Archives for January 2016

Survived The Terrible Twos? Here’s How To Tackle The Troublesome Threes

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Kids can drive you mad! One minute you’re laughing uncontrollably at the cute things they just said or did. The next minute, your blood is boiling as they’re destroying your house. The terrible twos are called terrible because they really can be awful at times. You can’t reason with a child so young, and communication is very much one way until their speech develops more. But you may be in for even more challenges as they turn three. Here are 5 of the biggest:

Toilet Training

Some children reach their third birthday still using diapers. That’s nothing to do with bad parenting or intelligence. It’s common. Potty training doesn’t often go smoothly without a little help and patience. If your little one is ready, why not have a look at to help you prepare for what’s coming next. Toilet training may be less messy and quicker to complete for children who are a little older when they start.

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Climbing And Running

By the age of three, your child will have mastered walking unaided. In fact, your next big concern will be getting them to slow down. Running and jumping are a favorite pastime for kids this age. Tripping over their feet is still common at this age so there may be a few grazed knees to worry about. But your little one is getting bigger. It’s time to reduce carrying when he’s tired. Instead, encourage him firmly to keep walking. Their stamina will increase quickly, and the buggy can be retired. If your little one is climbing over the cot bars, it’s definitely time for a bed, for safety sake.

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Imitation is a huge part of learning for your three-year-old. You’ll find him using slang and colloquialisms you didn’t know you had! Swear words will now be memorized and repeated, much to your embarrassment if you slip up. The best part of turning three is that the clarity of his language is much better. You can understand him more, and his sentence structure is improving every day. He may even be recognizing numbers and letters on the streets, sounding them out for you. You can find apps to help with this at

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Your three-year-old will soon be keen to make the most of ride-on toys like scooters, bicycles, and trikes. These all help him develop his gross motor skills and control his balance. However, until they’ve made a mistake, they won’t know how to avoid them. Be prepared for a few bumps and bruises. Use helmets and knee pads wherever appropriate. You will need to supervise this kind of play closely.

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Personal Care

As well as learning to use the toilet, your child will soon be managing wiping and hand washing by himself. Dressing and undressing are also a part of his personal care that he will want to master before he turns four. Buttons, zippers, and velcro straps are the best things for him to learn to do for himself. All develop his fine motor skills.

Parenting isn’t an easy job. But it’s not easy being three either. Your child needs you more than ever, but maybe in a different way to when he was a baby. Patience and support are your greatest gifts.

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Protect Your Home From The Dangers Of The Elements

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One of the most common yet little publicized causes of degradation to a house is the weather. From damage that can be cause from the elements to creeping disasters like damp, your home might be open to all kinds of weather damage. This article is full of tips that can keep your home in top condition. From waterproofing your home and insulating everything to making it less likely to spread damp or strengthening the home. For the sake of your comfort, convenience and to keep you spending more money in future to repair parts of the home, just follow the advice below.

Red Horse creates legacies, one project at a


It’s likely that little gaps around windows and doors have formed through the years, or as a result of poor workmanship. This can allow in drafts all over the home. Not only does this make things cooler in the winter and hotter than the summer but it can also introduce a lot of moisture. This moisture can cause a lot of interior damage down the line, so make sure you seal up any breaches by caulking them. Make sure you use the right kind of caulk for withstanding whatever weather conditions you’re likely to find yourself in.

Door draft stopper

There are often gaps at the bottom of doors that can leave space for a large draft. As noted above, this has comfort and mold issues for the home. Mould can exacerbate all kinds of respiratory problems and takes more time and money to get rid of the longer It is left to spread. Another way of dealing with is by using door draft stoppers to seal up your doors. Not only are they practical, but they come in all sorts of styles, from cutesy to elegant. Whatever fits your taste.

Insulate your attic and basement

The two parts of the home that are most likely to spread damp to the home are at the very top and the very bottom. If your home doesn’t already have it, you should look into getting insulation for your attic and basement. There are several grants to take advantage of that can make this work a lot cheaper if not entirely free. Have a look around your local government and online and see if your home qualifies for free insulation.

Insulating the water heater

Insulating your water heater doesn’t immediately prevent damp like the previous points. However, it does dramatically improve its heating efficiency. This in turn not only lowers your heating bills but also makes it a lot easier to heat up the home. Spreading cold can do a lot of damage, particularly to your pipes. For this reason, being able to maintain a good temperature in the home is one way to avoid massive fees down the line.

Metal roofing

Asphalt roof tiles can suffer a lot of damage from wind and hail over the years. Tiles might fall or, worse, be cracked, leaving your roof with an open weakness for years before you see any signs of it. Metal roofing is a long-lasting, durable replacement for asphalt. Though it is more costly and requires lightning-proofing, it lasts on average three times as long. Hail and debris can dent it, but it won’t breach the roof entirely.

Patio canopies

These fixtures are a great way to help protect your patio doors and windows. Marks and breaches can appear over the years from constant abuse of hail, wind and rain. Canopies can mitigate these damages by severely reducing the amount of direct rain and hail falling onto the patio doors and windows. Sturdy as they are, canopies are light in weight and easy to install, so it won’t be a major hassle of a renovation, either.

Exterior wall coatings

Most of the above measures deal with sealing up the interior of the home so that nothing finds it way in. However, to properly protect the home, one must also consider how to keep the exterior protected. As much unsightly damage can be done outside your home. This damage can penetrate into the home, leaving it open to all the dangers of cold and moisture already mentioned. Using wall coating is good for:

  • preventing aesthetic damage caused by damp
  • covering damage already done
  • complete insulation

Proper coatings don’t peel or flake and last twenty years or more, with companies offering guarantees to that effect, too.

Houses degrading due to the effects of nature are a reality of home-ownership. However, with the above tips, a lot more money can be saved and a lot more time passed before any more work is needed. If this has put you in the renovating, improving mood, there are a lot more home improvements you can read here.

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The Pros & Cons Of Building A Family Home

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The home is a very important part of family life. It’s crucial that you can provide the perfect house for your family. Instead of buying a property, why not build one from scratch? Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of building a family home:



You Choose Everything

The biggest reason to build a family home is because you get complete control over everything. You decide how the house looks from inside to out. You can design your home to be a safe place for your family. Why not build a house made out of modern materials to make it last longer and not get affected by cold weather. Or, perhaps lay down some driveway paving that uses a stormwater management system to prevent flooding. When you build a home, you’re able to do things like this to make it a safer place to live. Whereas when you buy, you’re paying for what you get. Change anything, and it will cost you, even more, money.

It’s Your Home

Another pro is that the house you build will truly be your home. There will be no other house out there like it. You designed it and had it built from scratch. It’s created specifically for you and your family. Building a home can make you form a special bond with it. You truly feel at home when you’re inside it. There’s no worry of having to clear out previous owners junk; it’s all yours. This can create a much better family atmosphere because a proper family home feels cosy.

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Time Consuming

Naturally, when you build a home, it will take a lot of time. You may have seen a house being built and noticed how long the construction crew stays there for. It’s certainly a lot quicker to go out and buy a home on the property market. Of course, neither of these options can be done overnight. But, buying a new home is less time consuming than building one from scratch. If you need a home as quickly as possible, I don’t think that building is the option for you.


It can be argued that the whole process of building a home is very stressful. There’s so much to do and so many things to think about. You’re constantly being forced to make big decisions. It’s hard enough making one big decision, let alone a handful in a short space of time. While buying a house can also be stressful, it’s nothing compared to this. Think about everything that goes into building a home. Design ideas, choosing materials, dealing with a budget. Those are just three of the many worries you’ll face.

Having read this article, you’ve now seen a couple of the pros & cons of building a house. It’s something that may not be for everyone, so bear that in mind. Just because one person thinks it’s a good idea for their family, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea for yours. So, look at the positives and negatives and decide whether or not you should build a family home.

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Life-Saving Tips For Natural Disasters

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Many of the posts on this blog are centered around a cushy suburban life. Hopefully, those kinds of posts are all you’ll ever need! However, every now and then natural disasters can strike populated areas. If and when this happens to you, you’ll need to know the best course of action to ensure the safety of you and your family. Try to remember the following tips as best you can. They could save your life!

Hurricane_Katrina_FloodingFlooding from Hurricane Katrina (Wikimedia)

First of all, hurricanes. These are probably the most dangerous disaster that you’re likely to experience living in the states. Hurricane season in the Atlantic lasts from June to November. While there are all kinds of warning systems for these, knowing what to do when one hits can be extremely important. If you know you’re going to be around when the hurricane hits, keep as far away as possible from all windows. As you can imagine, a basement is the ideal place to shelter. If you don’t have one of these, then go to a room on your lowest floor with as little windows as possible. Bathrooms and closets are usually best for this. If you have the time, be sure to gather food, water, a flashlight, and a phone. For extra safety, crouch under a table and cover yourself in blankets.

Here’s a slightly unsettling fact. Forty-five US states have a moderate to severe risk of earthquakes. Unlike storms and tornadoes, there’s little anyone can do to predict these. Because of this, it’s more important to keep your head and act fast. As with hurricanes, avoid windows as a priority if you’re inside. Drop, and cover your head with anything you can. Take shelter under a sturdy table or bed if you can, but don’t risk moving too far during a tremor. If you’re outside, on the other hand, find a clear space; away from power lines, buildings and other hazards.

Floods can be one of the destructive after-effects of a hurricane. Many people who have never experienced a severe flood seem to hold a false view that they’re not that big of a deal. Depending on the conditions, they can be powerful enough to collapse bridges and uproot trees! Usually the best thing to do in a flood is evacuate, and seek higher ground. The most important point to remember is never try to wade or drive through flood waters. It may sound unbelievable, but most cars can be swept away by only two feet of rushing water! A strong sense of attachment to your home could be extremely dangerous. Yes, there will be damage. However, there are many Maryland flood services which are able to do repairs. Take only the bare necessities, and leave as soon as possible seeking high ground.

With this advice, you’ll be prepared for some of the most dangerous weather America has to offer. In any natural disaster, staying calm is one of the most important things you can do. If anyone panics when the disaster hits, try your best to guide them into the safest course of action.

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The Smart Way To Perfect A New Home

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Buying a property is one of the most thrilling experiences that anyone can have. However, amidst the excitement is a due responsibility to make the new home sparkle. This is an aspiration shared by all homeowners, but only a small percentage have their priorities in order.

In truth, the home improvement game never ends. The most astute homeowners will enter a new property and focus solely on the crucial tasks. Good planning is everything, and here are the projects that will turn a new home from bland to grand in a matter of months.

And that’s how to make a house a home.


Adding Basic Comforts

In modern society, it can be very easy to think about big TVs and other entertainment systems. The smart homeowner, however, appreciates the need for catering to basic human needs. Without those in place, it would be impossible to enjoy the luxury items anyway.

One of the most important elements is the heating. Better insulation won’t just make the property more comfortable, but it will save the homeowner money in the long run too. Besides, those upgrades can often protect the property against various damage too.

Similarly, any home faults should be fixed promptly.

Increasing Security

If nothing else, the home should make the occupants feel safe and secure. With this in mind, increasing the protection is a job that any smart homeowner would place very close to the top of their agenda.

Home security resources are more advanced than ever before. CCTV and alarm systems are welcomed additions to the modern property. Meanwhile, the use of automated gates and voice intercom systems can deny unwanted access too.

A safe home is a happy home. As such, it should come as no surprise that this is such a crucial element.


Using Space Effectively

The family home needs to feel accommodating for everyone that lives there. But there’s nothing less inviting than a property that feels overcrowded. As far as design elements are concerned, using space efficiently should be top of every homeowner’s to-do list.

Once a home becomes cluttered, it’s hard to overcome those issues. Moving property is a new beginning, and the clued up homeowner should use this as a chance to get things in order. Hosting a garage sale won’t just free up space either. It can additionally become a great way to raise extra funds.

The best hallmark of a smart homeowner is giving each room a purpose. Converting dormant rooms to a home office or gym is a fantastic option.

Preparing For The Worst

Every homeowner wants to make upgrades to create a happy home environment. But it seems a little pointless if the work could be ruined by a natural disaster.

When living in a vulnerable area, the homeowner cannot afford to dismiss their responsibility. Prevention is king. However, it’s also important to understand the best form of action following a flood or other major problem.

For most homeowners, the property is their biggest financial asset. As long as it’s treated with the care it requires, then things shouldn’t go far wrong.

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Easy Steps To A Healthier Family

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It’s vitally important that a family remains healthy. For advice on making a family healthier, have a read of the three step plan below:

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Healthy Drinking

Most parents are unaware that they’re giving their children unhealthy drinks. Think about all the soft drinks out there that parents buy without a second thought. Drinks like Coca Cola and Fanta aren’t healthy for children. Not only can too many soft drinks lead to weight gain, but it can also cause problems with teeth. Instead, it’s a good idea to get children drinking healthy drinks. Examples of this would be 100% fruit juice. This is juice that’s taken completely from fresh fruit, without any added sugars or preservatives. But, the best idea is to make them some healthy smoothies. Pick up a blender like the Ninja Supra Kitchen System and create healthy drinks for the family. Blenders are a great way to ensure a family is always drinking good things. Someone with a blender can pick and choose the ingredients to every drink. Slice up some fresh fruit with ice cubes and a bit of milk for a nutritious smoothie. It’s a wonderful way to keep the family healthy and to feel good.

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Healthy Eating

Alongside healthy drinking, it’s also important that a family eats well. This means throwing out all the unhealthy snacks and foods that they might eat on a regular basis. If one wants a happy family, then they need a healthy family. There are tonnes of healthy and nutritious recipes out there that families can enjoy. Eating healthy doesn’t mean a family must eat boring foods every day. That’s a common misconception that many people fall for. A well-balanced diet is also a delicious one. There’s no reason a family can’t eat well and enjoy what they’re eating too. In fact, some people find that eating healthy tastes a lot better than some of the bad food out there. Families that eat healthily are families that end up enjoying life more. Eating good foods will provide everyone with essential vitamins and nutrients to get them through the day. Often, people find that healthy eating leads to more energy and less tiredness.


Regular Exercise

In conjunction with healthy eating and drinking, a family needs to exercise regularly. Without exercise, they won’t be as healthy as can be. Exercise is good for everybody; doctors often recommend regular exercise to help someone feel better. Taking children to sports clubs and getting them involved in physical activities is a great idea. For parents, consider joining a gym or trying to exercise in the home. Doing half an hour of yoga, three times a week, is a great idea for any stay at home moms out there. It doesn’t take much time and doesn’t require a lot of space either. As a family, think about going on long walks or bike rides at the weekend when the weather is nice. This is a great way to stay fit and healthy together.

Following these tips will lead to a healthier family! In turn, family life will improve, and everyone will be much happier.

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Has Your Home Been Hit By A Flood? Here Are Your Next Steps

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The rain has been pouring down all over the country, and the chances are lots of people might be experiencing flooding. Water can be disastrous to a home as it will soak into every sinew and destroy everything in its path. To be honest, the only thing homeowners can do is let nature take its course and try and restore peace after the fact. That isn’t what most people want to hear, but it is the truth.

Homes are not always completely ruined by flooding, so there is a chance that a homeowner can save their house if they act quickly. This is what property owners need to do if they experience flooding.

Stay Safe

Everyone wants to return home as soon as possible after a flood. However, it is important to remember that the area is dangerous and poses a risk to health. So, before any enters the property, the proper security checks need to be made, as well as all the relevant safety measures. The last thing any homeowner wants is to walk in the front door and find them in a hazardous situation. Check for any structural damage by looking for cracks in the walls and on the floor, and also, turn off all the gas and electric. To see in the gloom, use a flashlight.

Wear The Right Gear

When entering a water damaged house, there is no telling what the health risk is like. Even if it seems like it is just water, it could be water that is full of sewage and other chemicals. It is important, therefore, that anyone who wants to go inside has all the right equipment. Obviously, that means Wellington boots, waders, and waterproofs. Plus, it also means a face mask to stop any of the substances in the air being breathed in through the nose or the mouth.

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Take Pictures

Pictures are essential because the insurance company will need them as proof that the damage occurred. If a claimant doesn’t have any evidence, the insurance company will not pay for any of the damage. There is no exact science behind gathering evidence. So, start by taking pictures of the areas worst affected by the water, and move to the next area. A video is also a good idea because it puts the damage into perspective. And, it is always a good idea to have a backup plan if the images don’t have the correct effect.

Call The Insurance Company

No one wants to pay for water damage, especially when the damage is so extensive. That’s why every homeowner should have a comprehensive insurance policy. A good insurance company will uphold their end of the bargain and pay the water damage restoration that the property needs. As long as it is in the policy, they shouldn’t have too much of a problem picking up the bill.

Secure The Property

There are reports of opportunists targeting houses that have been subject to water damage. The last thing any property owner needs is for their house to be burgled. That is why it is important to secure the area. Make sure all the locks work and that the water has not made it easier to enter the property.

Finally, stay positive. It is not an ideal scenario, but it is also not the end of the world.

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Can Your Home Be Green and Warm?

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Making your house warm and keeping healthy can be a challenge at this time of year. People often tend to fall back onto whatever options they have inherited with their home. This means making do with outdated systems that are inefficient and sometimes unhealthy. It is a good time to consider how our heating options are working for us. There are real green options for the home that can keep us warm and healthy at the same time.

A healthy home is an insulated home.

Ensure that your home is well insulated. Check up on the roof space and ensure that there is a good thick layer of insulation fitted snuggly between the rafters. All exterior walls of the house should be insulated. Older style houses may need to have their walls lined. This is especially true if there are no cavities in the wall. Houses that are built with stud walls can have insulation fitted. It might mean that the walls have to be re-lined. This is quite an extensive job. But it will make a huge difference to the energy efficiency of the home.

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Floors should be sealed or covered.

Timber floors can look aesthetically pleasing. In the winter, they may be prone to draughts and leaks. This can let in the cold and prevent you from warming your house efficiently. Laying a carpet or rug will help the problem. Another solution would be to seal the floor. It might be possible to insulate the floor from underneath. This is fiddly but not technically difficult and an ideal DIY project.

Windows should be double glazed.

Double glazed windows help reduce heat loss. They will also prevent the cold from coming in. Installing double glazing is vital for an energy efficient home. It will also means that there is less condensation in the air and less moisture. This will also mean a healthier home. Another way to take moisture and excess condensation out of the air is to use a dehumidifier. These work away quietly, and it can be astounding to see the amount of moisture they collect.

Install an up to date heating system

There is no doubt that modern heat pumps are one the best most efficient and cleanest ways of heating our homes. They cost less to run and use less energy. The heat they produce is better for us. They are all round cleaner and quieter systems. Many modern houses incorporate them. Make sure that if you have a heat pump it is regularly serviced by an Enhanced HVAC Contractor. They will be well placed to advise you on the best way to look after your system and enable you to get the most from it.

Passive Solar Heating

Solar heating is another way to produce both heat and hot water. Underfloor heating systems and passive heating solutions are changing the way we are thinking about houses. Solar roof panels are serious options for most homes.

Ultimately running a greener home is all about using natural energy. It is about efficiency but is also about technology helping the process. There are very real options for you to explore if this is a road you would like to travel down. The result could well be a cleaner, greener and warmer home for you and your family.

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Heat Your House For Less

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Heating a house efficiently can be a real problem especially this time of year. The weather is cold, and fuel can be expensive. It is tempting to turn up the thermostat, but there are good and efficient ways to make the most of your heating systems. They may well mean that a house can be heated for less. It can also mean that your house is heated more efficiently. It will be more comfortable and have less cold spots. This will lead to lower fuel bills and will also make day to day life more pleasant, especially during the winter.

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Insulate effectively and install double glazing.

Good insulation should be at the heart of your strategy to heat your home for less. Good insulation means that roof, walls, and floors are all sealed and protected.

Heat will leave your property via any cold spots. Doors and window are notorious ways that heat can escape, and cold can come in. Your doors should all have good seals surrounding them. All windows should be double glazed. It is possible to have retro double glazing fitted relatively inexpensively.

Have your heating system serviced

Make sure that your gas or electric heating system is regularly serviced This will ensure that it is working at its most efficient. If you have central heating, check that all your radiators are working well. If there are any cold spots, it could mean that your radiators need bleeding. This is quite a simple DIY process. It is accomplished with a special key that unlocks air and releases it allowing hot water to fill the space inside the radiator.

If your radiators are up against cold walls heat might be wasted. Install reflective panels behind the radiators to encourage the heat to be directed back into the room. Make sure your radiators are free of obstacles. If they are blocked by furniture, they are unlikely to be warming the room as well as they could be.

Increase the efficiency of your log burner.

Log burners are a great way to heat a lIving space. Many people enjoy the cozy comfort that they provide. There is also something satisfying about having a supply of firewood. It is certainly cheaper than running a central heating system. Make sure that your firewood is dry. That means it must have a very low moisture content. This will ensure that the wood burns more efficiently. It will give off more heat and cause less pollution in terms of gas and smoke.

Heat rises so a log burner can be very good at heating up the ceiling and higher spaces of the room. There are two simple ways to get around this. Install a log burner fan small to circulate the heat around the room. A fan is a brilliant and innovative solution. It simply sits on the top of the log burner and convection starts the process. Warm air is blown around the room. A thermostat can help you control the temperature.

Another brilliant way to get heat moving around the house with a log burner is to install a heat transfer system. This means that warm air is extracted from the heated room and taken through the roof. It is then blown into two or three other rooms of your choice. Installing a kit is not hard to do, but an electrician will have to connect the fan and thermostat.

A few simple adjustments can make the world of difference when it comes to heating your house for less. It will also be a cheaper and more comfortable space to live in.

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6 Ways To Get Any House Ready For Summer

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Now that it’s winter everyone’s attentions will be turning to heating! Sticking with the warmth theme, it’s a good idea to carry out some maintenance work. There are certain things all homeowners should do before the summer.

Many people don’t realise that fixing many issues during the summer months can cost a lot. During winter, some repairs can be almost 50% less than they might be in the summer! The following are six ways to get any house ready for the summer:

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1. Get an air conditioning service carried out

It’s perhaps the best time of year to get an air conditioning service! An air conditioner repair today could save a heap of cash. Why? Because there is no dependency on the system right now.

If one uses a faulty system when it gets warmer, they will only have to spend more money fixing it. An air conditioning service is also useful at identifying any future problems.

2. Improve the insulation in and around the house

Next, the insulation should get checked and improved where necessary. Sure, insulation is useful at keeping a house warm during the winter months. But, it’s also important for the summer months too, believe it or not!

Thermal insulation isn’t just good at keeping warm temperatures in a home. It’s also useful for keeping hot air out of a home.

3. Apply caulk to window frames

In many homes air can escape through gaps and cracks by window frames. The result is homeowners spend more time and money heating or cooling their homes.

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The simple solution is to apply caulk to each window frame that has a gap. Caulk is cheap to buy and easy to apply, even by the novice DIYer. All one needs is a tube “plunger” to apply the caulk.

4. Install ceiling fans

Let’s assume that a property does not have air conditioning. What is the best way of cooling rooms down in the summer months? The answer is simple: install ceiling fans!

They are inexpensive and can get fitted in minutes by a qualified electrician. Ceiling fans don’t use much electricity and do a good job at distributing cool air within a room. They’re also practical for circulating warm air in winter too.

5. Install a patio misting system

What happens when there are high temperatures outdoors, and there are concrete patios outside? Well, it can be like walking into the fires of hell!

A simple and cost-effective misting system can help cool things down somewhat. Be sure to get a system that includes a pump. Otherwise, the misting action may be a little lackluster! One can get patio misting systems from any hardware stores.

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6. Paint your walls light colors

It might seem strange, but it’s true: light walls and ceilings can help cool a room down! If the sun beats down on walls with dark colors, the room will “soak up” the heat more than light colors.

That’s why houses in hotter parts of the country even have white exterior walls. They help to deflect the sun’s rays and place them elsewhere!

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