Do You Want Your Dream Home? The Answer Is DIY

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We all want to live in our dream home don’t we? Some of us even have an idea in our minds of what it looks like. Others, just know the unique little features we’d like it to have. I for one would love a home that has a stunning, indoor pool. Okay, I admit it, that’s not a little feature. It’s a rather big improvement that you won’t get, no matter how many renovation projects you complete on your current home. If you want your dream home, the only option is to build it yourself.

Now you might be wondering why you can’t just buy another home. Certainly, you could make improvements to your current house and then sell it for a higher price. The extra profit will surely guarantee you the chance to buy your dream place…won’t it? For some people this might indeed be the case. But for others, their dream home is always going to be just out of their price range. Besides, why settle for less when you can build the exact house that you want. Here’s how to do it.

Get Your Budget Sorted

Your first step is to plan how much you can afford to spend on this new home. Remember, you will be selling your old house, so take the value of this into consideration. Also, you must weigh in the different services that you are going to need to pay for. For instance, you’ll need a removal team as well as a lawyer and an inspector. Once you have sorted out all these costs, you can start to think about buying land.

Buying The Plot

You should wait until you find the plot of land at the right price. You may find you can knock down your old home and rebuild on the same land. But, this will be an expensive procedure and might not be the best value for money. You will also have to get the proper permission from your local council. Another route to take is buying land that is already agreed to be used for building property. By doing this, you’ll cut out the need to get planning permission and you can guarantee you’re getting a good plot of land.

Finding The Builder

After that, you’ll need to find the building company you will be using. This team of experts should be able to work with you on designing the home as well as working within your budget. If they cannot do either of these two things, you should look for a different company. When looking for a home builder, be sure to check online for reviews of each company you are reviewing. Any companies with negative reviews should be taken on with extreme caution.


Once you have organised the land and the building process, you’ll have to wait for the job to be completed. This can take between six months and a year, but you’ll have lots to keep you occupied. You’ll need to work on selling your old home at a good profit!

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