Archives for November 2016

The Point Of Planning Properly: Why A House Extension Can’t Be Half-Done

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There are few things more rewarding than sitting in a newly-renovated home. Having done all of the work that was needed and looking around you, it all feels worth it. And as we picture doing this, it’s not unlike those episodes of TV shows which open with an intriguing scene. The scene ends, and when the next one begins we see a caption on screen: “Several Weeks Earlier”.

As you contemplate that first scene, you wonder “what happened to get them from where we last saw them to this?”. And as the episode unfolds, questions are slowly answered. When you look at a point in your future, when you’re relaxing and watching TV in a new extension, you need to think about that. Yes, it’s rewarding to be there with all the work done. But how will you get from here to there?

“Several Weeks Earlier”: Get Your Master Plan In Place

The first thing you need to do when you decide to build an extension is ask yourself some basic questions. “What?” is the first one. What is it going to look like? What do you want to put in there? You may have some big plans for it, but are they feasible? You’ll only know when you plan it. So the next questions are the “How?” ones. How much will it cost? How will you get it looking like you want it to look?

danville_planning_commission_-_with_residentProper planning prevents poor performance

Some of the more ambitious plans will involve borrowing to pay for the work required. If you plan to do a lot of the work yourself, then you mostly just need to fund the materials, although you may need a survey carried out. So if you do need to borrow, “Who” are you going to ask for that money? Comparing the amounts you can borrow, and deals you can get, using services like LendingTree is important.

At this stage, you may need to “reality check” your plans. Can you afford all of the things you want? Will you have to make sacrifices, and learn how to do some of the basic work yourself? Compromising so early on may feel like defeat. But it’s a world or two better than being four weeks in and realizing you’re going to need to change plans.

A Few Weeks In: Are Things Going To Plan?

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, to semi-quote the poet Robert Burns. It’s a nice way of putting it – you can make what looks like a watertight plan, but does it survive real life? External factors like weather, health and the reliability of people you hire are aspects beyond your control. So if you find that you’re running behind schedule, you may need to amend the plan.

It’s not desirable, for example, to have two teams of workmen in the property at the same time. They may get in each other’s way and spend time arguing about who should be where when. At the same time, the longer you have people working on your house, the more it stands to cost you. So if things are running behind schedule, consider if there are parts of the plan you’re not wedded to. These can be changed or scrapped.

Nearing Completion: Don’t Be Tempted To Rush Now

Athletes, on seeing the finish line, tend to break into a sprint to get there first. If you’ve ever called a business at 4pm on a Friday, you’ll be familiar with the distant tone of voice on the other end. In short, people are prone to see beyond the finish once it is in sight. And this makes them half-do things.

rushing_is_dangerous_any_time_-_any_place_-_nara_-_515318Still true today…

You’ll even find yourself saying it: “Okay then, one final push! Then we can live in this.”. And that’s rather the point. You will be living in it, hopefully for some time. Against that long future, what is a few weeks of work being done right versus a few days rushing it? And certain things – like wiring, plumbing and structural soundness – can’t be rushed. Other things, like painting and finishing, can in that they aren’t safety-focused. But they still matter.

As basic a rule as it is, “do things right” needs to be the motto all the way through. Otherwise, when you look again at that opening scene to the TV show in your head, things won’t look right. Why does one of you have a bandage on your head? Why is the wind blowing in through the wall? What’s on fire? These are not the questions you want to be asking – so ask the right ones now.

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The Surprising Damage Work Might Be Doing To Your Health

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Sure, we’ve all said that we’re sick of work at one point or another. But what is work is really making you sick? If you’ve got some aches and pains and you’re wondering where they come from, look at your job. Even if you’re working from home, there are some dangers that can pop up in just about any business. Here, we’ll look at five of the usual suspects.

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Posture and inactivity

Besides the risk of obesity, a desk job puts you in particular danger of problems like back pain and repetitive strain injury. Other jobs, such as those involving driving or even using power tools, carry the same risk. You need to take the time to move around at work and switch up what you’re doing. Similarly, you should consider seeking help from places like Thrive for Life Chiropractic. Take a proactive approach to any pains you’re feeling.

Lack of sleep

Another common risk in a lot of jobs is the amount of time we spend on digital screens. Or simply focusing in places with bad light. This can lead to eyestrain and eye fatigue. Not only is it painful and prone to leading to headaches. Messing up your body’s exposure to light also confuses your body clock. That can lead to a very poor night’s sleep. Make sure there’s plenty of lighting in any workspace.

Losing your voice

Becoming temporarily unable to speak might sound like it’s not that much of a concern. However, it can go a lot further than that. If you’re in a workplace that involves you staying on the phone for a long time, it can cause real strain to your vocal chords. This can go as far as conditions like polyps and ulcers. Take breaks from speaking and make sure you’re hydrating.


For some people, stress is a temporary state. It’s not always worth concerned if you have a short-term period of stress. However, as it gets more common, it gets more serious. It can cause migraines, affect your weight and even your heart. If you’re concerned you’re getting to the point where stress is becoming chronic, you might need a break or a switch in roles. You might worry about what this can do to your job, but it’s more important to take care of your head first.


Occupation asthma makes up for 15% of all asthma cases in the US. It’s not a small problem for a small amount of people. Asthma can be caused by poor air conditions in any kinds of environment. Dust, chemicals, mold and the like are all risk factors. To do your best to avoid asthma, you need to take care of your work environment regularly. You should also be careful with any chemicals involved in your work. Always wear a mask.

If you’re suffering from any of the above and you’re wondering where they’ve come from, you need to make a change. Your employer (even if it’s yourself) has a responsibility to make the workplace a safe place to be.

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Don’t DIY! It Could Cost More And Ruin Your Home

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How do you handle home jobs? A lot of people are going to immediately think of home maintenance tasks as an opportunity to prove their skills in DIY. But there are a few good reasons why doing it yourself isn’t always the best option. It could end up costing you more, ruin your home, diminish the value and even put your life in danger. Here are some of the best reasons why you might instead want to leave your next maintenance job to the pros.

It Costs How Much???

This is a question you might end up asking yourself once you start to look into a few DIY possibilities. Painting is a big one because you have to buy all the paint and don’t forget, you probably won’t get the right choice the first time. You’ll need to go back and find another colour until you find the one that you love for your walls. At that point, you could spend hundreds just trying to paint a single room. That might sound like an exaggeration but you would be surprised, and this is just one way DIY can be expensive. Another possibility is that your work is so shoddy that you need to pay for an expert to redo it anyway. A pro painting company with fix up your home for you and you won’t have to worry about additional costs.

It Seems To Have Made It Worse

There is every possibility that you could make your home worse with a poor maintenance jobs. If you have ever had a leak in your home, you’ll know it doesn’t take much to do more damage. You can twist the pipe the wrong way, and suddenly water is spewing out like no tomorrow. Within a couple of minutes, you’re ankle deep and reaching desperately for the phone to call a plumber. If you don’t want the possibility of finding yourself in this situation, call a plumber first.

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Nice House, not Very Well Maintained

This is probably the last thing you want buyers to think when it’s time to sell your home. But they will, particularly if you’ve spent a lot of time completing maintenance jobs with little skill or knowledge. Indeed, it’s true to say that to say that a poor maintenance job could easily limit your chances of getting a great offer on your home. You may not even be thinking about selling right now. But you should always have the idea at the back of your mind. It will encourage you to get an expert in when there’s work to be done on your home.

Are You Sure You Switched The Power Off?

Lastly, there’s every chance that you hurt yourself with even the simplest of DIY jobs. For instance, you probably know how to change a lightbulb. But how about more extensive electric rewiring? In cases like this, it’s easy to make a small slip up that will result in a nasty shock. You’ll probably learn your listen about amateur DIYing after that, but it’s best to avoid the trip to ER if possible.

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It’s Not Just Christmas! Money Is Always Tight For Moms & Dads

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year…or should I say the most expensive. As it turns out, there are very few times when life isn’t expensive for a busy mom or dad. You’re either buying for the summer holidays, birthdays or yes, the Christmas season. That’s why it’s important to know how to save, raise and make sure that your bank balance stretches further than you thought it could.

Have A Side Hustle

A side hustle is exactly how it sounds. It’s a job that you complete on the side of your main career. Believe it or not, for many people that can be blogging. They never see it as an option for a full career, but it makes them a nice extra amount of cash for expensive months through the year. Some people will be able to complete all of their Christmas shopping using the money they make from blogging.

Treat Saving As A Bill

Sometimes all it takes is the right frame of mind. If you’re struggling to save up those pennies, you need to take a firmer stance. You should treat saving each month as a bill, setting up a direct debit. That way, you can guarantee that you always have a little extra tucked away.

Look For Deals And Discounts

These days, you’ll find deals and discounts on almost everything that you buy. That includes holidays, to the weekly shop and even things like car insurance. There are always ways to cut the costs and spend a little extra. Businesses use these as marketing ploys, but customers can treat these discounts as ways to save. The following infographic shows how important online discounts have become for consumers like us.

Infographic Created By PiuCodiciSconto

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A Family Home: Making Your Bathroom More Child-Friendly

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As all busy moms will know, having a bathroom that functions as it should, is essential. The bathroom is part of the morning and evening family routine. If those routines don’t run smoothly, then it can be rather tricky. Unfortunately, though, they aren’t exactly the most family friendly rooms in the house. So what can you do to make sure that your bathroom works well for you and your family? Here are a few ideas.


Use Footstools

One of the problems with all bathroom designs is that the sinks or units are always made too tall for children. I mean, I understand why they are, but it can be a little annoying. So having a footstool handy is essential in a family bathroom. If you have got more than one child, it frees you up to see to one child in the bath. Then your other child can be washing their face or brushing their teeth. You don’t need to hold them up there if they can do it by themselves. It is important that they learn to do it themselves too. So footstools are a must.

Bath vs. Shower

If you move into a home and it only has a shower, then it is going to be tricky with children. Having them sit in a bath and splash around is a fun but also functional part of the day. So a bath is a must in a family friendly bathroom. Either style works; a freestanding bath or an integrated one. Just make sure that you have one installed.


Think About Storage

As our children grow, we want them to be more independent. The first step is using a stool for them to be able to use the sink. Next, you could try having storage at different levels. The things that are lower should be things that are suitable to them. The things stored higher could be things that they shouldn’t be getting their hands on. Things like shaving equipment or cleaning products, for example. So if you have a vanity unit with under the sink storage, that could be filled with their bath toys or toiletries. It is in reach for them. You could also add some hooks to the back of the bathroom door. Where you would normally put a door hook is the perfect height for adults to hang a towel or dressing gown. But by adding a hook lower, it means that our children can hang their towels up too. They can’t help us to tidy up or leave their towel to dry if they don’t have a way of doing it.

Keep Things Organized

If you have a few children, you will know that sharing can be hard for them. So it might make the bathroom routine easier if they each have their own things. In a jar or box, you could have their toothbrushes and toothpaste out for them. It could be that they each have a specific towel or bath toy. It can help to avoid arguments when they are getting tired at the end of the day.

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Why Homemade Food Should Be Your Bread And Butter

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Do you watch a variety of cookery programmes on TV? There’s so many of them that you’re bound not to be at least hooked by one. So why do we reject the advice given to us by these top chefs and still buy ready made meals? The mind boggles.

Convenience is a factor that we must take into account. Yes, you can just microwave your ready meal and it’s on the table after 3 and a half minutes but is there the feeling of great satisfaction in this process? And how do you feel after eating it? Lets face it. You could have had a lovely day of preparing a delicious meal for you and your loved ones. There’s nothing quite like cutting an onion is there? It gets very emotional though at times. Also,have a think about what it’s doing for your body. A ready meal is not only expensive but also contains incredibly high amounts of salt and other doses of unhealthy flavourings whereas D.I.Y cooking is much healthier, cheaper and brings the family together. Only one winner isn’t there?

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Homemade cooking has many more advantages too. You’ve done so well in planting those seeds in order for delicious vegetables to grow, so what a waste it would be not to use them in your meals? They will taste fresh and nutritious and why not be inventive and throw those carrots in puff pastry or those runner beans in a stir fry? The choice is yours. This is definitely cooking at its finest. Not only this, but you can creative in your fruit salads and breakfasts. Mix in some seasonal berries to your granola or ripe apples from your tree to your homemade tarte tatin. Just remember to wash them all first!

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There’s so much technology in cooking that even if there was a splash of misery in the old styles of prepping, they have certainly been taken over now. Save money on your daily loaf purchase by investing in a bread maker. Remember to go online and check out sites like great bread maker reviews before your purchase however. Once you’ve found one that suits your lifestyle, you can make your range of paninis, toasties and even banana bread. Moreover, if you love eating cakes from the local patisserie, then why not try making one of your own. Historically, they used to be an upper class treat but now it’s for everybody’s tastes. Celebrate that by making a lemon drizzle, victoria sponge or a good old chocolate cake and treat your friends and family. If they can’t get enough, maybe you could even sell them at the church fair, the country club or beyond. Spread the word. Be creative. Be imaginative. Who knows what this could lead to? A head chef job perhaps?

Your kitchen will certainly be the talk of the town! You’ll be amazed by what it does to your bank account too. That expensive family trip to Florida may actually be back in the pipeline everyone!

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Back to Basics – Wonderful Ways to Go a Month Without Using Technology

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As an experiment, you should try a month without technology. Or, at least, as little technology as you can. This is a really important way of showing you the most important things in life. You can get back to basics for a bit and discover the essence of conversation and imagination once again.

It might seem like this is going to be a real struggle, but it’s a worthwhile experiment. You may well find you enrich your life as a result. There are plenty of tips you can use to help you enjoy a tech-free month. This list will also present alternatives to using tech to do things that are important to you.

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Oh no, you’re thinking, how are you ever going to keep yourself entertained with no technology?! Simple answer, read. Do things you always used to do before you became surgically attached to your phone. Read lots of books and improve your imagination that way. You can also go out walking and have bike rides. Playing sport is another great idea because it’s fun and popular, and it doesn’t require technology to play. Honestly, you’ll be surprised by how much more you appreciate forms of entertainment when you cut your technology usage.

Communicate With People

Ah, communication. The dying art from. It was Albert Einstein who said that once technology surpasses human interaction the world will have a generation of idiots. While it may be unfair to label anyone an idiot, the basis of Einstein’s quote is true. We don’t communicate anymore as human beings, and we’re too quick to hide behind screens. Now that you’re ditching the technology for a month, it may well open your eyes to how little we communicate. If you want to talk to a friend or colleague, forget about Facebook. Don’t text. Pick up the White Pages, find their landline number, and give them a call! You might be surprised by how much you both end up getting out of the experience.

Have a Vacation

Vacation is the perfect time to get away from the stresses of your real life. And you could use some of your tech-free month to take a trip. A tech-free vacation is the best you will ever have, and you should try to take the kids too. Consider something like camping to give you a simpler and more basic view of the world. There are plenty of fun-filled outdoor family activities you could get up to that don’t involve technology of any kind. Why not go hiking and enjoy nature in all it’s splendor? Take the chance to get out there in the wide world and enjoy nature and the sights without using your phone.

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Keep Abreast of Current Events

How can you keep up with news and current affairs without technology? Well, you can read the paper, of course. But, you could also listen to the news on the radio. Sure, the radio is technology, but it’s something that’s barely used anymore. And it’s a definite change from you Googling things! Reading the newspaper and listening to the radio presents you with a great way of keeping abreast of the news and current affairs. And it makes you look at things in a different light without the influence of technology.

So, you see, it is entirely possible to have a great month without having to rely on technology. And you may actually end up enjoying the experiment more than you think. Perhaps this will usher in a new, tech-free focus for you in your life!

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You’re Moving House! Sorting The Flash From The Trash

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Tomorrow is moving day so you’d better get cracking.You’re starting a brand new life and what better way than to throw some of your old memories away. But which ones do you keep and which are destined for the bottom of the rubbish bin? Decisions, decisions, decisions.

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Happy couple in their new home having fun – moving concept

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Let’s start with your bedroom. What things are essential to your new life? You can leave your creaky old bed and the tea stained mattress here. You’ve got a brand spanking new one already at your new house which you can’t wait to jump on. However those extra sheets and pillowcases at the top of your cupboard are a necessity. Dump them in the flash. The wardrobe can also stay behind. It’s hanging off its hinges anyway. However, pick out the clothes from it that you wear regularly and put them in some bin bags. There is no space for those holey underpants unfortunately. What about those bedside table ornaments and all those old documents in your chest of drawers? With the documents, it’s essential to keep important bank statements as well as your passport (obviously) and with the ornaments, well you’ll have to decide which are the ones that hold most personal sentimental value for you. Try to leave big bulky items behind. The moving van is only so big after all and you’re the one who will be carrying the box up and down those flights of stairs.

The bathroom is the next place to go. What should we move from here to the moving van which you hired from a company such as National Van Lines? Unfortunately, you can’t bring your bath or power shower but you’ll need the shower curtain won’t you? Not only is it light but it was new and quite expensive so why not bring it with you? Bring towels, toiletries and toilet paper as well. Yes, they may be cheap but you’ve bought them in bulk and why increase your shopping load even more when you’re there?

What else will you need from round the house? Go into your living room. Well your new place is already furnitured but what about that favourite armchair that you’ve always liked? You’ll have to discuss with your family as well as see if there’s room in the moving van before you dump it in. This is the same for those expensive cabinets in the corner of the room. Maybe you could do a quick sale if there isn’t room in the van but if you do decide to take it, remember to wrap it up safely and securely as you will with your cherished new plasma TV? An essential for the new house. Finally, look into your kitchen. A lot of it will have to stay behind like the cabinets but why not clear what’s inside carefully into bubble wrap and cardboard boxes. Your new kitchen is fully furnitured so you can leave the dishwasher and washing machine behind (Your new ones will work better anyway).

Tired out from all the packing? I bet you are but you definitely deserve your rest. Just remember to wake up in time to the toot toot of your moving van and happy moving!

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The Perfect Night In! Seven Incredible Date Nights At Home

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There’s nothing harder than trying to have a romantic night with your husband when you have kids. Unfortunately, there’s very little that’s more important. After you have children, it’s easy to neglect your relationship. You’re tired all the time and sometimes it’s hard to feel attractive when you’re dealing with weight gain after having a baby. Romance doesn’t seem very high up on your list of priorities. But it’s important to keep the magic alive – you want your kids to witness a stable and loving relationship between their parents before going on to form loving marriages of their own one day. Here are seven date night ideas that you can do at home once the kids have gone to bed, without any need for a babysitter!

Make A Theme Night

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Choose a culture that both of you enjoy, and have a theme night! If you choose Italy, make a big pot of spaghetti or order pizza (check online for Dominos offers), and eat it in front of Cinema Paradiso – or Roman Holiday, if you aren’t a fan of subtitles. If you’re big Anglophiles, make battered fish and chunky French fries and watch Billy Elliot or your favorite Harry Potter movie.

Learn To Dance

If you were one of those couples who just swayed during your wedding dance, now is the time to get some rhythm! There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube that will teach you to waltz or to jive. Just be careful of any lifts – it might be difficult to regain your trust in your partner after he’s dropped you unceremoniously on the coffee table.

Look Through Photo Albums

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Sit yourself on the couch, enjoy a family favorite meal, and get out your wedding album to look through. If your everyday life is hectic and crazy, remind yourselves of the reasons you were together to begin with, and reminisce over one of the best days of your lives.

Play Some Games

Get out the board games. If you’re looking for a little body contact, Twister is the way to go, but if the two of you like a little competition you could always get out your kids’ games. If you’re looking for a more adult game, try cards or Would You Rather? to find out the answers to questions you’ve always wanted to know.

Go On An Indoor Picnic

Put out a rug or blanket on your living room floor, and make some sandwiches and finger foods to enjoy cross-legged on the floor. If it puts you in the mood for summer, you could start planning your next vacation!

Have Breakfast In Bed

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There’s nothing better than breakfast in bed on TV trays, no matter what time of day it is! Make pancakes and bacon and add some fresh berries on the side. If you’re feeling healthy, try smashed avocado and poached eggs on toast.

Build A Pillow Fort

You may have helped your kids build forts in your living room before but now it’s your turn to do it with as many blankets and pillows as you can find. Take in a laptop to watch some Netflix along with your favorite snacks to relax, chat and snuggle together in cozy comfort.

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Appy Gardening! Mobile Apps To Help Grow Your Gardening Knowledge

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Many house chores, such as DIY is always a difficult task to complete if you don’t know your way around a hammer. Likewise, gardening is always a mammoth task. Usually, if you come across a problem you can use Google for an answer, but in doing that, you may not find a reliable source of information. Have you thought about trying gardening apps? There are many available and provide a very reliable amount of information. Here are some that you can try out.


This app is designed specifically for gardening users. It is a social media platform very similar to Instagram. It lets you upload photos of specific plants and then adds them to its encyclopaedia. So after a while, there will be a library of thousands of photos of plants which have been uploaded by users from around the world. You could also add pictures of your garden for other users to enjoy. You can also look at other people’s gardens to get you inspired. Like with the popular social media apps, you can comment, like or share the pictures that you see on your own timeline. This will save you peering around someone’s privacy fencing to take a picture of a flower you don’t recognise and maintain your dignity at the same time!

There are also special themed days on occasion. For example, you are asked to upload images such as vases or just flowers of a specific color. The app is getting upgrades all the time, and the makers are aiming for this to be one of the big apps associated with gardening.


This app is reliant on a network of experts from around the UK which gives home gardeners advice around the clock.

So for example, if you have been away somewhere and saw a plant that you didn’t recognize, you can upload a picture, and you will receive an answer within 24 hours. As well as this they will give you a link to where to buy it and advice on how to grow it in your garden.

It also gives you advice on pests and identifying diseases. So if you saw marks on your flowers that you didn’t recognize, the panel of experts is able to offer you advice and support so your mind can be put at ease.


RHS Grow Your Own

This app is for beginners and anybody that is interested in growing your own fruit or vegetables. The basic app is free and covers 39 popular vegetables, which is enough to get you started.

There are also links included so you can buy plants and seeds from reputable sellers. You can also purchase the correct equipment that is needed to grow them.

As well as these functions, harvesting, sowing and growing are covered too. The app will help you choose the right crop based on the amount of space that you have and your expertise. There’s also a calendar function which tells you what to do and when to do it. The calendar is also location aware and can give alerts of possible droughts or frost.

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