Simple Ways To Reinvent Your Look And Feel Fabulous

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Sometimes change is a good thing. Overtime the things we thought made us look good actually make us look out of date and tired. This is obviously something we want to avoid at all costs. But if we have been dressing or wearing out hair the same way for decades, it can be very difficult to get out of the cycle. The style we donned in our youth provides us with some comfort, even if it does embarrass our children. It can be scary to put away our 80’s blue eyeshadow and clothes and go for more modern alternatives. But it can also give you a new lease of life and make you wish you had made the change sooner. Follow these simple ways to reinvent your look and send your confidence sky high.


If you’ve been applying your make up the way for years, it might be time to mix it up abit. Head to your local department store and have a consultation with a makeup expert. They will be able to revamp your look and show you new techniques and styles to try. A good beauty expert will consider your skin tone and take your style into account. You can explain what kind of look you want to achieve and they can help your create it with suitable products and brushes. Don’t be afraid to go with their suggestion and try out new things too.

While you’re refreshing your makeup, also think about introducing a new skincare and beauty regime into your life. This could include weekly manicures, getting dental implants or heading to a spa to utilise their services each month. Whatever you feel will make you feel great, it’s worth doing.



As we age our hair loses it’s thickness and often it turns grey. It can be tempting to cut your hair short to make it look thicker or dye it to cover the greys. Sometimes the simplest change can make all of the difference. You could try parting your hair in a different position to add volume to your roots. If you want to make a bolder change, try out a new hair colour or style. Ask your hairdresser to help you choose a colour or a new cut that will suit you. It will be hard for people to not notice such a bold new look and you’ll have a permanent smile on your face.



Reinventing your look will not be complete until you have dealt with your wardrobe. You need to declutter and get rid of anything that you don’t wear or like anymore. There’s no point keeping them if they are going unused. It can be difficult to part with items that hold a sentimental value to you, so why not store them elsewhere.  Your wardrobe needs to be functional and this process may reveal items you love that you had forgotten about. Now you have made this additional space, get a personal shopper to help you get more up to date. They may suggest things you hadn’t dreamed of trying that may look fabulous on you. Be open minded and honest about what you are looking for and you’re sure to be clothed to perfection in no time.

Reinventing your look can be an exciting and enjoyable process. If you feel good about the way you look, enjoy it. It’s a world of possibilities so try and find what look works for you.

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