Archives for August 2019

Why You Should Consider External Help for Your Struggling Teen

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As a parent, you may feel like you are – or should be – equipped with the solution to every one of your child’s problems. To be unable to help your child can make you feel like a failure as a parent. However, it’s essential to understand that when it comes to mental health, there isn’t much you can do beyond the active steps to help and support, and this is why it’s crucial to hand it over to professionals educated in how to help, support and encourage your child through their difficulties.

The Success of Residential Treatment

A teenager’s everyday life, such as attending school, suffering the pressures of society and being cooped up at home, will not have any positive effects on their recovery process. Seeking the help of a tailored residential center, such as, can be the most crucial step in your teen’s recovery. You can rest easy knowing that your teen has the help of skilled professionals, mentors, and therapists every hour of the day.

Your Teen Needs Expert Help

Your offering of love, support, and communication are valuable in your teen’s struggle, but they are not all that is required. In order to fully recover, your teen needs the help of professionals who are educated on how to treat mental health issues. Medical professionals are equipped to analyze signs and symptoms better and tailor the best treatment plan for your teen. Mental health should be treated as seriously as any physical issue. If you would take your teen to the hospital for a broken bone, the same logic should be applied to mental health.

Neutral Ground

You may have a very close and open relationship with your teen, but there are still things young people are unwilling to discuss with their parents, or perhaps feel uncomfortable discussing. Seeking external help, such as a therapist, offers a neutral and objective person to listen to the teen admit their deepest feelings, without the teen having to worry that they are saying something compromising in front of a parent.

It is still important to have an open communication line with your teen and let them know that you are ready to listen to anything they may wish to discuss. Unfortunately, however, young people aren’t always forthcoming with feelings they deem as shameful or strange, particularly with their own parents.

Because You Need Support, Too

Whether you’re a single parent dealing with your struggling teen alone, or as part of a couple or large family, the process will take its toll. It will be heartbreaking to watch your teen suffer and not be able to offer a definitive solution to their problem. This is why you should seek external help: because not only does your teen need all the support they can get, but so do you, in order to be better equipped to deal with the situation. You don’t want to spiral into negativity and hopelessness yourself, as you need to be stable for your teen.

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Health and Wellness This Summer

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Staying healthy in summer is much like staying healthy throughout the other three seasons. However, there are some adjustments that can help you to stay cool and collected, eating fresh and naturally colorful produce, hydrated, and out of the sun during the hottest part of the day. Summer is many people’s favorite season, and it isn’t hard to see why when the light of the day stretches long into the evening, there’s new life and vibrancy spilling from flowerbeds and hedgerows, and the awakening moment that follows sipping a fresh and chilled lemonade after a long day at work.

Many people seem to adopt a more relaxed way of living in the summertime, so find out how you can join them, stay well, feeling happy, and looking radiant.

Work Out In The Morning

It can be exceedingly dangerous to work-out in the midday sun, so simply do not. You can quickly become hydrated and disoriented, and doing so can be dangerous, especially if you enjoy to go out running and walking in remote areas. Instead, try and get your work-out completed during the cooler hours in the morning. Aim to have it wrapped up by 8 am, as the day will only start to climb higher in temperate as the hours pass from here on in.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is paramount to nurturing your health in the warmer months, as dehydration can have some very serious effects on your body, and such include a loss in brain functionality – you can experience slower reaction times, tiredness, irritability, headaches, and dizziness.

You may also suffer from blackouts, constipation, and general malaise if you’re not drinking a sufficient amount of water throughout the day. If you’re out and about and keeping busy in the summer months, then it’s even more crucial to stay hydrated. You should also be looking to drink at least two liters of water each day, but if you’re sweating and losing fluids, then go ahead and be sure to drink more.

Dehydration is most common during the summer when you’re hungover, jet-lagged, and physically exhausted after a tough work-out. It’s not beyond the realms of human ingenuity to be hooked up to an iv to receive the vital hydration you so desperately need. Look for a mobile iv in Miami if you know for a fact that you could certainly benefit from receiving a quick infusion of vitamins and fluids to help you on our way.

Eat Fresh

Summertime provides you with the perfect opportunity and conditions to eat fresh food grown locally that is bursting with flavor. Search for fresh tomatoes, peppers, and greens to make salads for both your lunches and dinners. It can be a challenge to motivate yourself to cook when it’s warm outside, and the last place you will want to be is in standing over a hot stove in a stuffy and swelteringly humid kitchen. Keep recipes simple and eat plenty of the fresh summer produce available to you. Don’t forget you can freeze vegetables so that you can enjoy them and all of their healthy minerals some weeks, and even months later.


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