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How to Avoid a Christmas Day Dinner Disaster This Year

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With Christmas just around the corner, now is the time to make sure that you are ready for the festivities. It’s time to get the tree out of the attic and start decorating in earnest. But, when it comes to entertaining on Christmas day, you need to avoid some common pitfalls. After all, a Christmas day dinner disaster is not on the menu for the main course. You need to make sure that you are putting the right plans in place so that your Christmas day goes like a dream.

Plan Your Menu

When it comes to providing lunch for everyone in the family, it can be difficult to get it right. After all, some people like their vegetables crunchy, others like the soft. Some like thick gravy; others don’t like gravy at all. Yes, it’s a minefield. But, it can be avoided. Put out an ask and see what people like. Of course, you cannot cater for everyone as this will be time-consuming and expensive. But, make sure that your guests are aware of the menu in advance and check for any allergies. That way, you can avoid the common pitfalls of Christmas dinner day not going to plan. It’s easy once you start planning.

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Order Early

No ozone wants to be told that they are having tinned hot dogs for Christmas day lunch. So, make sure that you order early. Go to the butcher and order your meat early. You can freeze a lot of goods, so make sure that you have everything in place so that you don’t have to give people fries on Christmas day. Go to a local store and get your vegetables. Make sure that they are chopped and in the freezer. Then, when it comes to Christmas day, you simply take everything out and cook as your go. Simple!

Check the Appliances in Your Home

Many people cite their biggest Christmas day disaster as the oven breaking down. Whether this is a hypothetical nightmare or a reality, a broken oven can play havoc on Christmas day. Make sure that you get your oven serviced in the onset of December. You can conduct an appliance model and parts search online. So, if the problem is easy to fix yourself, do it. After all, undercooked meat is not what the doctor ordered on Christmas day. Planning is essential when it comes to feeding the family over the festive period.

Plan Your Seating Chart

Seating charts are not just for weddings. You need to make sure that you have everything on hand so that people know where they are sitting. You need to devise a chart that caters for everyone. A separate kids table is a great way of making sure that you have all the adults together. While you can’t sort out family politics, having a chart will ensure that you don’t have to worry about not having enough seats around the table. If you don’t have enough places, at least you can make sure that you buy some in advance.

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Staying Healthy At Christmas Is Not Difficult: Read This Advice

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14941473924_5f6e76d72c_zWe all know how easy it can be to pile on the pounds over the holiday season. There is so much tasty food around that it can be difficult to say no when someone offers you a bite to eat. Also, most people spend a lot of time watching seasonal movies, and that means they experience a lack of exercise. With that in mind, we thought today would be the perfect time to inspire you. We want to get you thinking about all the things you can do to stay fit and healthy with all those temptations around. Don’t worry though, you can still eat some chocolate and have a large dinner on Christmas day when following our advice.

Limit yourself to one chocolate bar per day

When you were a child, you’d probably eat an entire selection box each day over Christmas and make yourself feel sick. However, things are a little different now you are an adult. Although it might be hard to stop eating chocolate when the rest of the family are tucking in, doing so will almost certainly benefit your health. If it helps, you should keep selection boxes out of sight. At least then you won’t be drooling over them all the time.

Take the dog for a walk

Presuming you have a dog or similar animal, taking them for longer daily walks during the holiday season is a good idea. You can even get the whole family involved and improve their fitness levels too. Most animals will walk for as long as you let them, and so you should aim to go out for at least one hour per day. That should allow you to cover two or three miles, and is guaranteed to help keep your body in shape.

Eat lots of vegetables

While you might want to consume silly amounts of meat on Christmas day, you should try to replace it with more veg over the rest of the holidays. Changing your diet in that manner could stop you from putting on too much weight. It will also help with your energy levels. Most vegetables release energy slowly, and so you don’t get the peaks and troughs you might experience with fatty or sugary foods.

Take your supplements  

Dietary Supplementsare essential in the modern world because most of the food we eat has been artificially grown or processed. That tends to remove all the good nutrients your body requires. If you need advice on which supplements are right for you, booking an appointment to see your family doctor is a good idea. They are the ones best placed to offer good advice. Depending on the foods you consume, you might need a wide range of different items.

Now you know how to stay healthy this Christmas, you shouldn’t need to add a diet to your list of new year’s resolutions this year. We hope you have an amazing time over the holidays, and that Santa brings you everything you asked for. Just make sure you leave him something good to eat on December 24th. Cookies will do nothing for his health. 😉


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Best Personalized Christmas Gift Ideas

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There is nothing quite like receiving a present that has been made just for you. Customized gifts are a great way of showing a friend or family member, just how much thought and effort you have put into finding them the perfect Christmas present.

For a helpful guide to the very best personalized present ideas, have a read of our favorites below.

Ideas for children

Finding unique presents for the children can be a challenge, but with so many customizable options on the market, there is something for every taste and budget.

A great gift for boys and girls of all ages, is a pair of giant initials that can be customized to suit each child’s personal tastes. For example, bright, glitter covered letters tend to go down well with the girls, whilst painted or patterned cover letters are popular with the boys. If your child has a favorite television show or character, you could request that their letters are covered in the show’s logo. For example, if your child is a marvel comic book lover, request that their initials are covered in marvel comic book print. These can be placed on a bookshelf or displayed on a bedroom wall.

For older girls, a stylish customized bracelet is a great idea. Faux suede wrap around bracelets complete with a hand stamped silver pendant make a perfect stocking filler. The pendant disk is large enough to fit a few small words or initials – just make sure to choose something cool.

Ideas for adults

A lovely gift idea for a female friend or family member is a personalized cashmere throw. Oversized and lovely warm, complete with the option of adding a small set of initials or wording, this is the perfect sophisticated present idea.

Photo calendars, photo books and photo coffee holders are always popular present choices for family members. Especially family members who live away and can’t spend as much time with you and the children as they would like. Another great way to bring a smile to a relatives face, is to invest in personalized stamps with yours or your child’s face on, and place it on their Christmas card. Personalized photo stamps can be designed and purchased on various internet sites. Many of these sites also offer coupons for free postage, that can be used to send your various other Christmas presents and cards.

If you were planning on getting your sister or mum a piece of jewelry for Christmas. But want something a bit different. A gold plated personalized necklace may be the perfect gift. With a gold chain and an elegant hand-stamped design of your choice, this is sure to be a popular Christmas present.

A customized mobile phone case is another great present idea. You can choose any photo or even upload one of your child’s drawing or painting designs and have it turned into a delightful phone case. For grandparents who live far away and miss seeing your children every day, a hand drawn phone case is a lovely gift idea.


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Awesome Stocking Filler Ideas For Your Kids This Christmas #GiftGuide

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Filling the kids’ stocking is one of my favorite parts of the holidays. There is something adorable about filling up an entire stocking. Watching your kids’ faces as they open up loads of little surprises is so much fun. It is sad that some people no longer uphold the stocking tradition. Christmas should not be about massive gifts. Sometimes it is the little things that make the day so special. If you can’t wait until the big day, you might want to let your little ones open their stockings on Christmas eve. That way, you can spread out the festivities for more than just 24 hours. If you need some help choosing Christmas stocking-fillers, here is a great gift guide to help you.

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When you are choosing your stocking-fillers, you need to think about what will fit in the stockings. That means that you need to get things that are small so that they will fit. Mini-games are great stocking-fillers, and they give your children something to do. You can get travel board games and toys from most department stores. The amazing thing about travel games is that they are small enough to fit inside a stocking, and your kids will never guess it is a game. You might want to get a mini Cluedo or Monopoly as these games are always family favorites.

Customized mittens

Children’s woolen mittens are just adorable. This gift is fantastic, because it is functional. Your children need warm accessories during the winter, and mittens are the cutest accessories of them all! If you are a craft-lover, you can attempt to knit the mittens yourself. If you’re not that confident, you can buy handmade mittens online easily. I find that making your kids’ mittens unique works well. It is always nice to put that extra bit of thought into present ideas. You might want to sew your kids’ names onto their individual mittens so that they are unique and personal. If you don’t already have one, you can pick up a sewing machine online at sites like If your kids tend to lose things, having their names on their mittens is always an excellent idea.

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Cookery books

If your children are around ten or a little older, you should consider getting them cookery books. There are loads of easy recipe books that you might want to choose. If you can get your kids to develop an interest in food now, you will find it easy to get them to eat healthy dishes. Cookery books are great, because you can help your children with the recipes, and so you get a chance to bond. When you are buying a book, make sure that it is suitable for your children’s ages. Ask a store assistant to point out appropriate books for your kids.

Musical toys

If you have the patience for it, you should think about getting your kids musical toys for their stockings. It is never too early to teach your children to play an instrument. You can get some great toy drums, guitars and keyboards online. When you are buying a toy instrument, it might be worth checking out how well it works. Some people sell musical toys that are just for show. You want a toy that your children can play like a real instrument. That way, they will learn some valuable skills when it comes to music.

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You can get some cute Christmas candy for your kid’s stockings as well. Make sure that you don’t give your kids too much candy or they will have a sugar rush and be hyperactive all day long. Instead, look for sweet things, such as chocolate coins, which are traditional at Christmas. Your kids will love these little treats!

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How to Choose Jewelry for Your Special Lady This Christmas

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Christmas is a magical time where we spend time choosing the perfect gifts for our loved ones. A gift that women love to receive at Christmas time is beautiful jewelry. However, men don’t always know what to buy for them as there’s so much choice. It’s true that women can be fussy when accessories are involved. Use these tips to help you:

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Take Note of What She Wears

Pay attention to what she usually wears so you have an idea of what to buy for her. Does she love a good pair of earrings? Does she only wear a watch? You need to use your better judgement here, as you can do one of two things. You could either get her a piece to add to her collection of similar pieces, or buy her something that she hasn’t already got. It’s up to you! Think about whether she usually likes to step outside of her comfort zone or not and you should have your answer.

Get an Idea of Her Style

Knowing what item to buy is one thing, but having an idea of a woman’s style is a whole different ball game. She might like modern jewelry, vintage pieces, or quirky pieces. Take a look at what she likes to wear and see if you can come up with any prominent themes.

Show a Picture

One idea is to gather the information above, and then head to a jewelry shop and show a picture of your lady. A female employee might be able to select something nice for her from looking at the picture and getting an idea of her personality. If you plan on buying body jewelry such as earrings, make sure she actually has her ears pierced first. If she doesn’t, you can always go for clip on earrings. If you buy her earrings when her ears aren’t pierced, the gift won’t come across as very thoughtful.

Listen to Her

She might already be dropping a ton of hints to you, and you don’t know because you aren’t listening to her. These hints can be extremely subtle, and she might not even know she’s doing it. Either way, make sure you dissect what she says to get an idea of what she might like. Pay special attention when she’s reading a magazine, browsing the web, or watching the TV. These are all times she could be looking at jewelry and saying helpful things, but you wouldn’t know because you aren’t listening.

Ask Her Friends/Family

Her friends and family, especially the female members, might already know her jewelry style. They may even be able to help you pick something! If you’re seriously stuck on what to buy, her best friend or mother might have a better idea. Make sure they know not to give the game away though.

Use these tips and you should end up with a piece of jewelry that your lady loves. Even if it’s something that she wouldn’t have chosen herself, she’ll love it because you put some thought into it!

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Inspiring Christmas Decoration Ideas

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Everyone has their favorite thing about Christmas. For some, it’s gifts (giving or receiving), for others it’s the food, and some people just love the decorations. If you’re a creative person, decorating for Christmas is a chance to get your creative juices flowing and go all out. You can redesign the inside and outside of your house for the Christmas season. And because you only have it all up for part of the year, it’s that bit more special because you know it will eventually have to be put away. It can be difficult to keep the ideas flowing every year though, especially if you want to keep things fresh. If you’re stuck for ideas this year, take a look at some of these to see if anything inspires you.

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Start From the Outside

You might have been hesitant in the past to make too much of a big deal about decorating the outside of your house. It’s easy to accidentally go overboard and end up with something that looks like it’s straight out of Whoville. But you can create a beautiful display that enhances your house and neighborhood, instead of being overwhelming and overpowering. If you’re planning to install lots of lights, use a professional service, such as Christmas light installation by ProActive Landscaping. Especially if you need someone to go up on the roof! If you want to stay classy and understated, stick with white and yellow lights, or pick a single color. But if jolly and bright is for you, go for a multi-colored extravaganza.

Experiment With Your Front Door

The traditional adornment for your front door during the holidays is a lovely holiday wreath. But nothing says that you can’t mix it up a bit and use something else. If you want to stick with a green theme, why not try a hanging box or basket with winter plants or flowers instead? Or if you don’t want to deal with any greenery, you could choose something different. A large wooden decoration that resembles a wreath but isn’t one, perhaps in the shape of a star, would look great. Or how about an advent calendar or a beautiful light guiding people to your door?

Christmas Trees

Everyone does their tree differently, often depending on how much space and money they have. You might have a box (or several) of decorations you’ve collected throughout the years that absolutely must go on your tree. Or you might like to experiment every year. If you like a more traditional tree, you could try a safer version of the candles people would once have used. Get some electric “candles” that you can clip on. There’s no need to worry about wax or flames! If you’re not a traditionalist, you could try something more modern. You can find wooden or metal trees in all sorts of colors, including glittery ones. Or you could move away from the pine tree altogether and choose a tall cherry-tree-shaped sculpture with LED lights.

Get Crafting

Finally, one of the best ways to get your inspiration back if you’ve run out of ideas is to get creating. Make your decorations instead of buying them to give yourself a great project in the run up to Christmas.


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Planning Ahead: Amazing Ideas For The Ultimate Christmas Party

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It may only be October, but it is never too soon to start planning a Christmas party. Once the stores put their decorations up, it is time to start planning your festive events. Christmas parties can be a lot of hassle if you don’t plan in advance. That means that you could cause yourself unnecessary stress if you don’t start planning early. Whether you’re putting on a party for your nearest and dearest or planning a huge bash, you need some advice. Here are some amazing ideas for the ultimate Christmas party.

Hire a professional Santa

Few people incorporate Santa into their Christmas party, but that seems a little odd. Children love Santa and having him make a personal appearance at the party will make the bash amazing. You can hire a range of Santa impersonators online. Make sure that you meet the impersonator before the party. You want somebody who looks friendly and warm to greet the children and give them presents.

Get amazing caterers

Many people try and cater their parties themselves. Believe me, doing so will cause you endless trouble. You need to enjoy the party just like everybody else. That means that you need to have the time to enjoy the party. If you’re running around cooking, you won’t have a second to relax. There are loads of private chefs for hire NYC from which to choose. If you have caterers at your party, you have the bonus of them cleaning away all the plates as well.

Serve the perfect hot chocolate

One thing that everybody loves about the festive season is hot chocolate. You should make it your mission to serve the ultimate hot chocolate at your party. Get mini-marshmallows and some quality cocoa powder so that you can whip up some delicious drinks for desert.

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Consider getting a band

If you are hiring a venue, you might also want to get a band for the big day. Whilst everybody enjoys your Christmas CD, they might like to hear something different this year. Look for a reasonable band to play at your party. You’re going to want people to dance at your party, and most Christmas songs are hard to dance to. Make sure you book the band far in advance. Christmas is the busiest time of year for entertainers, and so you need to get in fast.

Make sure everybody gets festive

When you are holding a party, you get to make the rules. You should insist that everybody at the party dresses in something festive. People don’t need to come dressed in Christmas sweaters, but they should make an effort to wear something a little festive. Tell people to wear Christmas badges or accessories. Getting people in a festive mood can be tough, but it will make the party more fun.

Plan traditional Christmas games

People tend to underrate traditional Christmas games. Make a list of some of your favorite games and play them at your party. You might want to play charades in groups or get the entire party involved. Children love these Christmas games, and so it will give them something to do while the adults are socializing.

Get your children involved

Don’t leave your children out when it comes to planning your party. Children love getting involved in party planning. You can have some real fun by making Christmas decorations with your children. Get some crate paper in green and red, and make some cool designs. You can make festive banners and posters will your little ones. If you enjoy baking, you might also want to consider making some Christmas cookies. You can let your children decorate them and serve them at your party.


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ABC’s 25 Days of Christmas Schedule!

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25 Days of Christmas Schedule 2014I am so excited for this AMAZING list of all of ABC’s 25 Days of Christmas Movies schedule including links to purchase all of your favorites!  Make sure to pin this so you can check back often to catch all your favorites!  Thanks, Raining Hot Coupons!

Monday, December 1

(4:00–5:00 PM ET/PT) JACK FROST (1979)
(5:00–6:00 PM ET/PT) Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town
(6:00–8:00 PM ET/PT) National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
(8:00–10:00 PM ET/PT) ELF
(10:00 PM–12:00 AM ET/PT) The Santa Clause
(12:00–1:00 AM ET/PT)Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town
(1:00–2:00 AM ET/PT) JACK FROST (1979)

Tuesday, December 2

(4:00–6:00 PM ET/PT) Rudolph and Frosty’s Christmas in July
(6:00–8:00 PM ET/PT) ELF
(8:00–10:00 PM ET/PT) The Santa Clause
(10:00 PM–12:00 AM ET/PT) The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
(12:00–2:00 AM ET/PT) Prancer

Wednesday, December 3

(5:00–7:00 PM ET/PT) Prancer
(7:00–9:00 PM ET/PT) The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
(9:00–11:00 PM ET/PT) The Polar Express
(12:00–2:00 AM ET/PT) A Very Brady Christmas

Thursday, December 4

(5:00–6:00 PM ET/PT) Rudolph’s Shiny New Year
(6:00–7:00 PM ET/PT) The Year Without a Santa Claus
(7:00–9:00 PM ET/PT) The Polar Express
(9:00–11:00 PM ET/PT) Disney’s A Christmas Carol
(12:00–2:00 AM ET/PT) Snow

Friday, December 5

(5:00–6:00 PM ET/PT) The Year Without a Santa Claus
(6:00–8:00 PM ET/PT) Disney’s A Christmas Carol
(8:00–10:30 PM ET/PT) Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
(10:30–11:30 PM ET/PT) Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town
(11:30 PM–2:00 AM ET/PT) – FRED CLAUS

Saturday, December 6

(7:00–9:00 AM ET/PT) All I Want for Christmas
(9:00–11:00 AM ET/PT) A Dennis the Menace Christmas
(11:00 AM–1:30 PM ET/PT) FRED CLAUS
(1:30-2:00 PM ET/PT) Frosty’s Winter Wonderland
(2:00-4:00 PM ET/PT) The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
(4:00-6:30 PM ET/PT) Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
(6:30-9:00 PM ET/PT) TOY STORY 3
(9:00-11:00 PM ET/PT) ARTHUR CHRISTMAS – Network Television Premiere!
(11:00 PM–1:00 AM ET/PT)The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
(1:00–2:00 AM ET/PT) JACK FROST (1979)

Sunday, December 7

(7:00–9:00 AM ET/PT) A Dennis the Menace Christmas
(9:00-9:30 AM ET/PT) The Little Drummer Boy
(9:30 AM–11:30 AM ET/PT) Rudolph and Frosty’s Christmas in July
(1:30-3:30PM ET/PT) JACK FROST (1998)
(3:30–5:30 PM ET/PT) The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
(5:30–8:00 PM ET/PT) TOY STORY 3
(8:30–10:30 PM ET/PT) ELF
(11:00 PM–12:00 AM ET/PT) The Year Without a Santa Claus

Monday, December 8

(5:00–6:00 PM ET/PT) The Year Without a Santa Claus
(6:00–8:00 PM ET/PT) ELF
(10:00–11:00 PM ET/PT) Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town
(12:00–1:00 AM ET/PT) THE FOSTERS

Tuesday, December 9

(5:00–5:30 PM ET/PT)Frosty’s Winter Wonderland
(5:30–6:00 PM ET/PT) Mickey’s Christmas Carol
(10:00-11:00 PM ET/PT) Rudolph’s Shiny New Year

Wednesday, December 10

(6:00–7:00 PM ET/PT) The Year Without a Santa Claus
(7:00-7:30 PM ET/PT) Baby Daddy
(7:30–8:00 PM ET/PT)Melissa & Joey
(8:00–8:30 PM ET/PT) Melissa & Joey – NEW HOLIDAY EPISODE!
(8:30-9:00 PM ET/PT) Baby Daddy – NEW HOLIDAY EPISODE!
(9:00–11:00 PM ET/PT) National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
(12:00–12:30 AM ET/PT) Melissa & Joey
(12:30–1:00 AM ET/PT) Baby Daddy

Thursday, December 11

(5:00–7:00 PM ET/PT) JACK FROST (1998)
(7:00–9:00 PM ET/PT) National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
(9:00–11:00 PM ET/PT) Scrooged
(12:00–2:00 AM ET/PT) The Mistle-tones

Friday, December 12

(4:30–5:30 PM ET/PT) JACK FROST (1979)
(5:30–7:30 PM ET/PT) Scrooged
(7:30–9:30 PM ET/PT) The Santa Clause
(9:30 PM–12:00 AM ET/PT) MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (1994)
(12:00–2:00 AM ET/PT) Holiday in Handcuffs

Saturday, December 13

(7:00–9:00 AM ET/PT) Unlikely Angel
(9:00–11:00 AM ET/PT) The Mistle-tones
(11:00 AM–1:00 PM ET/PT) HOME ALONE 3
(1:00–3:00 PM ET/PT) Prancer
(3:00–5:30 PM ET/PT) MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET(1994)
(5:30–6:00 PM ET/PT) Mickey’s Christmas Carol
(6:00–8:00 PM ET/PT) The Santa Clause
(8:00–10:00 PM ET/PT) National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
(10:00–11:00 PM ET/PT) Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town
(11:00–11:30 PM ET/PT)Mickey’s Christmas Carol
(11:30 PM–2:00 AM ET/PT)

Sunday, December 14

(7:00–9:30 AM ET/PT) MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (1994)
(9:30–11:30 AM ET/PT) Disney’s A Christmas Carol
(11:30 AM–1:30 PM ET/PT) JACK FROST (1998)
(1:30–4:00 PM ET/PT) FRED CLAUS
(4:00–6:00 PM ET/PT) National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
(6:00–9:00 PM ET/PT) Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
(9:00 PM–12:00 AM ET/PT) Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Monday, December 15

(7:00-7:30 PM ET/PT) Disney’s Prep & Landing
(7:30–8:00 PM ET/PT) Disney’s Prep & Landing: NAUGHTY VS. NICE
(8:00–9:00 PM ET/PT) The Year Without a Santa Claus
(9:00–11:00 PM ET/PT) The Polar Express
(12:00–2:00 AM ET/PT) Santa Baby

Tuesday, December 16

(4:30-6:30 PM ET/PT) Rudolph and Frosty’s Christmas in July
(6:30–8:30 PM ET/PT) The Polar Express
(8:30–11:00 PM ET/PT) HOME ALONE
(12:00-2:00 AM ET/PT) Santa Baby 2: Christmas Maybe

Wednesday, December 17

(7:00–9:00 AM ET/PT) Holidaze
(9:00–11:00 AM ET/PT) Santa Baby
(11:00 AM–1:00 PM ET/PT) Santa Baby 2: Christmas Maybe
(1:00–3:00 PM ET/PT) Disney’s A Christmas Carol
(3:00–4:30 PM ET/PT) Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas
(4:30–5:30 PM ET/PT) The Year Without a Santa Claus
(5:30–6:30 PM ET/PT) Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town
(6:30–9:00 PM ET/PT) HOME ALONE
(9:00–11:00 PM ET/PT) The Santa Clause
(12:00–2:00 AM ET/PT) Christmas Cupid

Thursday, December 18

(7:00–9:00 AM ET/PT) Christmas Cupid
(9:00–11:00 AM ET/PT) Unlikely Angel
(11:00 AM–1:00 PM ET/PT) 12 Dates of Christmas
(1:00–3:00 PM ET/PT) Holiday in Handcuffs
(3:00–5:00 PM ET/PT) Prancer
(6:30–8:30 PM ET/PT) The Santa Clause
(8:30–11:00 PM ET/PT) FRED CLAUS
(12:00–2:00 AM ET/PT) Holiday in Handcuffs

Friday, December 19

(9:00–11:00 AM ET/PT) Unaccompanied Minors
(11:00–11:30 AM ET/PT) Mickey’s Christmas Carol
(11:30 AM–1:30 PM ET/PT) Prancer
(1:30–3:30 PM ET/PT) JACK FROST (1998)
(3:30–6:00 PM ET/PT) FRED CLAUS
(6:00–8:00 PM ET/PT) HOME ALONE
(8:00–10:00 PM ET/PT) ELF
(10:00 PM–12:00 AM ET/PT) National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
(12:00–2:00 AM ET/PT) Scrooged

Saturday, December 20

(9:00–11:00 AM ET/PT) Santa Buddies: THE LEGEND OF SANTA PAWS
(11:00 AM–12:00 PM ET/PT) The Year Without a Santa Claus
(12:00–2:00 PM ET/PT) Arthur Christmas
(2:00–4:00 PM ET/PT) HOME ALONE
(4:00–6:00 PM ET/PT) National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
(6:00–8:00 PM ET/PT) ELF
(8:00–10:30 PM ET/PT) Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
(10:30 PM–1:00 AM ET/PT) HOME ALONE

Sunday, December 21

(7:00–9:00 AM ET/PT) Santa Buddies: THE LEGEND OF SANTA PAWS
(9:00–11:00 AM ET/PT) Arthur Christmas
(1:00-1:30 PM ET/PT) The Little Drummer Boy
(2:00-3:00 PM ET/PT) Rudolph’s Shiny New Year
(3:00–4:00 PM ET/PT) Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town
(4:00–5:00 PM ET/PT) The Year Without a Santa Claus
(5:00–7:30 PM ET/PT) Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
(7:30–10:00 PM ET/PT) HOME ALONE
(10:00 PM–12:00 AM ET/PT) The Polar Express

Monday, December 22

(9:00–11:00 AM ET/PT) A Dennis the Menace Christmas
(11:00 AM–1:00 PM ET/PT) Unlikely Angel
(1:00–3:00 PM ET/PT) Snowglobe
(3:00–5:00 PM ET/PT) The Mistle-tones
(5:00–5:30 PM ET/PT) Frosty’s Winter Wonderland
(5:30-6:30 PM ET/PT) Rudolph’s Shiny New Year
(6:30–7:30 PM ET/PT) Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town
(7:30–8:30 PM ET/PT) The Year Without a Santa Claus
(9:00–11:00 PM ET/PT) The Santa Clause
(12:00-2:00 AM ET/PT) Rudolph and Frosty’s Christmas in July

Tuesday, December 23

(8:30–10:30 AM ET/PT) Christmas Cupid
(10:30 AM–12:30 PM ET/PT) Santa Baby
(12:30–2:30 PM ET/PT) Santa Baby 2: Christmas Maybe
(2:30–4:30 PM ET/PT) Holiday in Handcuffs
(4:30–6:30 PM ET/PT) The Santa Clause
(7:00–9:00 PM ET/PT) HOME ALONE
(9:00–11:00 PM ET/PT)The Polar Express
(12:00–2:00 AM ET/PT) Arthur Christmas

Wednesday, December 24

(7:00-7:30 AM ET/PT) Mickey’s Christmas Carol
(7:30–9:30 AM ET/PT) Arthur Christmas
(11:00 AM-1:00 PM) Snow
(1:00 PM-3:00 PM ET/PT) JACK FROST
(3:00–5:00 PM ET/PT) The Polar Express
(5:00–7:00 PM ET/PT) HOME ALONE
(7:00–9:00 PM ET/PT) National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
(9:00–11:00 PM ET/PT) ELF
(12:00–2:00 AM ET/PT) Scrooged

Thursday, December 25

(7:00–7:30 AM ET/PT) Frosty’s Winter Wonderland
(7:30–8:00 AM ET/PT) The Little Drummer Boy
(8:30–9:00 AM ET/PT) Twas the night before Christmas
(9:00–9:30 AM ET/PT) Mickey’s Christmas Carol
(11:00 AM–1:00 PM ET/PT) HOME ALONE
(1:00-2:00 PM ET/PT) Rudolph’s Shiny New Year
(2:00–3:00 PM ET/PT) Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town

(4:00–4:30 PM ET/PT) Disney’s Prep & Landing
(4:30–5:00 PM ET/PT) Disney’s Prep & Landing: NAUGHTY VS. NICE
(5:00–7:00 PM ET/PT) National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
(7:00–9:00 PM ET/PT) ELF
(9:00–11:00 PM ET/PT) HOME ALONE
(12:00 AM–2:00 AM ET/PT) HOME ALONE 3

25 Days of Christmas  Schedule 2014

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Create Beautiful Gift Baskets to Give This Christmas

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It’s not long until Christmas – at least, not in terms of preparing for Christmas – and you’re starting to think about gifts. There are always people you struggle to buy for, from close family members to people you don’t know very well. It’s especially hard to buy for people you’re closely related to, but not close to (in a relationship sense). But even the people you know well can cause a problem, especially when you’ve been buying them presents for years. Sometimes it feels like you’ve run out of steam, and you’ve already bought them everything they would enjoy. When you’re stuck for ideas for big gifts, the next best thing is lots of little gifts. A gift basket or hamper makes a delightful gift for Christmas, as well as other occasions. You can buy them ready-made, but where would be the fun in that? Here’s your guide on how to start putting one together.


Choose Your Basket and Theme

To start you off, you can choose a theme to create your basket around. You don’t have to do this, but if you want to get creative, it can help you to make your basket more cohesive. Otherwise, it could end up just being a collection of random gifts that don’t have anything to do with each other. When you choose your basket or hamper, think about how much you’re going to put in it to make sure it’s big enough. It doesn’t have to be a woven basket if you don’t want it to be. You could use a large vase, a big decorative bowl or even a colorful bucket.

Buy Wrapping and Lining

Before you start filling your basket, choose fabric, paper or cellophane to wrap and line it. You might decide just to wrap everything in clear cellophane, so you can see everything in the hamper from the outside. If you use paper, make sure it’s durable; normal wrapping paper is too thin to wrap or line your basket without breaking. You can use colored cellophane too, and line your basket to make the inside prettier. Follow your theme, if you picked one, to come up with a color scheme.

Decide What to Put Inside

Now it’s time to start filling your basket. If you picked a theme, concentrate your items along the theme, as you did with your lining and wrapping. Some things you might put in your basket include wine, homemade cookies, chocolate, jewelry or baby items. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on everything you put in the basket, which is one of the bonuses of filling a gift hamper. Everything should be good quality though, especially if you’re filling a food basket. Wine and chocolate in particular should be good quality – try Venchi dark chocolate for indulgent Italian chocolate.


When you’ve tied your wrapping around your basket, add a few finishing touches to decorate. You can tie on some ribbon curls, add some stickers or stick on a bow. Don’t forget the gift tag!


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Make This Year Easier With This FREE Printable Christmas Planner

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Printable Christmas PlannerWant to make your Christmas planning a little easier?
Print this FREE Printable Christmas Planner!
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