have shown a link between insomnia and depression, as the brain requires plenty of rest to be able to manage emotions correctly. Additionally, sleep is good for teenagers because when you’re dreaming, your brain puts your thoughts and experiences into the right ‘boxes’, so that they can be easily accessed. So, if they’re trying to retain information for a test, getting a good night’s sleep is the best study aid available. Sleep is as important for brain function as water and a good diet, therefore staying up all night to work on a project or finish off an essay isn’t going to do much to help your teen’s grades.  


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The Top Benefits of Living in Another Country

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Many people each year take the bold step to leave their home and start a new adventure in another country. There can be many reasons why someone would choose to begin again somewhere else, but many find the idea an irresistible challenge.

However, what is the benefits of moving to another part of the world? What can you gain from it that you won’t get at home?

Personal Development

Experiencing life in another country doesn’t just develop you as a person, but also in your work and home life. If you have skills that you can take with you, then these may be in high demand in your new home. In fact, some sectors actively recruit from abroad to fill a skills gap in their country.

As well as employment, there are also benefits for your children’s education. They will learn a different way of living and appreciate other cultures. There will be other opportunities for them as well, such as scholarships and apprenticeships. One such opportunity is who offer scholarships for athletes.

Improve Language and Communication

Living in another country can be difficult when it comes to the language. It takes longer to learn a new language, especially as you get older, but, there are positives. The benefit of living in the country you are learning the language of, is that you are immersed in the whole culture. You will learn to be conversational and recognise local dialect much faster, and become a more natural speaker.

In return, there may be opportunities for you to teach your first language to others so that they too can get the benefit of being bilingual.

Living in a New Culture

Part of living in another country is understanding and embracing the local culture. You will have to learn new ways of social activity and celebrations, as well as local customs and behaviour.

It can all be of enormous benefit to you and your family because it opens your minds to other ways of living and understanding. You may also learn things that you will want to adopt for yourself.

Making New Friends

The most important part of living somewhere new is making friends. The language barrier may limit this at first, but soon, you will be able to meet new people and understand what they say. In fact, you may meet someone who will become your new best friend, and be able to mix with other locals.

For children, making new friends is also important. At school, they will be able to understand new ways of learning and the local customs. It will also help them to learn the language much faster if they have friends who can help them.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you should forget about your old friends back home, and having someone you can go home to visit has its own benefits.

Learning to live in another country is a big step, but, if you are open to new ways and willing to learn new cultures, then you should have no problems.


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Back to School Savings Made Easy WIth Groupon Coupons

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This is a sponsored post written on behalf of Groupon Coupons but all opinions are 100% my own.

I feel like the summer just started but I blinked my eyes and it’s almost back to school time already. And with back to school time comes all those back to school expenses- school supplies, backpacks, lunchboxes, school clothes, and since my girls have been living in flip flops all summer, they both need new sneakers and school shoes, too. But I have discovered a great way to save money and still shop at our favorite stores. Did you know that Groupon, the site that many of us love for discounted vouchers to our favorite places and deals on all sorts of goods, also has coupons for your favorite stores?  Target, Microsoft, WalmartBarnes and Noble, Aeropostale and tons of other stores have free coupons listed on right on Groupon Coupons. Groupon offers 70,000 deals on over 9,000 retailers and they also offer tons of coupons for favorite retailers, too! I love using Groupon to save money. I don’t know about you but, if there is a chance for me to save some cash I am taking it. I have searched the internet for the best deals and when it comes to saving money, Groupon is where it is at! At this very moment Groupon is even offering 25% off your first Groupon with code WELCOME at check out. Deals on top of deals? It doesn’t get any better than that.
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This is usually an expensive time of year with everything my girls need to go back to school but I love all the deals I can score at Office Depot. They always have items for $1, $.25, and even $.01!!! I LOVE those deals. I stock up on school supplies to fulfill my girls’ supply lists and keep my house stocked for supplies all year long. But I also love stocking up so I can donate supplies to my girls’ teachers as well as kids in need. And now I can find all those great deals and coupons for Office Depot on Groupon Coupons. Right now there are a whopping 33 Office Depot coupons on Groupon. Cheap pencils, erasers, markers, and folders, here I come! What are your favorite ways to save during back to school time?
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Dealing With The Harsh Effects Of Aging

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Aging is something that’s unavoidable. That might seem like an obvious statement, but most of us are in denial even if we won’t say so out loud. Perhaps your denial manifests itself through cringe-worthy attempts at sporting the latest fashion trends, listening to the newest music, or simply acting as if you’re twenty years younger.

There’s nothing wrong at all with striving to be younger than you are in terms of mentality and energy, but you also shouldn’t ignore the truth of your age. Embrace it. Embrace aging, and do all you can to turn it into a positive thing. You should live life as if you’re young because, in a sense, that can help your body and mind to age backward, but you also might want to deal with the consequences of aging in other ways. Here are some tips.

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Your skin.

Your skin will wrinkle and sag with old age. There are things that can be done to delay this process, such as surgery and creams, but it’s almost better to come to terms with the effect of aging; there’s only so far that our tampering can take us. Many of the methods to reverse the aging process of the skin or disguise it don’t work as well as they promise, so it’s important to do a little research into anti-aging products before you blow all of your money on them.

Alpha-hydroxy acids such as citric acids, for example, can help to tighten and brighten the skin, but they can also increase stinging and sensitivity to the sun. Meanwhile, other ingredients in anti-aging products, such as antioxidants, provide a lot of benefit inside our body (vitamins C and E), but it’s debatable as to whether they can do anything for the top layer of our skin. Try out these methods if you want to, by all means, but don’t expect miracles. It’s better to simply embrace your aging and feel beautiful no matter how old you are.

Your aches and pains.

An unfortunate problem with growing older is the rise of regular aches and pains, but it’s not a problem that’s entirely unsolvable. Pain relievers and other medication that you might take will help dull the pain on an instant basis, of course, but there are other ways to help your body feel more relaxed and comfortable on a long-term basis. You might want to try meditative techniques such as yoga because there’s really a lot to be said for relaxing the mind in order to relax the body. The less tight your muscles feel, and the more you draw your thoughts away from painful jolts through your nerve endings, the more those aches and pains will start to feel less pressing and immediate.

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Your hearing.

Your ears aren’t going to work as well as they used to as you get older, much like all aspects of the body; it’s something we all gradually go through. Still, there are things you can do to better look after your ears (again, much like any aspect of your body). A good piece of advice is to stick to safe volumes on TVs or any sort of music-player you might use. It’s tempting to turn up the volume as your hearing deteriorates, but this will only damage your hearing further, causing you to have to gradually turn the volume higher and higher on devices. Imagine having perfect hearing and listening to something at a loud volume; you’d feel how damaging it was to your eardrums, but it’s still just as damaging even if you can’t hear clearly.

Of course, we can’t always control the volume of our environment. If you frequently go to concerts or other big live events with a lot of loud sounds then you might want to get yourself some earplugs to help protect yourself from some of the chaotic cacophony of noise. These are all preventative methods, but they’re still useful even if you’ve suffered some degree of hearing loss already. You’ll probably also want to consider a hearing aid amplifier, of course, because your hearing will likely still deteriorate even if you’re incredibly careful with how you treat your precious ears. There’s only so much you can do to hold off the effects of aging, as has been repeated throughout this article. All you can do is look after yourself to the best of your ability.

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Your family.

It’s important to listen to your children. Old habits rarely die, and you might still find yourself in a position of telling them that you know best, but they’re probably middle-aged (or nearing that age) by this point. You have to accept that they might be offering you very sound and helpful advice; in a few decades, they might be the sole voice of reason in your life because age often leads us to become more difficult. Listen, and you’ll be listened to. Treat your child like an adult if they’ve become one, and they’ll give you the same courtesy.

Your mind.

Often, your greatest enemy in old age is your mind. You might work hard to keep physically fit and eat well (both of which do wonders to keep the brain healthy), but age has a way of deteriorating our minds to the point of struggling to make connections in the way they used to. Depression is a common mental health problem in older adults, and it’s all a result of the general deterioration of the mind. It’s important that you have a strong support network to help you get through the issues that affect your mind.

Your family will do a great deal to help you if you just ask them, of course, but there are options in terms of professional help. You could always talk to somebody about your worries in order to try to find some level ground. There is a multitude of reasons as to why your mind struggles as it ages, and many of them are a result of nature running its course, but some of them are to do with your struggle with the effect of aging in itself.

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