Archives for August 2016

New House Rules: Things To Do As Soon As You Move In

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Moving into a new house is both exciting and stressful. You’re about to create a new life in a living space you have chosen with care. But that first couple of weeks can be a little tricky to navigate. Different floorboards creak, you don’t know the best takeaway places, and you can’t get the hot water to the right temperature. Finding your feet is all part of the fun, but it can be frustrating to start with. Here are some suggestions on making that move a little more fluid.
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Stock The Larder

Your old home probably had all the larder essentials stocked up over a few months. If you emptied your kitchen before the move, you’ll need to re stock straight away. There’s nothing worse than wanting to bake a cake and realizing you don’t have any flour. Or wanting ketchup with your fries and finding out you haven’t got any. Stocking up on basic supplies straight away will nip cooking frustrations in the bud. Essential to remember are:

Limes and lemons
Parmesan cheese
Spaghetti and other pasta
Virgin olive oil
Soy Sauce
Garlic and ginger
Maple syrup
Cooking sauces

Install A Home Security and Alarm System

For your peace of mind install a new home security system or burglar alarm as soon as you move in. Choose the latest technology to protect your belongings and you’ll sleep better at night and when you take a vacation. Statistics prove that alarm systems are effective. They are a proven deterrent of burglars and create a safer environment both in your home and your neighborhood.  

Install Smoke, Fire And Carbon Monoxide Alarms

You will also want to install a smoke and fire alarm and a carbon monoxide detector. Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless killer in homes, and it’s simply not worth the risk. A smoke alarm will detect any high levels of smoke in your house, and a fire alarm detects fire and has the added benefit of sprinklers. Both a smoke and fire alarm are equally essential.

Make Friends With The Neighbors

Get to know your neighbors. Call in and introduce yourself or invite neighbors over for a housewarming party. Knowing your neighbors creates a safe community in which you all look out for each other. It’s a great way for children and adults alike to make new friends. And you never know when you might need to borrow some coffee!

Business people-showing teamwork

Business people-showing teamwork

Image source: Flickr

Connect Your Internet Before You Move In

We might think we can live without it, but when the Internet isn’t connected, we often feel frustrated. Try and arrange your Internet connection a few weeks before you move. It can take up to three weeks to get connected. If you have children, you’ll feel their wrath if this task is left until the last minute.

Change The Locks And Get Spare Keys Cut

For security measures, change your locks as soon as you move in and get spare keys cut. You have no idea who has been given spare keys with the current lock. It could be neighbors and friends, but equally, it could be builders, nannies and cleaners. This is also a great time to get better locks.

Once all these essentials are out of the way, it’s time to start decorating your perfect new home!


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The Right Way To Show Your Kids The Great Outdoors

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Now that we’re getting into August, a lot of parents are scrambling to make the most of the remaining summer. If your kids are part of that generation who are determined to experience the world through a screen, then you may want to show them what the great outdoors is all about. Your first camping trip with your kids can be wonderful, but you need to put some time into planning. Here are some important tips to take with you.

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First of all, try to keep it simple. When you were young, you may have gone camping and fishing all the time, and still retain everything you know about it. However, your kids are likely a different story. To make it as enjoyable as possible for everyone involved, I recommend that you don’t do anything too ambitious. Choose a camp ground which isn’t too far from home, with all the nearby facilities you could need if things go wrong. If you really wanted to guarantee their comfort on the trip, then you may even want to buy a motorhome from a lot like RV Center. You may have a vision of getting into some real wilderness miles from any civilization. While this could also be a great trip, it’s better to build your kids up to it in baby steps!

When you make it out to your spot, be sure to get your kids involved. If you’re a parent, then you’re certain to be familiar with that tired, drawn-out whinge of “I’m bored!”. Without the constant stimulus from their smartphones and tablets, it’s fairly likely that you’re going to hear this at some point during the trip. The idea is to spark a life-long love of camping and the outdoors in your children, right? I know it may feel slightly nerve-wracking, but getting your kids involved in everything is the best way to do this. Show them how to pitch a tent, find the best firewood, and generally get their bearings at a new campsite. If your kids are old enough, you may even want to get them in on building a great fire and cooking over it.

Finally, plan some activities. Again, most kids aren’t happy with simply sitting around a campfire, soaking in nature and getting away from it all. However, you can still make the great outdoors exciting for them by planning some fun activities throughout your trip. If your kids are particularly crafty or creative, then bring some yarn down, find some good sticks, and make a Mexican god’s eye. Tell some campfire stories, just make sure you don’t give them any nightmares! During the day, do some of the traditional outdoors things like fishing or swimming. If you’re not camping on too tight of a budget, you might want to hire a canoe or some kayaks from places like Up a Creek. Even if all you do is capsize, you’re sure to have some fun!

Tech can do some amazing things, but it’s still possible to show your kids how beautiful the great outdoors is!


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Stop The Arguing! The Art of Persuading Your Child To Brush Their Teeth

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Every parent goes through the same arguments with their child every night. Yes, you do have to have a bedtime. Yes, you do have to have a bath and brush your hair. And then the big one that everyone dreads: yes, you have to brush your teeth. And while we’re at it, no, running a bit of cold water over your gums doesn’t constitute a proper tooth brushing.

Every parent knows that this is a behavior you have to install early. Habits are learned, and the sooner you begin them, the easier they are to continue. You want to get your child associating with fresh teeth with cleanliness and good oral health as quickly as possible. This isn’t just about teeth looking good; there can be severe health ramifications to poor oral care. Unfortunately, those arguments don’t tend to fly with a child.

If you’re tired of the daily battle, then there are a few tricks you can use to make the process simpler. First and foremost, however, investigate if there could be a legitimate reason your child doesn’t want to brush their teeth.

Are You Using Appropriate Tools?

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Toothpaste that is overly-minted can be deeply uncomfortable for adults, never mind children. If your child associates brushing their teeth with a burning tongue, it’s only natural they’re going to want to avoid it. The same goes for toothbrushes. Most adults use a medium or hard brush, but this might be too much for a child to handle. Soft bristles are generally more friendly, and studies have shown they are just as effective.

Child toothpaste does exist, in more attractive-sounding flavors like strawberry. Unfortunately, they’re also packed with sugar- the exact thing you want to keep away from teeth! Look for options that use Xylitol as a sweetener- not only does it have a good taste, but it’s also good for oral health in its own right.

Are Your Child’s Teeth In A Good State To Begin With?

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As soon as milk teeth are appearing, it’s a good idea to take your child to a dentist for an examination. Regular check-ups help prevent problems before they happen, though this can be a strain on the family budget. Nevertheless, the importance can’t be underestimated. You can look to come to an agreement with your dentist or investigate insurance plans like Guardian Dental to help meet the costs. Then you can just focus on getting what’s needed, rather than going with what you can afford. You need to give a good basis to go from with at-home care.

With the above taken care of, it’s time to put on your most persuasive hat and get down to it.

Stick Over Carrot

Perhaps this more suits your parenting style, or you just generally don’t like to beat around the bush. Working this way means your child is brushing their teeth, and their thoughts on it don’t matter. You give strict instructions and supervise the process.

The upside to this is that teeth get brushed. The downside is that forcing something onto a child rarely makes them want to repeat it. There is a chance your child responds well to no-nonsense discipline like this, in which case, don’t break it if it’s not broken.

Simple Rewards For Simple Tasks

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Think of a food your child loves but that you would rather they didn’t have too often. It doesn’t need to be something sweet, and try to keep it low calorie and as healthy as possible – but it’s got to be appetizing. You’re going to teach your child how to “earn” it. Pick up some star stickers from a stationery store and create a weekly chart on some paper. After every successful tooth brushing, you give a star. At the end of the week, they’re rewarded with the Forbidden Food – and of course, have to brush right after it! Knowing their efforts are moving towards something can help.

Make It A Family Thing

Many toothpaste ads show the entire family in front of the sink brushing their teeth, but how many of us actually do that? If you make it a family, group activity, then it appeals to your child’s natural instinct for inclusion. You can even give them special tasks, like setting the two-minute timer and keeping an eye on it. That way they feel useful, and you can supervise – without it being obvious you’re doing so – from up close.

Compliment Their Teeth and Smile

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If your child is going to spend time doing this activity, they need to know it’s worth it. Every few days, take a moment to tell them how good their smile looks. “Your teeth are sparkling,” you comment, with admiration. They immediately connect the activity with the self-esteem boost. We’re all programmed to do things that earn us compliments and praise, and we’ll keep repeating them for the same excitement. By reinforcing well outside of the actual event of toothbrushing, you bring the consequences into reality. Talk to friends and family and ask them to do the same.

Get Out Of Jail Free Card

Incentives work for some children, such as the above sticker method resulting in a favorite food. For others, they’ll do anything to get out of certain tasks. If there is a household chore, you know your child hates, switch out the reward and instead make it a pass from doing that chore. One full week of stickers means they get to sit out the task the next time it needs doing. They’ll quickly learn to associate clean teeth with avoiding things they don’t want. Yes, it gives you an extra chore to pick up, but it’s worth it for a lifetime of good oral hygiene.

Finally, if you are still struggling for months on end, do see a dentist for help. There might be physical or psychological issues your child is struggling, so get them ironed out at a young age. Happy brushing!


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Take Action Right Now To Future-Proof Your Home

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When it comes to home renovations, adding value is often one of the main objectives. The idea is that making changes will make it more desirable for future buyers. But what if you don’t intend to sell? What if you intend to retire in your home one day? There are several steps you can take to future-proof your home and ensure it is secure and comfortable for the rest of your life.

  1. Fix The Roof

The first place to begin when you’re future-proofing your home is to fix the roof. The roof is one of the most important parts of your home’s structure. It protects you from the weather and keeps out the elements. If the roof isn’t right, it will have a negative impact on the rest of the property. A reputable contractor for roof replacement will install a roof that lasts for twenty to thirty years.

A new roof will also be efficient in terms of insulation. Less heat will be lost during the winter months, driving down your fuel bills. During the summer it will keep you cooler by keeping the worst of the heat away from the rest of your home. So, it makes long-term sense to get the roof right.

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  1. Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

An eco-friendly home is an efficient home. As it uses less energy, it will save you money on heat, lighting, and electricity. The following are ways you can make your home renovations greener:

  • Install solar panels to provide your electricity. Any excess energy can be sold back to the grid.
  • Use eco-friendly materials for extensions, etc.
  • Install energy-efficient windows and doors.
  • Install an energy-efficient boiler system.
  • If you’re not using the fireplace, block it to avoid losing heat through the roof.
  • Insulate the loft and wall spaces.

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  1. Make It A Smart Home

Smart technology for homes is a growing trend. It is now becoming possible to manage all aspects of your home via a smartphone and apps. This includes everything from lighting and heat to air conditioning and alarm systems.

One of the biggest advantages to smart homes is that it provides you with greater convenience. This is important now, but it will be more so as you get older. And being able to access areas of your home remotely, can help save money in the long-term. For example, if you know you’re going to be delayed a few hours, there’s no reason for your heating to be switched on. With smart technology you can switch off the heating system before arriving home.

Energy-efficiency is another reason to consider making smart changes. Features such as lights switching off when you leave the room will also save you money and make your home more comfortable.

  1. Consider Future Requirements

When making any changes, it is important to consider future requirements. You may not wish to add features like stair lifts right now. But, you may want to ensure that the new staircase you install can accommodate this in the future. Similarly, if you’re working in the garden, think about convenience. Look for ways to reduce the workload in later years.

If you don’t intend to sell your home, keep the future in mind when carrying out renovations. Instead of making changes to add value, make them to increase longevity.

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Get the Skinny on Weight Loss: How You Can Shift Those Last Few Pounds

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If you have been losing weight, it can go so well to start with. You will be feeling good, and the pounds will be dropping quickly. After a while, it is easy to become complacent. We might not be as strict with our exercise or eating. Our weight loss starts to plateau a little too. It can be most frustrating when you are nearly at your goal. There are a few things that you can do, to shift those last few pounds, though. Here are some tips and ideas to help you.


Change How You Exercise

If you are struggling to lose weight, it might be worth looking at the type of exercise you are doing. A lot of people turn to cardio in order to lose weight. They will go running or join in with a Zumba class. While this is good to burn calories, it isn’t necessarily the best to burn fat. So if you have some stubborn areas that aren’t changing, look at how you exercise. Do you lift any weights? The more muscle your body has, the more calories it burns just by being stood still. Weights help to tone muscles as well as change body shape. So consider adding more body weight and hand weight exercises into your fitness regime.

Use Supplements

There are a variety of supplements on the market, for a variety of different things. It could be worth speaking to a nutritionist about what is best for you. Something like a multivitamin is always a good idea, though. Fish oils are good for immune support, as well as stimulating the brain, so they are always a good option too. You could even consider something like Garcinia Cambogia pills to help lose some weight. They give you a natural energy boost to get through the day and be able to exercise more.

Eliminate Certain Foods

I think that we all have certain vices when it comes to food. It might be chocolate, chips or just a bag of candy. Whatever it is, it will be full of the wrong kinds of fat a laden with refined sugar. I know a lot of people will say moderation in all things. But if you want to achieve your weight loss goal, you might need to cut out certain things. You might never get to your goal if you are always reaching for a candy bar when you feel hungry. If you restrict yourself from eating it at all, your goals will be achieved faster.

Meditation and Relaxation

When you think about losing weight and being healthier, it is important to recognize the importance of down time. Being able to relax and unwind is an important part of the process. Yoga is great to meditate and focus on your breathing. It can help to strengthen your muscles too. All of which are proven for effective weight loss.So take the time to make this part of your daily routine. You will see the difference in no time!

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