Life Hacks For Student Nurses

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Being a nurse is no mean feat. From the moment you decide that nursing is your true calling in life there will be a lot of work, pain, sweat and tears to get to where you need to be in life. Being a nurse is a rewarding job and one which you should definitely consider during your life, and if you are studying for the job right now, here are some handy life hacks you need to know.

Keep learning

When you are a nurse at any level you need to keep one eye on the present and one eye in a book. There are always new developments in the medical world and by making sure you keep on top of the news alongside your MSN program you will be able to be the best possible nurse you can be.

Meal prep

Meal prepping is the most important thing you can do for yourself as a nurse because when you are working crazy hours and shifts it can be hard to find a second to sit down and eat any food at all. If you wait and try to buy food from work you can risk a big queue and forgoing the ability to eat anything of substance. Instead think of meal prepping some pasta, sandwiches salads or something similar on a Sunday afternoon to last you for the next few days. You’ll be able to sit down and eat a decent meal during work to stay healthy and full of energy.

Early nights

No matter what hours you work, when you get home in the evening or morning you need to get yourself a well deserved shower and get into bed. As a medical professional your life will be pretty crazy and it will involve a lot of running around, and you need to make sure your body has ample time to recover at the end of the day. Get some sleep no matter when it is to stay happy and healthy.


Similar to the above, you need to remember that life is a balance between work and home. You need to give yourself time away to collect yourself and enjoy your life while you can, you’ll regret it if you work yourself into the ground for nothing. If you feel stressed one week, make sure to book a day or two off the following week for some well needed me time. Look after your body and your mind.

See family and friends

Family and friends are the backbone of life and if you are working a job like nursing it can cause a lot of heartache and stress. Make sure you keep a close relationship with your family and friends so that you can share your worries and maintain that bond. You’ll need someone to talk to every once in a while and there are no better people than those. Make time for them each month and make sure you don’t ever take them for granted.

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