Archives for October 2012

Happy Howl-oween!!!

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A Fairy Fantastic Flash Secret of the Wings Giveaway!

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secret of the wings poster

c 2012 Money Saving Parent – used by permission

One thing that is no secret is that Money Saving Parent and her girls LOVED Disney’s newest Tinker Bell movie “Secret of the Wings!”) You can read our full review, to find out just how much and why. So we decided to do just like these pretty amazing fairies did, and join forces with Cori’s Coupon Corner (just like Tinker Bell and Periwinkle – I wonder which one is which?) to bring you A Fairy Fantastic Flash Secret of the Wings Giveaway!

What is our A Fairy Fantastic Flash Secret of the Wings Giveaway?

There are two prizes, one grand prize winner package and one runner up. Take a look at these prizes!
Our Grand Prize is:

1 copy of the Secret of the Wings Flitterrific 4-disc combo pack (3D Blu-ray/Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Download)
1 pair of wings
1 pair Secret of the Wings Zipper Pull
1 fairy-sized Secret of the Wings storybook pamphlet
1 exclusive Secret of the Wings movie poster
Second place prize pack includes:
1 exclusive Secret of the Wings movie poster
1 pair Secret of the Wings Zipper Pull
1 fairy sized Secret of the Wings storybook pamphlet
Doesn’t this sound like something a little someone on your household would love?
Don’t wait though, because this giveaway is gone in a FLASH! For one day beginning at 12:01 AM Oct, 25 until 12:01 AM Oct. 26, US Residents ages 18 and up can enter using all the options available below in our easy Rafflecopter below.
Now your hosts Money Saving Parent and Cori’s Coupon Corner know that Periwinkle and Tinker Bell couldn’t save the day without a whole lot of help from their friends. So just like those fabulous fairies, we got some of our blogger buddies together to share this giveaway with you!
You can also visit our blogger buddies listed below and leave comments on their Fairy Fantastic Flash Secret of the Wings Giveaway posts for even more entries! Make sure you visit us all for the best number of chances to win.
For more Disney Secret of the Wings fun be sure to stop by and print out our FREE printable activity sheets and coloring pages featuring your favorite fairies in their latest adventure!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Wreck-It Ralph Recording Session #DISNEYMOVIESEVENT

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There were so many highlights from my trip to LA last month.  I had an amazing time at the star studded movie premiere of Frankenweenie, interviewing the child actors of Frankenweenie, and seeing Frankenweenie in the theater.  I loved going behind the scenes at the Disney Annimation Studio and learning how Wreck-It Ralph was created.

Photo courtesy of Marshall Weinbaum
There were so many “once in a lifetime” moments on my trip but I was especially excited to have the opportunity to go into the same recording booth that Sarah Silverman and John C. Reilly recorded their lines for Wreck-It Ralph and try my hand at doing a voice over.  It was a little scary at first with all the other bloggers watching.  I will say that I wasn’t the first to volunteer.  It took a little while to get up my nerves but I am so glad I did it.  Vanellope Von Schweetz is my favorite character so I am so grateful that I was able to get a chance to be her even if just for a moment.  I LOVE this movie.  Check back soon for my movie review but I am sure you will love it, too!
Here I am recording the voice of Vanellope Von Schweetz:

Here’s the final product:

And here is the extended version of the scene from the actual movie.  Sarah Silverman doesn’t have to worry about losing her job to me, that’s for sure!  LOL

Come back next week to check out my interview with Wreck-It Ralph Director Rich Moore and Producer Clark Gregg!
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Disclosure: Thank you to Disney who paid for transportation, food, and accommodations for this event.  No other compensation was given.  All opinions are 100% my own.

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Disney’s Tinkerbell and the Secret of the Wings Review and Interview #DisneyMoviesEvent #DisneyFairies

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There were so many highlights to my Los Angeles trip last month but going to the Disney Toon Studios and being able to watch Disney’s Tinkerbell and the Secret of the Wings was certainly one of them.  We were ushered into the screening room and who walked in to greet us but none other than Disney and Pixar’s legendary, John Lasseter, who heard we were in the building and wanted to say “hi”.  A legend, the man responsible for so many of my favorite movies “wanted to say hi” to us.  WOW!!!

The movie was then introduced to us by the director Peggy Holmes.  Who was just as sweet and bubbly as could be.  There is just something about learning about a movie right from the people who created it.  It makes every detail of the movie so much more meaningful.

(Director Peggy Holmes Courtesy of Disney)
In true fairy style, the movie’s plot takes flight from Tinkerbell’s curiosity.  She notices that when she experiences the chill of winter for the first time her wings sparkle.

Secret of the Wings is the story about when Tinkerbell meets her sister, Periwinkle who was “born of the same laugh”.  In stark contrast to Tinkerbell, Periwinkle is a Winter fairy and yet as sisters they have a lot in common, including both wearing pom poms on the tips of their shoes.  As the mom of 2 daughters and having a sister myself, I found this story even more touching.  It was amazing to see the beauty of the winter world and hearing about all the research that went into creating it.  More on that in a moment.
I was so excited when we received a DVD copy of the movie recently and I was able to experience the movie again with my daughters.  I immediately got chills as soon as the movie started.  As anyone with children knows, a child could watch the same movie over and over again.  This is one of those movies and yet it is so enjoyable that I would be watching it right along with my girls, over and over again.  This movie draws you into the world of the fairies and takes you along for the ride.  The DVD also has bonus features that I’ll share with you in an upcoming post.

I especially love the creativity the fairies use to solve problems such as using paper clips as ice skates or how Tinkerbell is able to make her world habitable for her sister.  The Secret of the Wings is one movie that is sure to delight young and old.
Snowball fight anyone?
Sisterly fun!

Our interview with Peggy Holmes was just amazing. Here are just a few of the insights we learned~
On how they came up with the names of the Winter Fairies:
We started I looked at photography of winter and I noticed there were so many awesome looking whites and blues.  And one of the things we wanted to focus on in the movie is that this can’t feel like a Christmas place, it’s not a season winter.  In this particular movie it’s a place. It’s a place they live, it’s there all the time. So, we needed to sort of create this magical winter and the images I was drawn to were all the whites and the blues.  So, we decided to research all the different shades of blue and find the names out of that.  So Periwinkle became Periwinkle and Milori, Lord Milori, Milori is a shade of blue!  If you didn’t know that. So that’s where that came from.
On introducing Periwinkle:
We wanted to tell a story about bringing two worlds together. So when we originally created Periwinkle it was not Tink’s sister. It was a girl like one (you meet) on the first day of kindergarten or like the first day at a job.  There’s always someone you gravitate toward and you don’t know why yet.  You know what I mean?  And then as you get to be better friends you realize why.  Right.  They complete your life in a way that maybe another kid doesn’t complete your life that way.  So originally that is how we developed the story and it just wasn’t having as much emotional impact.  So Clay Hall who directed Lost Treasure actually said why don’t we just make it her sister.  And we were all like oh, you know. ‘Cause that’s a universal idea that it’s your very right to know your sister. Right? You know, or your brother or, you know who ever. So then we started the process of what does that mean in this world. What is that. So that was a fun creative process and you know we came upon this idea that oh my gosh there were two little wisps, we just didn’t see it in the first movie.  (I have to say I just got chills rereading this from the interview notes.  I just love this movie!)
On what’s next for Tinkerbell:
You know all those doors that say no production, no crew past here?   Yeah, so um, I can’t actually talk about it.  There are several stories in development for Tinker Bell. It’s really exciting and fun and, you know, it’s a director driven process. So-so every director sort of looks at it a different way and thinks oh what could I tell about her. So that keeps it really fresh and exciting.  YAY!!!

The most amazing thing I took from our interview with Peggy Holmes is all the research that goes into making a movie.  Leave it to Disney to actually hire a twin specialist and a Doctor of Snow.  I tried to cut down this part of the interview but it is all so fascinating that I am leaving most of it here:
Once we decided to make Tinker Bell and Periwinkle sisters, we thought okay let’s make them identical sisters. So what does that mean in the fairy world. So we decided that they would have identical wings. ‘Cause it would be, as you can imagine, not a good choice to make Periwinkle look like Tinker Bell.  That would not be a good choice. So we needed her to have the spunk, you know?  The underlying spunk that Tinker Bell has, but not quite be developed yet.  Tinker Bell has much more life experience than Periwinkle. So we decided on sort of identical wings and we immediately brought in a twin specialist who specialized in twins that had been separated at birth or an early age, and reunited later in life.  So there are specialists out there for everything you can think of!  So we brought this fascinating, fascinating woman in and she did a huge presentation for us.  And in her studies she found that let’s say these fifty-something year-old men are meeting each other for the first time and they walk in, in such specific outfits that they find that the characteristics – even though they lived apart – the characteristics and the trends, the hobbies, are often very, very similar. So you know those shirts that have like the button epilate and the, you know what I mean?  Two guys wearing exactly that kind of shirt. Like that’s a really specific shirt.    It’s not like a polo. You know? It’s got like the button things. They were two gentlemen that came together that both collected huge belt buckles and they both held their beard with their pinkie underneath the can. Like really tiny nuanced specific things. So it was really fun. So for us of course it was the pom-poms. Like how could they both have pom-poms, you know? I just was like oh no!  We have to do the pom-poms.   And the other thing she taught us about is that with the case of twins and that connection and having been apart for so long, that the women wanna connect and they wanna learn everything about what they missed.  And that she—these two women came in and from the moment – even though they’re in a big group and everything – from the moment they saw each other they just started talking and the whole world went away.  And she said they talked as they walked into lunch with all of us, they talked as they got into a cab,  they talked as they – And that was sort of how they reconnect.  That’s how women reconnect.  And so we sort of did that with Tink and Peri too. Everything else goes away and they just want to learn about each other’s life. 

Then a snow specialist.  So John (Lasseter) is huge on research. Research, research, research, and understanding the science and the logic of something.  So that if you skew off of it you understand why and why you skewed off and, you know, for what reason.   So we brought in Tom Painter who is a Doctor of snow, and honestly we always tell this story that we would call him because maybe a story idea would rise and I’d wanna call Tom and see can I do this, is this possible?  So he was a fantastic, fantastic source and you know we learned that frost actually does protect from freeze and that you could actually cover your body in frost and be protected in a freeze. So then you sort of—you hear that science and you figure out how can I do this in the story.  What can I do? How can I bring that fact, that real fact into a story because it’s counter intuitive, it is not what you think.  

Originally we wanted to have Peri be an icicle fairy.  We were thinking about John has a vineyard. And in the vineyards you guys have probable seen this where the sprinklers go off and are protecting the crops from freeze, from an incoming freeze. So originally that’s what we did. Periwinkle was an icicle fairy and she was going to put ice over everything to save it from the freeze. So we sent that to Thomas Painter and he said okay you’ve just now killed all of Pixie Hollow. And we said why? And he said the reason that the sprinkler system works is because it’s constant. So there’s constant action that is creating heat and it is protecting the plant. So we weren’t going to do that.
So it’s just the research affects your story so much. So now he’s like this is what would protect frost. So now Peri is a frost fairy and she’s not an icicle fairy anymore and it’s like a really fun process to sort of use research to develop creativity. He was really funny too. He did a whole PowerPoint on how everyone will now hate Tinker Bell because she just killed off Pixie Hollow.  He was really funny. 

SECRET OF THE WINGS (on Blu-Ray & DVD 10/23/12)

Disclosure: Thank you to Disney who paid for transportation, food, and accommodations for this event.  No other compensation was given.  All opinions are 100% my own.

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Win a FREE Swampy Plush This Saturday as Disney Store Celebrates Launch of Swampy’s Underground Adventures Video Series!!!

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This Saturday, Disney Stores will celebrate the launch of the new animated video series Disney Where’s My Water? Presents: Swampy’s Underground Adventures by hosting Where’s My Water?-themed events, complete with free giveaways and raffles! From 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20, families who visit participating stores will get a sneak peek at two new Swampy’s Underground Adventures episodes, receive free Swampy activity sticker sheets and have the chance to win a Swampy toy plush at 12:30 p.m.!

Swampy’s Underground Adventures follows the hilarious and unpredictable adventures of Swampy, Disney’s first original character born on mobile and star of Disney’s #1 new mobile franchise Where’s My Water?. The new short form animated video series premiered today on and Disney’s YouTube channel at

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FREE Disney DVD!

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Get your FREE Disney Planning DVD! It also includes tips on planning your vacation as well as upcoming additions to the Disney Parks. PLUS kids love watching this DVD even if they aren’t going to Disney. It’s a great reminder of trips they have already taken.

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Wreck-It Ralph Disney Animation Studio Experience- #DisneyMoviesEvent #WreckItRalph

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Last month I had the honor of being part of a special group of bloggers who went on a special tour of Disney Animation Studios to learn all about how Wreck-It Ralph was created and so much more.

It was an amazing day and I have so much to share with you.

First I was given the cutest press pass ever!  I mean how cute is Vanellope Von Schweetz?!?!
Then were were ushered into the screening room where Wreck-It Ralph was introduced to us by Director Rich Moore and Producer Clark Spencer.  It was such an amazing experience to gain insights about a movie right from the people who created it.  I love how the Director, Rich Moore said that “Movies are never finished.  We  just release them.”   I’ll be posting more from our interview session with Rich Moore and Clark Spencer soon so check back.
So back to the movie.  It was phenomenal!  The version we saw was a screening version so it wasn’t 100% complete.  There were scenes that weren’t completely finished being animated and parts did not have the final music scores and sounds with them, and yet I LOVED every minute of it!  It was amazing to see a movie in several stages of development to really see what goes into making a movie.  I can’t wait to see the final version and I am excited that I will be taking my family to a sneak preview locally this week.  I know my children and husband are going to love it as much as I do.  It comes out in theaters on November 2nd so be sure to take your whole family!  I will be sharing my review of the movie in the upcoming weeks so make sure to check it out.

After the movie we were divided into 2 groups.  One group had an interview session with Wreck-It Ralph Director Rich Moore and Producer Clark Spencer while the second group went into another screening room to meet Producer Kristina Reed and see a screening of the movie short, Paperman.   After our session was done the groups switched.  I will be posting more about Paperman and our interview sessions soon, but again I loved being able to put a faces to the movies.  I always used to get up as soon as the movie credits rolled and gave little thought or consideration to all those names scrolling by.  After meeting with so many amazingly talented people at Disney Animation Studios and realizing just how many people it takes to create a movie, I will never look at that list of names as just a list of names again.  Each one of those names is of someone who had a hand in the magic of making that movie.   And there are MANY, MANY individual people and teams who work on each movie.
It’s not ALL work at the Disney Animation Studios.  The team for each movie that is in development works in their own “pod” area that is themed based on that movie to give the team the feeling of the movie.  
The Wreck-It Ralph “pod” was complete with classic video games.  
I even got to try my hand at playing an actual Wreck-It Ralph game.  I can’t wait until they come out with the version for Wii.  My kids are already asking me to add it to their holiday/birthday list.
 I just love this piece of Wreck-It Ralph artwork. 
Check out how many different “versions” of Ralph were considered.Wreck It Ralph

Wreck It RalphIt must be easy to be inspired working in such a creative atmosphere!

It didn’t take long for inspiration to hit me among all the candy they had out for our Sugar Rush race car building competition.  Look at all the amazing cars my fellow bloggers and I created:
I’m a little embarrassed to show you my sad looking car but in my defense I made it to have a steering wheel that really turned and wheels that really spun on axles.  I was going for function over style.  LOLWreck It RalphCan you imagine having all this candy on your wall at work in the name of “research”?

Next we were treated to 3 special learning sessions.   I started with an animated acting demo with Art Director, Mike Gabriel and Visual Development Artist,  Lorelay Bove.  They told us just how much research goes into making a movie.  One of the worlds of the Wreck-It Ralph takes place in a game made with lots of candy.  They art department actual went on field trips to candy stores to research what candy styles would look best and they choose the colors for those scenes based on colors found in Japanese candies.  Imagine going on a candy field trip for your job!  YUM!
When it was time to decide how to create the buildings for the Sugar Rush parts of the movie, the artists went on a trip to Lorelay’s hometown in Spain to take pictures of some of the beautiful architecture to get ideas.  The art department also went to visit an automobile factory to learn how cars are made because they needed to create a candy car factory for the movie.  Nothing was left to chance or taken for granted.  Everything was researched, researched, researched.  And then the photos were studied again and again to see how the light reflects on certain parts of the building or how a character’s hair would sit.  Every little detail is scrutinized and the designs go through MANY redesigns over a period of years before it gets to the final movie.  It’s not all fun and games but all of those “research trips” sound like fun.
Wreck It Ralph
My next session was a Drawing Demo with Head of Animation on Wreck-It Ralph, Renato dos Anjos and Animator, Kira Lehtomaki.  Kira Lehtomaki showed us how scenes are created using the computer.  Each scene goes through many changes before it reaches the final movie.  One 30 second clip can take weeks to create.  I was interested to learn that the animators actually videotape themselves acting out scenes so they can play them back and see how the animation should look.  Then Renato dos Anjos gave us a fun lesson on how to make Wreck-It Ralph’s hands and Vanellope Von Schweetz.  It was fun learning how to draw but as you can see from my drawing above, I’ll be sticking to blogging. 😉

Shhhh, sneak peek…….For the third session we went to the recording studio to learn how they add the voices to the movies and we even got to create our own voice over.  More on that in a few days when I will share the video of me making the voice over clip and the actual finished clip.  No, I won’t be in the actual movie BUT this was pretty cool nonetheless.  
After our sessions we all met up and went to the Disney store on site to make some purchases.  I won’t say what I got because my daughters read my blog and I got them some presents that I am not telling them about.  😉
We finished our fun filled day outside in Disney’s own Walk of Fame.
 “Like” WRECK-IT RALPH on Facebook
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Wreck-It Ralph comes to theaters November 2nd, 2012.

Disclosure: Thank you to Disney who paid for transportation, food, and accommodations for this event.  No other compensation was given.  All opinions are 100% my own.

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Compare Auto Insurance Rates Online For FREE! How Much Will You Save?

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Last week get got a letter from our current insurance company that our rates were being raised- A LOT.  So in exploring other options I found Esurance.  See how much money you could be saving on your car insurance.  Get your FREE Esurance quote & compare auto insurance rates from leading companies directly online.

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Quick Organization Tip

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Here’s a quick tip.  I have a several try erase boards on my fridge but the markers were falling off even with velcro on them.  I was trying to figure out what to use and then it came to me.  I found an adjustable magnetic curtain rod and a plastic bin I already had (I think from the dollar store).  I slipped the bin through one side of the adjustable magnetic curtain rod, slipped the other side of the rod through and VIOLA!!!  Easy peasy!  I put dry erase markers, pens, and more.  Now I always have the right writing utensil on hand.

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Neon Tiki Tribe Books Product Review- #NeonTikiTribeParty

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I recently discovered a new series of books that I just knew my daughter’s class would enjoy.  It’s called Neon Tiki Tribe and I was picked to hold a party to share the books with friends.  Instead of having a party at home, I decided to have a Neon Tiki Tribe party with my daughter’s class to share these great books with the students and they loved them.
Neon Tiki Tribe is a series of books that each feature a different moral from not bullying to not lying and more.  The charming Neon Tiki Tribe characters are engaging and entertaining while still getting the message across.  Each beautifully illustrated story serves as a great conversation starter for parents, teachers, and caregivers.  What is unique about these books is that they are each written in a Dyslexia friendly typeface called Dyslexie to make it easier for children with Dyslexia to read these stories.The children loved that TIKI stands for Thoughtful, Intelligent, Kind, Individual.  And guess where these superheros get their powers from?  Their superpowers come from their super cool sunglasses.  The kids really enjoyed learning that and getting their own pair of super cool superhero sunglasses.
When the tiki tribe discovers the water along the beach turning dark, they investigate to find out that someone has been dumping trash into the ocean.  They also discover turtles with plastic rings around their shells as they search for the person responsible for the pollution.  What will happen when the tiki tribe confronts the polluter?  Read to find out! This story discusses what happens when we don’t take care of our trash.

In this story a neighborhood by loses his dog and the Neon Tiki Tribe helps him not only find his dog but also learn the importance of honesty and the courage to tell the truth.

In this story a girl named Maya gets teased and bullied because she got a new pair of glasses.  The Neon Tiki Tribe help her learn what she can do to prevent bullying.  This story really hit home with my daughter because her school is a “no bully zone” and they are constantly learning about how to prevent bullying in school.

Meet the Good Guys from the Neon Tiki Tribe- Zeke, Tia, Dar, and Mowah.Meet the evil Ku Tiki Tribe- Braakus, Pyra, Hooka, Garmo, and Kunatos.

Here’s what some of the students had to say:
The Neon Tiki Tribe is a good book because it teaches people not to lie. It tells you that when you lie about something bad, it just gets worse. The Neon Tiki Tribe can do many cool and helpful things. I like how the tikis have glasses that give them powers. 

When I read Neon Tiki Tribe I thought it was very good and life-lessons. ‘The Dog Rescue Mission” has a life-lesson and that is: always tell the truth , never lie. It is actually a good story. I think it is good for kids all around the world and you should make more books just as good as this.
The Neon Tiki Tribe is awesome and cool I learned to tell the truth and not lie. This book is good for kids and never mess with the Tiki Tribe.
I like The  Neon Tiki Tribe because it teaches me life lessons and it`s so cool.  I love it because there`s super hero named Tina and I think she’s AWESOME!!!  So THANK YOU!    

Learn more about the Neon Tiki Tribe Books on the Neon Tiki Tribe Website and on Facebook.

I was selected to be a MommyParties host as part of a promotional program with MomSelect.   All opinions are my own. 

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