Planning Your First Housewarming Party

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Achieving a major goal in your life like a house in Australia is indeed a big fulfillment. And it is just right and necessary that you celebrate this milestone in your life. After buying one of the most beautiful and modern houses for sale in Perth, Australia, the next thing that you should be doing is planning a housewarming party.
This is extra special for those who just bought their very first house. It must be very exciting and nerve wrecking to throw a party at your newly bought property to celebrate this new house.
Here are some guidelines and tips to make your first housewarming party fun, special, and memorable.
1.     Come up with a theme – using themes can make any party more lively and fun. You could think of a theme that is somehow connected to you, your new house, and the fact that you are celebrating your newest home. After deciding what theme to use, you should start to decorate the venue according to the set theme. It is important to be consistent.
2.     Estimate the number of guests that you will invite – you should decide the number of guests to invite in the early stages of planning. You definitely love to announce to everyone you know about your new house but you cannot invite them all. It is best to invite your family members and closest friends only. Knowing the number of guests will help you with your overall preparations.
3.     Plan the date – next, you should set the date of your housewarming party. Usually, it is best to do it on a Sundaysince everyone is free and they do not need to report to work. Sunday is family day and it is best to gather everyone during this day. Also, it is advisable that you set the date at least one week ahead and inform all your invited guests about it. This way, they can make themselves available for your party.
4.     Prepare the foods to serve –of course you should also take time to prepare for the menu for your event. It is recommended to hire catering services that offer variety of dishes that will be enough for the number of your expected guests. If it is only a small event with friends and close family members and you are somehow confident about your cooking skills then you might want to do the honour and cook the food yourself.
5.     Come up with a short programme – your housewarming party will be more fun when you have programme prepared. You can prepare some housewarming party games to play with your guests or maybe a short speech about your new home.
6.     Prepare some party souvenir – lastly, to extend your happiness and gratitude to all those who celebrated your new home with you, you should prepare some token of appreciation. Come up with a unique party souvenir as a giveaway to your guests.
Make your very first housewarming party a memorable one. Follow the tips that we discussed here to help you celebrate this newest milestone in your life – buying your very first house.
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