How to Save Money and Make Your Own Humidifier

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As a parent, it’s always helpful to find ways that you can save money and cut back on household costs and expenses. Now that we are in cold and flu season, you may be finding that the family is under the weather a lot more than normal. With that in mind, we’ve come up with a fabulous way to help ease the symptoms of the common cold without having to spend much money, and that’s to make your own humidifier that you can use in the house.

If you’ve never used a humidifier before, it may be time to give it a go. Humidifiers are said to possibly help stop the spreading of flu germs. They let you breathe easier when you’re congested from a cold, and a heated mist provides comfort when you’re not feeling your best.

The Ultimate Ultrasonic Humidifier

For a mere $10, you will be able to make this ultimate ultrasonic humidifier at home. And perhaps even better is the fact that this is such an easy project that you don’t even need any DIY skills to tackle it. This particular humidifier is a smaller unit, so if you plan on using it in a large room, you may need two of them.

The items you’ll need to put this humidifier together are a plastic bottle, waterproof heavy-duty tape, a DC connector, a computer fan, and an ultrasonic mister. Detailed instructions can be found on the DIY humidifier webpage on the DIY Experience website.

The Evaporative Sponge Humidifier

Another relatively easy DIY project is the evaporative sponge humidifier. While the steps themselves are relatively simple, this one will be more time-consuming than the ultrasonic humidifier. This project requires four bolts and nuts, a Tupperware container, four large sized sponges, a small computer fan, and an automatic pet water bowl.

To find detailed instructions on how to put this one together, you can click here. Again, if you’re looking to use it in a large space, you may find you need more than one of these.

The Homespun Humidifier – Create a Humidifier in Mere Minutes

If you don’t want to put a lot of time and energy into the project and you’re just looking for a quick fix, the homespun humidifier is the way to go. This particular project has been around for ages, so you may have already heard of it. All you need is a hairpin, a small-sized hand towel, a medium-sized bowl, and a metal coat hanger.

All you have to do is fill the bowl with hot water until it’s about 3/4 full. Next, bend the bottom of the metal hanger so that it fits tightly around the bowl’s edges and is also able to stand up on its own. Now you want to drape the towel from the top of the hanger, with the bottom sitting in the water. What happens now is that the water is “wicked” into the air straight from the towel.

Get Through the Season with Ease

Thanks to these humidifiers you’ll be able to get through the cold and flu season with ease.

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