Archives for August 2021

What Is Sedation Dentistry and Who Is It For?

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Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels
A lot of Americans are afraid of visiting the dentist. They worry about not just pain, but also the vulnerability that comes along with sitting in the dentist’s chair. The good news is that there are plenty of solutions that can help patients feel more comfortable and confident even if they struggle with serious dental phobias.

A Simple Solution

Sedation Dentistry provides a safe and simple solution to dental anxiety. There are several common types of sedation used to keep patients calm, but all of them can be administered right in the dentist’s office before the procedure.

Common Types of Dental Sedation

There are three common types of sedation used in dentistry. They are:

1. Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is administered as a gas. It’s often referred to colloquially as “laughing gas” because one of its side effects is inducing a state of euphoria. The good thing about nitrous oxide is that it wears off so quickly patients can often drive themselves home after their procedures.

2. Oral Sedatives

Oral sedatives like diazepam can help patients relax before their dental procedures. Patients take the medication an hour before the visit, and the effects are long-lasting enough to get them through the appointment fully awake but less anxious. Patients who use oral sedatives to overcome dental anxiety should always arrange a ride home since they may feel sleepy until the medication wears off.

3. Intravenous Sedatives

Intravenous (IV) sedatives can be used to place patients in varying states of consciousness. The most extreme form of IV sedation is general anesthesia, which is commonly used in invasive surgeries. However, most IV sedatives place patients in a state known as “twilight sleep,” in which they are sleepy and less aware of their surroundings, but still awake enough to comply with the dentist’s requests.

The Best Type of Dental Sedative

The best options vary based on the patient’s needs and the type of procedure being performed. While it may be tempting to assume that general anesthesia is the best type of dental sedative, that’s rarely the case. General anesthesia comes with more risks and side effects than conscious forms of sedation.

For short procedures, nitrous oxide is usually the best option. Patients who experience extreme anxiety may be better off using IV sedation or oral sedatives, but they should note that it may take some time for the effects to wear off and should plan accordingly.

Who Benefits From Dental Sedation?

Every dental patient has different needs, so not everyone can benefit from being sedated during their procedures. Dentists usually recommend the approach for patients who struggle with one of these problems:

Dental phobias

Traumatic prior experiences with dental work

Especially sensitive oral nerves

Small mouths that tend to become sore

Resistance to local anesthetics

General anxiety disorders

When in doubt about whether dental sedation is a good idea, schedule a consultation to discuss options with a local dentist. While most dentists don’t offer sedation for things like regular cleanings, X-rays, and routine care, a lot of offices use the options described above to help patients get through root canals, extractions, dental implant surgeries, and other more invasive procedures.

The Bottom Line

Dental sedation is a perfect option for patients who struggle with anxiety or severe pain during invasive procedures, but it’s not the right option for everyone. Only a licensed dentist can decide whether the benefits of sedation will outweigh the risks.

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What are hemp extracts and how do we use them?

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Basically, “hemp extracts” refers to a subcategory of medical hemp products. This involves a few different tinctures that are meant to be used sublingually. Each one of these products should provide various wellness benefits to a user and potentially reduce symptoms connected to a medical condition.

Due to the fact that the hemp market in the US is not properly controlled, various items are labeled and marketed as hemp extract. The Airmid Hemp Extracts team advises caution when you buy CBD oil because some companies utilize potentially harmful processes to extract these chemicals.

In this article, we will explain what are hemp extracts exactly and how you can benefit from them. Check it out!

What are hemp extracts?

In theory, every substance that comes from the hemp plant can be called a hemp extract. In reality, things are a bit different.

The term is mainly utilized to refer to CBD oil. We get this liquid from plant’s leaves, stalks, and buds. It is full of beneficial cannabinoids, terpenes, and other chemicals. When you administer the product, it will improve how your body functions in several different ways.

 Scientists have many questions about these items. Our knowledge is somewhat limited, especially when we talk about the CBD’s internal mechanisms. Experts claim that this substance has anti inflammatory, anxiolytic, and sedative properties, but we need more data to make sure this is true.

When a company extracts CBD oil, this substance is called “full-spectrum CBD oil.” This is the most common type of medical hemp oil but also the most common cannabis item on the market. Full-spectrum CBD has all the properties of the hemp plant, and it’s the best representation of the plant in a liquid form.

By processing this item, we can get broad-spectrum CBD oil and CBD isolate.

Broad-spectrum CBD oil is often used by people who want to introduce as many hemp chemicals as possible but want to avoid psychoactive THC. It is especially great for people who work in sensitive industries and are commonly tested for marijuana.

In fact, if you test positive on THC, the organization that performed testing will immediately think that you took recreational marijuana and not medicinal hemp.

 CBD isolate has only one cannabinoid chemical, and that is CBD. This is an ideal product for people who want to focus on the beneficial properties of this particular chemical compound.

How do hemp extracts work within our bodies?

According to limited data, it is believed that hemp extracts are able to bind to cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. These receptors belong to the human endocannabinoid system, a system meant to regulate numerous internal processes, including sleep, stress, reproduction, protection, mood, focus, etc.

Besides this effect, CBD oil might provide other improvements as well. A few studies indicate the chemical compound has strong anti inflammatory properties. That way, not only would it be able to relieve the inflammation, but also the pain that comes with.

Potentially, cannabinoids and terpenes could improve the body’s antimicrobial defense. Not only could the substance prevent infections, but it might also address the ones that are already affecting us. Among others, the product might work well for acne.

Keep in mind that all of this is within the realm of theory. The truth is, there are simply too many unanswered questions to make any guarantees when it comes to cannabidiol oil.

Is CBD oil a psychoactive substance?

“Psychoactive substance” is a term that refers to any chemical that alters how our brain works. Given that CBD oil can improve our mood, it can be regarded as such a substance.

But, what CBD won’t do is cause an intoxicating effect. In other words, it will not alter our perception in an unnatural way.

The only reason why people get high from cannabis products is because of the THC. This chemical compound has intoxicating properties.

Luckily, there isn’t much of it in the hemp plant. To make sure people never get high from the medicinal hemp, even by accident, most governments dictate that these products cannot have more than 0.3% THC concentration.

Will you experience side effects from CBD oil?

CBD oil can relax your whole body and mind. So, it isn’t shocking that some people will feel drowsy after using it.

Furthermore, the substance can reduce your blood pressure. You might also experience issues such as dizziness, change in appetite, dry mouth, and diarrhea.

When you buy a hemp extract from a reputable store, you are less like to experience these issues.

About the author: CBD Advertising Agency offers top quality cannabis content marketing solutions to CBD, cannabis and marijuana companies in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia.

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Is It a Good Idea to Accept a Cash Compensation at the Scene of an Accident?

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Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Car accident claims rarely get settled in hours or days. In fact, a person might find they spend months waiting to receive a settlement. As a result, many people are tempted to take a cash offer at the scene of the accident if the responsible party offers to pay out on the spot. If they don’t, the insurance company might offer a quick settlement. 

This leads many people to become suspicious. Why are they willing to pay out so quickly? What are they trying to hide? Is it even legal to do so? Could the person who is not responsible for the accident get into trouble for taking the offer? These are only a few of the many questions a person might have in this situation.

However, they feel as if they are on the clock when it comes to deciding whether to take the offer. For this reason, they may agree to do so only to regret it later. What do drivers need to know in this situation? When should a cash offer be taken, if ever? Would this make life easier when they are dealing with car accident injuries

Is Offering Cash at the Scene of the Accident Illegal? 

A person needs to know whether they will be engaging in an illegal act if they accept cash at the scene of an accident. It is not illegal to do so, but most people receive compensation following an insurance claim rather than a cash offer. For this reason, a person might decide to forego the hassle of filing a claim, take the cash, and walk away. However, why would a driver make this offer if they pay for auto insurance each month? Shouldn’t they allow the insurance company to handle it? Isn’t that why they pay their premiums? 

The other driver may not want to deal with filing a claim. They could worry this will raise their premium or they simply don’t want the hassle of dealing with the insurance company. They feel it is more convenient to settle the matter at the accident site and be done with it. 

On the other hand, they may not want a citation on their driving record. This could affect their employment or lead to an increase in their insurance premium. It might also be that they don’t currently have auto insurance, and they don’t want others to know they have been on the road without coverage. 

If a driver offers cash at the scene of the accident, it’s important to keep these things in mind. They are probably trying to hide something. Although it may seem beneficial to accept the cash and have the matter resolved, there is no way to guarantee that will be the case. The responsible party is looking out for their interests rather than yours, so keep this in mind when deciding what to do in this situation. 

What Can Go Wrong with a Cash Offer? 

Multiple things may go wrong when a person accepts a cash offer at the scene of an automobile accident. Unfortunately, the following situations are very common. Consider these when determining whether you should go this route or insist on filing with the insurance companies. 

Injury Coverage

When a person accepts a cash offer on the spot, they have no coverage for their injuries. Often, injuries aren’t apparent immediately following the accident, as adrenaline is rushing through the person’s body. It isn’t until later that the aches and pains become obvious. When you fail to report the accident to the insurance company and take cash at the scene, the medical bills become your responsibility. This can become costly, depending on the extent of the injuries. 

Repeat Repairs

Insurance companies often contract with repair facilities to guarantee any repairs made to the vehicle. If an owner pays out of pocket for the repairs, they may not receive this guarantee. When the same thing goes wrong with the car shortly after the work has been done, the owner may find they must pay to have the repair carried out again. This can be avoided by filing a claim with the insurance company of the responsible party. 

Rental Car Coverage

Insurance companies typically pay for the cost of a rental car when a claim is filed and the other party’s vehicle must be fixed. A driver may be under the impression their insurance will cover the cost of this rental car. However, it won’t unless a claim has been filed. The cost of renting the vehicle then comes out of the owner’s pocket rather than being covered by the responsible party. 

Insufficient Funding

Nobody can say how much damage has been done to the vehicles immediately following the accident. For instance, the vehicle may appear okay but have frame damage. This can only be seen with an inspection by a mechanic. A person might have whiplash that doesn’t become apparent for a day or two after the accident. Although the responsible party may offer significantly more than what the accident appears to be worth, a driver might find that the funds provided at the scene are only a fraction of what will be needed for medical bills or to repair the car properly. 

The Responsible Party May File a Lawsuit

Sadly, a person might fall victim to an insurance scam if they take cash at the scene of a vehicle accident. A dishonest person may cause an accident and then offer cash at the scene to resolve the matter. The victim agrees to this offer, cash exchanges hands, and both parties leave the scene. The dishonest driver may then go home and file a police report, claiming the victim was actually at fault for the accident.

This leads to the victim being held accountable. They automatically appear guilty as they left the scene of the accident and didn’t report it. In addition to appearing guilty in the eyes of the insurance company, the police may charge this individual with leaving the scene of the accident. This depends on the extent of the damage and the injuries sustained. 

The victim might turn to their insurance company for assistance in resolving this matter. The insurance company will have a problem validating the insured’s story, as the evidence may be gone by the time the incident is reported to them. This happens more often than people realize, so take care when considering a cash offer. There may be a reason the other party is pushing for this resolution. 

Additional Compensation Isn’t Considered

Drivers need to recognize they may obtain compensation for additional expenses if they go through an insurance company rather than taking a cash offer. This includes lost wages and expenses related to hiring outside services to help during your recovery. Filing an insurance claim ensures the victim isn’t required to pay for these expenses out of pocket.

Necessary Information

When a driver accepts a cash offer at the scene of the accident, the parties rarely exchange insurance information. If additional expenses arise resulting from the accident, the victim has no insurance company to call. They may attempt to contact the driver responsible for the accident, but this individual may refuse to take the call. They feel the matter has been settled and have nothing left to say to the victim. This leaves the victim holding the bag for any expenses the cash offer didn’t cover. 

When Must the Police Be Involved

Depending on local and state laws, law enforcement must be called for certain accidents. In the state of Texas, any accident must be reported to the police if a person in the accident sustains an injury or dies as a result of the crash. Furthermore, if the accident results in $1,000 or more of property or vehicle damage, the drivers must report it to local law enforcement. This must be done within ten days of the accident.

However, it is best to contact law enforcement as soon as the accident occurs. This allows the officer to visit the scene of the accident and gather pertinent details right away. Drivers may then request a copy of the officer’s report to share with the insurance companies and possibly an attorney. 

If you remain unsure about accepting a cash offer, it’s best to decline it. Legal advisors say a person should never accept a cash offer, as there are too many uncertainties associated with doing so. Go through the other party’s insurance company. This protects you in the event the accident was worse than you believe in the aftermath. It’s your financial future, so don’t take any chances. Doing so could affect your life for years to come. 

Never assume the other party has your best interests at heart. They aren’t trying to save you time and money. They are trying to pay out the least amount possible for their mistake. If you keep this in mind following an accident, you’ll know a cash offer isn’t the best move. On the other hand, filing with their insurance company is never a wrong move. 

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