Getting a Little “Me Time” Without The Guilt

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The May edition of the South Florida Parenting Magazine is live.  There are lots of great articles in it including several about being a mom in honor of Mother’s Day.  One article that really caught my eye was titled “Are You at the Top of Your Priority List” by Gladys Diaz.  Gladys talks about how it is so important that as mothers we make the time for self-care every day.  “Practicing self-care is the only way that we mothers can ensure that we have the patience, energy, and ability to care for the people we love.  She compares it to running your car when the “low fuel” light comes on.  You can run the car for a while with the low fuel light on but eventually the car will run out of gas and it will lead to a whole lot of new problems.  To make sure that our “love tank” is always full, Ms. Diaz suggests several things:
1. Make a list of the things you enjoy doing
2. Plan to do 2-3 things for yourself everyday
3. Lose the guilt

You can read more about what Gladys suggests in her article in the May edition of the South Florida Parenting Magazine .

me timeIt’s not always easy to get in much needed “me time” when you are a busy mom.  One of my resolutions this year is to get myself in better shape and take better care of myself and my health.  (Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about my children.  Another of my resolutions is to spend more quality time with them but that is a whole other post.)  Many of us are so busy taking care of our children, managing our homes, taking care of our husbands, working (inside or outside our homes), and doing so many other things for everyone else that we don’t take care of ourselves.  Often when we do, we feel guilty for leaving our children or we can’t seem to find a way to get in some “me time”.
Don’t worry, girlfriend!  You’re a great mother, wife, sister, aunt, grandmother, or whatever other title you have and you deserve to get a little “me time” every now and then.  I’ve asked my readers, other bloggers, and my friends to tell me ways they are able to get a little “me time” and I’ve added some of my own ideas, too.  How do you get me time?  Let me know and I might just add it to my list!
Take a hot bath
Put on a DVD for your kids and read a book
Go to the salon and get a new hairdo or hair color
Put on your favorite song and sing, sing, sing.  Bonus if doing so embarrasses your children.
Explore a hobby you have been interested in.
Find a local class, online class, or just learn how online.
Trade babysitting with a friend.  One week take your kids and hers for an hour or two and the next time have her take all the kids. Sara M.- I often get my mani or pedi during my lunch break! It’s right across the street from my office, and it’s actually quite relaxing knowing that’s MY hour to take care of me!
Stefany T.- Me time for me is at night when everyone goes to bed. It isn’t always the best time but it works. I like to read a book, watch a movie on my tablet, or play around on the computer. It seems that is the only time I can truly get time alone. 🙂  Besides that, a simple shower where I don’t have people beating down the door can be a good time for me to relax. I know it doesn’t seem like a big deal but with 3 kids and one bathroom, this is a major accomplishment! (
Shower with a radio on and sing, sing, sing!
Lisa K.- When the older kids are in school and A is home fron morning kindergarten,  he rests in my room after lunch. That’s also my rest time to relax and watch tv or play on Facebook.  I don’t take calls or do any housework during that time,  and I make sure to watch nonsense shows where I don’t have to think.
Lisa K.-  I have trouble sleeping so getting up early is never an option for me. I do set my alarm for 15-20 minutes before I need to wake the kids and bring my phone into the bathroom each morning.  They’re usually up before me anyway, but if they don’t know I’m up, I can sit in peace & check my emails and Facebook before starting the craziness of each day. Schedule me time!  Add it to your calendar, set a reminder, etc.  Even if it is just a simple 10 minute break with some quiet time.
Shelly M.- I wake up about an hour before everyone else to get in a little exercise, coffee and a shower. Sometimes I can even read a bit!
Amanda D.-  I set my alarm for 5:20am weekday. I go to the gym with my neighbor (our workout is only half an hour). When I get back, I shower, walk the dog, and still have about 30 minutes to myself before everyone else has to get up. Not only do I get my workout in, I’m up without the craziness, keeps me sane!
Jenn P.- To echo what so many said, a shower and even though I don’t like it: grocery shopping. However, lately it’s been going upstairs to fold and put away laundry while the kids stay downstairs with my husband. It’s quiet time for me and the task goes so much faster!
Emily S.- Grocery shopping. I leave the kids at home with my husband and I go grocery shopping. It’s practically a vacation.
Jim M.- A bathroom door that locks. And a book.
Jennifer E.-  Thursday night is my adult tap class night.  It’s so much fun to have picked back up something I left behind so many years ago. It’s really therapeutic,too, because you really don’t have a second during that hour to think about anything else!
Marie D.-  Facials, reading in bed when the kids are asleep, naps on weekends. I learned a long time ago that it can’t just be time alone, it has to be time that gives something back.
Mica F.-  Bubble baths! Even if its not till the kiddos go to sleep at night. Shut the door, turn the lights on low or off and use candles. A half hour to an hour bubble bath soothes my nerves at end if a long day!

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