5 Ways to Control Stink Bugs at Home

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Stink Bug- Image Credit

Stink Bug Image Credit

The stink bug is approximately 2cm long and roughly the same width. It has a shield-shaped body that makes it distinctive and easy to spot. In general, these pests are dark brown although you can also get them in green, light brown, copper, and even black.

Although they do not carry any diseases that can harm humans, they are a risk to crops. They are considered a season-long pest in many countries across the world as they feed on plants. In fact, estimates suggest the Eastern United States lost $37 million in apple costs during 2010 from these pests.

They may not carry diseases or bite you, but, they will seek to stay in your house and, if they are disturbed or feel threatened they will releases a noxious odor. It won’t be pleasant in your house for a short while!

The Sign Of A Stink Bug Invasion

If you suspect you have an issue with stink bugs you need to click here and get some professional help. This will help to alleviate the issue as the professionals have the best possible equipment to resolve the issue. You can find out more about your local stink bug experts

Stink bugs generally enter your house at the end of the summer and during the fall. This is when the temperatures are starting to drop and they are looking for a nice place to spend the winter.

They will often congregate on the exterior walls of your home in sunlight. Inside your home, you’ll notice the foul odor and may see the odd bug. In general, they hide in small gaps and cracks and stay where they are for the winter. In the spring they’ll emerge and head back into the garden.

Be warned, as well as releasing the noxious odor when they feel threatened, the odor is automatically released if you crush them. Tread carefully when eliminating this issue.

Here are 5 ways that can help you control stink bugs in your home:

  1. Check Your Home

Potentially the biggest thing you can do is to stop these pests from getting into your home in the first place. They are small and can find their way through almost any gap. This means you need to visually inspect your home for any cracks, gaps, and other signs of damage and holes that will allow a stink bug to gain access.

Once you find these cracks and gaps you should seal them up immediately. It’s not just stink bugs that can get through them and you’re probably not running an insect hotel!

  • Pay Attention To The Roof

It’s easy to overlook the roof simply because it is not easy to access or visually inspect. However, it is important that you verify the roof ties are in good condition. Any cracked, broken, or missing ones will provide an access point for these pests. Don’t forget they can fly so getting to your roof is easy.

As well as checking the roof tiles you should be looking for any gaps at the eaves that these pests can get through. It’s also a good opportunity to check the gutters, blocked gutters an cause serious damage to your home as water will drip constantly against the walls.

  • Keep It Clean

Stink bugs like to eat plants and hide in corners where they won’t be easily found or disturbed. That’s why you need to clean your house regularly. Removing all food waste will make your house less attractive to other insects. Checking and eradicating any cracks and gaps on the inside of your home will prevent the stink bugs from finding a place to stay for the winter.

In other words, the cleaner your home and the less clutter you have, the less likely it is that you’ll attract stink bugs in the first place.

  • Look For Moisture

Stink bugs are like any other insect in that they need moisture to survive. Take a look around your home for any potential leaks and fix them if you find them. Don’t forget that leaks can be hard to spot. It’s a good idea to shut off all water-based appliances and take a water meter reading.

After an hour, or two, of not using water you can check the meter reading again. If the reading has changed you have a leak and you’re going to have t trace it. A leak will create moisture which will make your house more appealing to stink bugs and other pests.

  • Essential Oils

A few drops of essential oil, especially mint, peppermint, or citrus, in 100ml of water will create a spray that can be administered to all the doors and windows in your home. This oil will counteract the odor from the stink bugs and it deters the bugs from setting up home in your home.

Alternatively, if you’re not a fan of oils then try planting garlic, simply crush a few cloves and let them marinate in some water for 24 hours. Then spray the liquid around the entry points in your home.

Bonus Method

Diatomaceous Earth is a naturally-occurring compound that dates back to prehistoric times and is very effective against a wide array of insects and other pests. It is full of tiny sharp fossils that penetrate the exoskeleton of the stink bug. This results in the bugs dehydrating and dying in a very short space of time.

Simply sprinkle a little of this earth in key places around your home, it won’t just stop the stink bugs from getting in, it will prevent virtually all bugs.

Final Thoughts

Neem oil is another viable option, as is using flypaper by entries and exit points. In fact, the list of ways to deal with stink bugs is practically endless. All you have to do I a little trial and error.

But, whatever approach you adopt, remember that sealing gaps and cracks is essential to preventing access, which makes it much easier to control the stink bugs in your home.

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