Archives for November 2019

It’s a Crafty World! How to Sell Crafts Online

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In 2018, around 39.5 million people made purchases on Etsy.

That’s a huge number of people who are interested in buying unique handcrafted items! If you’re a crafter, you might be wondering how you can begin to sell crafts online.

It can seem a bit overwhelming at first, but building your own online craft business can be a very rewarding project!

To learn how to create your own online crafting store, check out our guide below!

Find a Place to Sell Crafts Online

The first thing you’ll need to do in order to get your online craft business off the ground is to find a place where you can easily sell your crafts once they’re created!

Etsy is probably the most popular choice for crafters. They do charge listing fees, but you’ll likely face this with any site that helps you run your store. If you’re looking for other options, you could try out Facebook Marketplace, iCraft, or Folksy.

If you want to avoid these listing fees, you can always build your own website. You will have to deal with other costs though, like the fee to keep the domain, as well as the general costs that come along with website building.

Build a Brand

Chances are, you have a niche as a crafter. Are you a knitter? Do you make sticker sheets? Capitalize on what you’re best at. You can always branch out later, but it’s best to start out with a very specific brand when you sell crafts online.

Establishing a brand will help you create a themed (online) storefront, and your customers will know where they can find crafts with your specific style.

This goes for your listings too. When you take photos and write descriptions, make sure they’re uniform and similar across the board. If you’re using any social media platforms to push your store, make sure your brand translates across your profiles and posts too!

Finalizing the Details

Once you’ve built up your online store, it’s time to focus on the details. How are you planning on shipping your products? Are you going to run sales or discount items during the holidays?

This is where building a business plan can come in handy. Make sure you’re prepared to take on the nitty-gritty details that come along with running your own business.

You will have to decide how much to price items so that you’re not only able to pay for your materials but also able to make a profit. Make sure you also account for startup costs, as well as how much it costs to list your products or run a personal website.

It’s important to keep track of your financial details. If you have anyone else working under you and helping you craft, you can use a website like PayStubCreator to provide them with their own financial records.

Researching your target demographic and tailoring your social media efforts and new products towards their interests is important as well. As your customer base changes, your products may need to adapt slightly as well.

Get Crafting

Many people decide to sell crafts online because they love crafting as a hobby. It’s important to recognize that running an online business is much more complex than that. However, once you gain some momentum, you can enjoy what you love doing while making some money along the way too!

For more crafting and DIY articles, check out the rest of our site!


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10 Things to Remember While You Are Preparing a Trip to Tuscan

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If you are planning to go on a trip to Tuscany, then you are in for a treat. Tuscany, Italy has a long reputation for serenity and beauty. This is a reputation that began before our common era. It is impossible to visit this picturesque area and not fall in love with its unchanging rolling hills and fascinating sunsets. From museums, to restaurants, it is easy to find activities that will pack your vacation full, but before you go on a vacation to Tuscany, you do well to remember the following ten tips.

#1 It Gets Hot In The Summer and Air Conditioning is Rare
If you are traveling to Tuscany in the summer, keep in mind that it will get hot. You do well to bring a water bottle so that you can fill it up often; apart from that, you are going to also want to wear light clothes. Apart from that, it may be wise to plan to visit indoor attractions like museums and churches. These are buildings that stay cool without air conditioning.

#2 Be Weary of Pickpockets
Unfortunately, pickpockets are a thing in Tuscany. When tourists are in high season, the pickpockets are in high season as well. With that in mind, you do well to pay close attention to your surroundings. Apart from that, buy backpacks and bags that are anti-theft.

#3 Wi-fi Coverage is not Everywhere
There is good Wi-Fi in several shops and cafes, but don’t be surprised if you cannot find it everywhere. You do well to communicate with your lodging facility before you arrive in order to make sure that you will have Wi-fi where you are staying.

#4 Get Your Cappuccino and Espresso On
You may be excited about drinking some of Tuscany’s delicious hot drinks. No doubt you will also be pleasantly surprised by the price. You can find cappuccinos and espressos everywhere, and they generally cost between 1-2 euros.

#5 Tip Sparingly in Tuscany
A coperto is a fee that is usually added to the bill; it covers the service. The coperto, however, is not a tip, so add a few extra euros if the service was great! Generally large tips are not expected in most restaurants and cafes.

#6 Look into a Villa Rental
Before going to Tuscany, you do well to investigate Tuscan villa rentals. Rentals in Tuscany are breathtaking. They include all that your company or family will need to have a memorable and relaxing time in Tuscany. They can lodge anywhere from 2 to 20 people, and they are homey and delightful. If you are going to Tuscany, you do well to get the full experience.

#7 Validate your bus ticket when you are traveling on public transportation
The travel tickets in Italy are open ended, so after you buy a ticket, be sure to get it validated before you actually get on the transportation. You could get a fine if the ticket controller finds you without the validation.

#8 Take the “Riposo” into account
In several western countries, the idea of taking a daily rest is unheard of. Not so with Italy. The daily resting period is generally from 1-3:30. At that time, the vast majority of shops and restaurants will close down. Learn from the natives and take a siesta. After your nap, you can go out for a great dinner.

#9 Get Ready to Drink Great Wine
Several regions in Italy are known for their great wine. Tuscany is no exception. In Tuscany, you can find amazing local wines apart from Chianti Classico. There are various wine areas in Tuscany, so always choose the house wine.

#10 Try To Learn a little Italian
Even though English is spoken everywhere in the region, you are in Italy. Do your homework and try to learn a few phrases. Even just a kind, “Ciao” will get you a lot of love from the locals.

You Only Win in Tuscany
Regardless of what you plan to do on your Tuscany vacation, there is no way that you can go wrong. Tuscany is a place of dreams. It is filled with world famous monuments and delicious delicacy. Before you travel, it is good to have a few things in mind that you want to do, even if that includes just sitting at the pool.


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