The Benefits of Cooking with Your Children

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Bringing your children into the kitchen to help assist you with the cooking can bring you many benefits. Exposing your children to new foods and trying out a variety of recipes can help enhance their culinary skills. Here are some of the benefits of cooking with your children.

Developing Skills

One of the main benefits of having your children help you with cooking is all the transferable skills that they will develop. If you need to double a recipe, this will require addition or multiplication skills. If you need to halve it, it will need to be divided. Once your children get the hang of the recipe, they will be practicing their math skills without even realizing it. There are also many life skills that your children can benefit from when cooking. Having cooking lessons from an early age can help your child transition into adulthood with the culinary skills they need.

Boosting Self Esteem

Another great benefit of allowing your children to cook with you is to see how much it will boost their self-esteem. Cooking can be a wonderful way to take your child’s mind off school and any other problems. As cooking allows your children to get instant feedback, this will help them learn, develop and gain knowledge. Learning a new skill can help your child enormously and make them feel proud of their achievements, as well as boosting their self-esteem.


While some recipes may be easy to follow, others will have dozens of steps and instructions that need to be followed closely. Allowing your child to read and understand the instructions can help them get a better idea of all the components needed to make the finished food product. Reading comprehension skills will benefit your child in a huge way and give them a skill that they can take with them to adulthood.

Communicating Effectively

For your cooking experience to go as smoothly as possible, it is important that you can communicate effectively with your child. Being able to work as part of a team can help your child relax and be open with you. Cooking with your child can be a fantastic bonding experience and help bring you closer together. Communication is a vital element in raising a well-adjusted, happy and healthy child.

Having Fun

Most importantly, the entire experience should be fun and something different. There are many ways that you can inject a bit of fun into proceedings to ensure your child does not get bored and stays focused throughout cooking. Having fun with your child creates positive vibes and memories (along with great food). For your child to stay engaged, they will need to feel motivated and interested in what they are cooking. The age of your child will reflect in what sort of dishes you can cook up. Websites like can give you a ton of recipes to try.

With so many benefits and skills that your children can take advantage of, there are more than enough reasons to bring them into the kitchen and let them help assist you with cooking.

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A Closer Bond With Your Kids In Just 24 Hours? Here’s How

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What could you change in just one day? Many of us accept the various status quo in our lives because we don’t feel that we have the time, energy to change them. But that approach couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, many things can completely change in the space of 24 hours, and we have the ability to affect positive changes in our lives even in such a small amount of time. One of the things a lot of people wish to improve is their relationship with their children – and even this is possible in a short space of time. Modern families tend to have fast-paced schedules, with jobs, school commitments and children’s hobbies leaving little space for simple togetherness. Focusing on reconnecting is hugely important amid all this rush –  and the good news is it doesn’t need a pricey vacation. It needs you, your child and 24 hours.

Get Involved in Their Games

Often, we rush through our lives ticking of chores, mealtimes, bath and bedtime like some robot. And while routines and consistency are hugely important for a child’s emotional development, so too is allowing time for unstructured play. Often, we are guilty of dismissing this as unimportant or inconsequential, but the truth is far from that. Creative play allows children to discover more about the world, work through their feelings and develop their thoughts. So next time your child begins a game of imaginative play, why not simply join in? Surrender to the moment and create some bonding time.

Take Them On A Day Out

Days out are one of the fondest childhood memories many of us have, so it’s only right to prioritise them using vacation time or weekends. A day out can range from a simple trip to the ice-cream parlour, or taking a picnic to the beach, to a theatre show or event. Use The Ticket Merchant to alert you to deals on exciting events coming up in your area, or think about ways to make the every day memorable. You don’t have to spend lots of cash – simply going on a bug safari or a trip to the library can be special if you make it.

Talk About Their Feelings

Helping our children to work through and talk about their emotions is a valuable gift, and can do a lot to make them feel closer to you. Many of us don’t feel comfortable talking about these topics, but we owe it to our kids to find out how to get comfortable with talking about emotions. They need our guidance to successfully navigate complex situations that they may not have words for. It will help them to feel understood, heard and supported and let them know that they can always come to you with any problems. Use easy-to-understand, age-appropriate examples from your own life to show them how to resolve their challenges.

Get Them Involved

If you do have urgent chores that can be put off, make sure you get the kids involved. Instead of being something you have to ignore them to get done, include them in for a shared sense of accomplishment and purpose. Give them a small, supervised part of the task to do themselves. It may end with taking a little longer, but it means you’re spending time together working towards a goal – and you get to tick a job off your list while spending time with them too.


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Why Parents MUST Fork Out For School Trips

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“Mom, mom, I need $50 to take to school tomorrow. We’re going on a school trip!”

The kids are always unbelievably excited to attend field days out of the classroom. Parents can never decide whether they are interested in the subject or whether they want a day off. Regardless, moms and dads are never as enthusiastic. Behind the mask are the questions that never seem to go away. Can we afford it? Is it expensive? Can they afford to miss it?

Sadly, looking after a family is expensive work and there is never enough to go around. Saying that below are four reasons to get their butts on the bus.

It’s Fun

There are educational and social factors to think about, and this post will get into them later. But, let’s face it – life as an adult is tough. There is a responsibility to burden, bills to pay, and small human beings to protect. So, kids should enjoy their time as cute little monsters while they still have the chance. Children deserve the opportunity to have fun, and days in the field ten to fit the bill. This is true of school trips by NST and specialist companies that work in the industry. Anyway, school is getting tougher and tougher, and it comes with its pressures. A tour is a way to blow off steam, too.

And Educational

Please, don’t see it as a day where they will play pranks with their friends and slack off. Those things may happen, but there’s a good chance that the kids will get involved. Great field trips are interesting and grab the imagination of the audience, and this only serves to aid learning. Think of the days in museums searching the premises for clues and answers to the questions on the sheet. When education and enjoyment come together, it teaches kids about the thirst for knowledge.

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Bypasses Budget Cuts

As strange as it sounds, a day out is a fantastic way to overcome school restrictions. With budget cuts at an all-time high, the one-on-one time for students is getting lower. Even worse, there isn’t enough time or personnel to cover the syllabus, leaving gaps in their knowledge. A successful field day helps to conquer these issues by housing all the resources they need under one roof. Museums and art galleries and colleges are places of higher learning that aren’t subject to a shoestring budget. As a result, they have the tools to teach a large amount of info in one day.

Appeases Son/Daughter

Okay, parents shouldn’t do things solely for the love of their kids. As guardians, it’s up to us to make tough decisions which are for their own good. Still, everyone knows children hold grudges. They’re like an elephant with temper issues! And, they will happily let us know about for the rest of our lives, give or take. Sure, it isn’t the best reason to fork out, but seeing the look on their face is priceless. What’s the point of being a parent if we can’t make them happy once in a while?

Will you grant or deny their next request to go on a field trip?

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It’s Not Child’s Play! Bonding With Your Child Over Gaming

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If your experience of gaming were those retro games from at least 25 years ago, gaming has changed so much since then. If you’ve got young kids, it’s natural to feel concerned about the the type of game your kid is playing. In fact, for many kids, gaming is actually a positive thing. It’s not like when you were a kid, and you were told that playing computer games, if you had the luxury, would result in you having square eyes, and completely withdraw from society. In fact, gaming now is a very sociable pastime. There are sites like Twitch, where are you can livestream games, or you can watch someone play a game. Now, this doesn’t sound like a good thing, and in fact, might sound particularly boring, but it’s very popular! And your child might be part of this. So, if you’re trying to bond with your child, video games is one of the best options now. So, how can you do this?

Picking family games

Nowadays, there are many different options for family oriented games. The Nintendo Switch is something that is specifically targeted towards multiplayer scenarios, so if your child has been hinting for a Nintendo Switch for so long, buying it for them might be the perfect in. And while there is a physical aspect to a lot of these consoles now, namely the Nintendo Wii, it doesn’t have to be all about the physical aspect. So, you want your child to get out an exercise, but if the goal is bonding with them, you’re going to have to make a few sacrifices, and not think about the overall impact on their physical state. We can discuss exercising further down the line, but for now, if you’re trying to instigate more communication with your child, multiplayer games are your way in.

Choosing the right console

Yes, the Nintendo Switch, or Nintendo Wii are good options for multiplayers, but, don’t underestimate the games that require a PC. While games like Minecraft are a solitary pursuit, there are many options to play with other people. If you are lucky enough to have a couple of PCs in the house, you can easily jump on one of them and play with your child that way. If you are struggling to get any sense of conversation out of your child, playing with then, albeit in different rooms, could be a very good start.

Have an actual interest in the game!

Kids know when you are being disingenuous. So, with something like video games, that is their own hobby, they can feel that you are hijacking it somewhat. So, instead of asking them particularly pointless questions, it’s better for you to have an actual interest in gaming, so, do your research before you sit down with them. This is going to be a much better way for you to instigate communication. And, they may be quite impressed as to how much knowledge you have as an “old person”. And you never know, it could start you onto your own unique daily habit. Don’t panic! There is nothing undignified about a parent having a healthy gaming habit. After all, gaming comes in various guys now, as well as your typical setups like Minecraft, or even games on social media, like Mafia Wars, there’s something a bit more mature, and gambling sites offer a SpinStation casino bonus so you can add that little bit more excitement and maturity to your gaming. Gaming doesn’t have to be an immature pastime, but if you’re trying to use it as a way to communicate with your child, it’s best not to put down any aspect of it. Offering comments about the game they are playing isn’t going to help. So it’s much better for you to have an active interest in the game.

Use gaming as an excuse to talk to your kids

By talking to your kids during a competitive game, such as the typical racing games, or sports games, you can take this opportunity to slip in the all-important questions. Asking them how school was, if they’ve got any issues, etc, will be a bit easier to sneak in while you’re both focused on something else. The big problem most kids have after a certain age is that they are reticent to answer anything, so this is why you have to build up their trust in your ability to be a good gamer. Once you’ve earned their trust in their domain, only then will they open up to you. But this takes a lot of time. You can’t expect to find out all their deep, dark secrets after sitting with them in front of their favourite game for a week or so. And what if they want to be alone? This is going to take even longer. If they pick games that are one player only, it’s very likely they are doing this on purpose. And because they don’t want to engage with you directly, it’s just going to take that little bit longer. But don’t lose faith, take as long as is necessary. Don’t forget, your kids will sniff out an ulterior motive right away, so it’s better for you to focus on the game playing, especially during the first few weeks. Gaming is quite an immersive experience nowadays, it’s not just a bit of fun, so it’s important for you, as the parents, not to belittle the whole process. So, if you are aiming to ask your kids questions about their school day and the like, it’s better for you to get stuck into the game and know what you doing first. This means you have to put in the hours, because if your kid is going to beat you every single time, this doesn’t pose a challenge. So, if you then build up enough skill at a certain game where you can beat your child on occasion, this is going to instigate them to come back and play again and again, so you can bond more and more!

It can take a long time, but if your child is particularly keen on video games, this could be the perfect way to build a proper bond with them. If you’ve been struggling for ways to encourage them to go out and play baseball with you, or go for a walk, or anything, video games might be the perfect option. But remember, it’s not child’s play!


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Top Tips For New Moms

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Whether you are having your first baby or welcoming another addition to your family, it’s hard work being a mom – especially now you are going to be looking after your newborn. A lack of sleep, feeling tired, stressed, overwhelmed and cranky, will see your mood swings change and hormones soar. It may be hard working bringing home a newborn, and it may be overwhelming at first. However, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy those magical first few months. It’s crucial that you look after yourself and your baby if you want to keep you both in the best of health. Keep these top tips to hand, and you’re sure to enjoy motherhood.

Get the nursery ready

It’s going to be near impossible to get the nursery ready or finish any painting around the house once the baby arrives, so make sure that you take time to get prepped and prepared during your last few weeks of pregnancy. If that isn’t the case, and you are feeling a little lost, then worry not. There are a few quick fixes that you can use. First and foremost, make sure that the heating and lighting is right for your baby – too hot or too cold could cause colds and infections to spread. Next, stock up on diapers, you can never have enough! Finally, make sure that you invest in a crib that supports your baby. Sites such as provide reviews and information to help you choose the best option for you.

Sleep when you can

It might sound obvious, but once you are looking after your newborn, you are going to seriously struggle to get enough shuteye. If you are going to have enough energy to deal with the ups and downs of becoming a mom, then you might want to adopt a different approach to resting. You need to try and opt for quality downtime, over the actual number of hours that you sleep. Try booking a spa day, going for a gentle walk with your baby and even attending a Yoga class to help you rest and have a change of scenery.

Follow your gut

It’s a tough call being a new mom, especially if you don’t have any family or relatives nearby to help lend a hand with childcare. However, make sure that you aren’t too hard on yourself. If you can’t get your baby to settle, or find it hard to leave your baby when they are crying, then trust your gut to choose the right solution for your child. Remember, when it comes to childcare, every infant is different. So, what your mother or female relatives suggest, might not always work.

It’s hard work being a mom, especially if you are a new mom learning how to look after your first baby. However, make sure that you prepare your nursery, catch up on sleep and follow your gut if you have to deal with any tantrums or teething worries. Most importantly, however, make sure you enjoy the magic of motherhood!

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Don’t Let Everyday Stress Affect Your Kids

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When you have children, it’s only natural to want the best for them, whether this means sending them to the best local school or spoiling them for Christmas and at their birthdays. And while every parent is trying to make sure that they can afford to fulfil their kids’ dreams and to build a safe and healthy life for them, it’s important not to forget one key element of parenting. The best thing you can do for your kid is being a good parent, and that matters more than the toys you can buy. The qualities that you expect in a good parent is to be loving in such a way that your child can perceive your affection. You also need to be prepared, as children, unfortunately, require a lot of planning from keeping baby wipes in your handbag to considering writing your will. And finally, the most important of all is about managing your stress. Here are the three most common types of anxiety that children can pick up from their parents.

Woman Hug Child Love Baby People Kid Mother

Establish a safe relationship

Financial anxiety is linked to parents

More often than not, adults who worry about their finances have witnessed the situation first hand from their parents. As a result, they grew up believing that money matters were something to fear. While there are many unfortunate financial crises, they all have a solution, from getting in touch with a company about options for debt consolidation with bad credit to considering a more frugal approach to your household budget. If you learn to handle your money problems effectively and to find the help you need, then your child will not grow up learning that money equals stress. More importantly, children who develop a fear of finances may never learn to manage a budget effectively. In other words, fear of money leads to debts and unsolvability.

Low self-esteem issues learned from mommies

Having a child can be stressful, especially as you struggle to understand what your baby wants. Is it hungry? Is it tired? Why does it cry? Consequently, how you react in moments of uncertainty will affect your child. If your baby feels your fear, it will react to it and become more agitated. Remaining calm is the best approach when dealing with children. Admittedly, there are no perfect parents, and you will make mistakes too. But if you feel bad about yourself as a person and a parent, you’re likely to extend the negativity to your child. Negative self-esteem serves as a poor example for children.

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How do you tell your kid to stop?

There are days when simply you can’t take it anymore, and you find yourself shouting at your child to behave. According to a study run by the Harvard Medical School, shouting at children can alter the structure of their brains. Shouting at your child to obey is not only loud, but it doesn’t work. Besides it shows that you’re not in control. But, and that’s the worst part of it, it also implies that there’s no other way to communicate. And consequently, shouty parents have shouty children who, inevitably, find it difficult to express their feelings.

In short, children learn very early how to handle their fears, self-esteem issues and communication strategies by watching their parents. Being a good parent is about showing the best possible example for your child. Be a good mom/dad, and learn to relax, that’s the best thing you can do.


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Don’t Panic! Treating Newborn Illnesses

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Your newborn will be the most precious thing in your life, and so whenever your child gets sick, it can feel like the end of the world. You will always think that whatever illness strikes your newborn will be worse than it is. Your imagination will run wild with possibilities.

But often, it is never as bad as it first appears. In the case of newborns who are unable to communicate, this can cause a hefty amount of stress for parents. But being able to recognise the difference between severe illness and a minor issue will save you as a parent a lot of grief and heartache.

It is only natural and expected that you want your child to be and remain as healthy as possible. It is also only natural to want to do everything you can to keep him or her healthy – even if it results in your acting like a germaphobe. You probably believe it is better to be safe than sorry, but remaining calm and understanding specific symptoms when your child is ill can help put your mind at ease.


While not strictly an illness, a baby suffering from a fever can be a stressful time. Keeping a check on your child’s temperature can help you discover when a fever strikes and deal with it as quickly and efficiently as possible.

A fever in newborns is considered to be a temperature of 100.4℉ (38℃), and this is typically taken rectally. Anything less, while it may seem high, is nothing to be concerned about. However, it is still wise to stay vigilant in case this temperature continues to rise.

When adults have a fever, it is advised to stay as hydrated as possible. With babies, you need to follow a similar course of action in addition to trying to dress them in cool clothes that will help air out any heat. Further advice states to treat the symptoms as opposed to the fever itself, as the fever could be working to fight infections.


Your newborn having a skin condition is one of the more obvious signs of illness. Skin problems, such as baby acne are usually harmless and, while doctors are unsure of the cause, shouldn’t mean you need to do anything differently.

Other skins problems include eczema, which is a red rash that can affect any part of the child’s body. Eczema can be caused by detergents in fabric softeners or shampoos and can flare up unexpectedly. Suffering from eczema can cause itching and be uncomfortable, but you can find creams that will help soothe any problems while you speak to a doctor.

While much of the time these skin conditions will be harmless, it is still essential that you consult a doctor to ensure that the issues are not contagious to minimise the risk of the illness spreading around your house, and to other children as well.


If you think that your vomiting is bad, you may believe that for newborns it is even worse. But babies do tend to vomit a lot. This is especially true in the early weeks after birth, as they are getting used to feeding.

Typically, a newborn’s vomit will be a bit of milk (formula or breastmilk) and could have been caused by overfeeding. This is nothing to worry about, but if your child is demonstrating other symptoms of illness, such as a cold or fever, then it is wise to consult with a medical professional.

Often, the baby will be sick once, and that is it. However, if this vomiting persists for longer than twelve hours and is particularly rough, then it could be a sign of more significant problems. You may not be able to figure out precisely what is wrong by yourself, and going to the doctor will help you identify what the cause of the vomiting could be.

You want to ensure that your child is as healthy as it possibly can be, but much like yourself and everyone you know, there will be times when it gets ill. When this does occur, understanding what is best to do, and not running to the doctor at every mild ailment, will allow you to better treat your child as best you can.

What is vital is not to panic, illness in newborns who are exposed to different elements every day is only natural and so you need to allow their immune system to develop. For more severe cases, of course, it is smart to contact the doctor, but before, be sure to check the severity and do what you can at home, remain calm, and treat your child as well as possible when it is under the weather.

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What Are The Qualities Of A Good Parent

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Being a good parent isn’t about how much money you can spend or the toys and treats that your children get from you. That’s not the important part. Yes, it’s nice to buy things for the little ones, but there are many more qualities of a good parent that should come first. Bringing up children who are kind, compassionate, cheerful, empathetic, and who can look after themselves with confidence is what parenting is all about.

Be Loving

Kids need love. It’s the most important thing you can give them, and it will make them into a wonderful adult. Being loving and affectionate as you give guidance and instruction will make for happy children who also do as you ask of them without talking back and lashing out. Love means respecting, encouraging, and nurturing your children, not judging or blaming them when something goes wrong (as it often will). This love needs to be constantly affirmed – you can do this with words and actions, but you don’t need to buy presents all the time to show them you love them.

Be Prepared

Whether that’s making sure that you never run out of baby wipes and diapers, or contacting Rhodes Law Firm to discuss your will and carry out estate planning so that your kids will be provided for should the worst happen, being prepared is something that all good parents will need to learn. However, it’s not something that all parents will instinctively know how to do – it’s a matter of learning as you go and soon enough you’ll understand what’s essential and what’s not, and what you will need to think ahead about, and what you can leave to chance.

Stress Management

Being a parent is a stressful job, and tempers can often fray. They key to being a good parent is being able to manage that stress so that, even when you are frustrated and irritated, your children don’t bear the brunt of your feelings. Children learn their own emotions through mirroring their parents’ and therefore trying to keep as calm as possible at all times is essential in bringing up well adjusted children. Parents who complain to their children (or even their partner within earshot of the children) about a bad day at work, or an argument had with a neighbor, or who use bad language are a bad example for their children. Not only that, but it could cause your children to feel less secure.


Parents who are able to skillfully communicate with their children and show a genuine interest in what they are doing and how they are feeling are good parents. It shows that you are always there for the children, and that you respect them, and this will make for a happy, well-rounded child growing up, and a productive member of society when they are adults. Encourage your child to talk to you about everything, including their feelings and what they are going through. Explain reasons behind rules instead of just telling them to do whatever it is you asked because you said so. Let them know you understand what they are going through, or how the are feeling.



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How Parents Can Be Truly Present For Their Children

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Children need their parents, but they especially need their parents to be full present for them. Just being in the room isn’t always enough – you need to engage and enjoy your children too. That can be hard, particularly if you work as well as run the household. Yet, it’s essential to truly bond with your kids. Here are some excellent and easy ways to ensure that you spend quality time with your children, and you’re present for all of it.

Get Enough Sleep

The average perfect number of hours of sleep per night for an adult is seven. That will change depending on the individual – some need more, some less – but in general, seven hours is what you should be aiming for. That can be hard to achieve; once the kids are in bed, that’s your time, and you want to make the most of it, which is why parents tend to go to bed late, and get up early, before the kids, to make sure everything is ready for them. While that’s fine for a few days at a time, the best thing to do is to go to bed early two or three times a week. Getting enough sleep will mean you are much more productive in the work you do, and it will take you less time to do it. It will also mean that you are less easily distracted. Added together, that ensures that when you spend time with your children after getting enough sleep, you’ll be present for them, not just wearily participating.

Put The Phone Down

It’s true that our smartphones have become the ultimate distraction in the 21st century. They are the ideal way to stop worrying about the here and now, and to occupy your mind for a minute or two. Plus, they mean that work is never far away – you can always check in with the office, and you can always be contacted. Neither of those things is healthy when you want to be truly present for your kids. Put the phone away. Leave it in another room. Turn it off completely. The same goes for the TV, the tablet, the laptop… If you are going to be with your children, be with your children; you don’t need the apps and the emails as well.

Look At Your Children

It can be tempting – and we’ve all done it – not to look at your child when they ask you a question. If you’re doing the dishes or writing an email or folding laundry, or any of the other myriad jobs that have to be done, and you’re asked a question, you answer. You don’t turn around. You don’t look into your child’s face. Yet, it’s important that you do. It might be a hard habit to get into, but ensuring that you look at your child when they speak to you, and fully engage when you answer is extremely important. If you really are too busy to do that, then ask them to wait, and then make time to go to them to help them with their question. Looking at your child as they speak to you will reassure them that their thoughts and ideas really do matter to you.

Be Good To Yourself

If you’re not looking after yourself, you can’t look after your children either. Kids are hard work – they are tiring, they are exhausting. So you need to be in tip top shape to get through each day. If you’re feeling run down or unwell, you need to rest and recover. If that means asking a friend or family member to help you out, so be it. It’s not a sign of weakness, and you’re certainly not saying you can’t cope, but you do need to concentrate on getting healthy again so that you can be a more present parent. If the problem is larger than feeling exhausted and run down, or a virus or cold, and you feel you need professional help, don’t be afraid to check into The Recovery Village at Palmer Lake. Kicking an addiction is something that is absolutely imperative if you want to be able to take care of your children in the best possible way.

Join In

It’s easy to think you’re being present because you’re in the same room as your kids, watching their fun. If you weren’t there, though, would it make a difference to their day? Possibly not. If that’s the case, it’s more important that you join in with their game. Get off the side lines and get involved – it’s a lot more fun, and you’ll stop worrying about everything else that’s going in if you truly engage with the play time that is happening in the here and now. Live in the moment, just like your children do, and it will open up some wonderful opportunities to make the best memories.

Plan Ahead

Not every parent can simply stop their work and be with their kids. It’s perfectly normal, in fact, to want to earn a living. So the key here is to plan ahead. If there is a holiday coming up, make sure you have time put aside to be with your children. If there is a school play or soccer match or swim meet, plan to be there. Sometimes you just won’t be able to, but if you can plan your life around these important events, you and your children will feel much happier.

Find The Simple Things

Conversely, not every present moment needs to be planned. Think of a car journey to the store, for example. You could just have your kids in the back on their tablets, you listening to the radio, and not a word spoken for the whole journey. Or you could take the time to look out of the window, point things out like rainbows or animals or funny shaped clouds, and start up a conversation or a game. That’s being present – and it makes a chore much more interesting.


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5 Tips for Keeping Your Sanity While Raising Children

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Raising children is one of the most wonderful and rewarding things you can ever do in your life. Each day you get to watch them grow, learn, and become their own unique being. Now let’s keep things real, raising kids is also a test of your sanity. You’ll be pushed to the brink time and time again and somehow you’ll need to find a way to stay calm, keep things in perspective, and not totally lose it.

Because being a parent is arguably the hardest job there is, a little help is usually welcome. With that in mind here are five tips that you can use that will help keep your sanity while you raise your kids.

Choose Your Battles Wisely

As a parent there are going to be all kinds of things that drive you crazy. This is why it’s important to really choose your battles and not sweat the small stuff. If you find yourself gearing up for an argument why not stop, take a moment and ask yourself if it’s really worth it.

As long as your child isn’t in a serious or dangerous situation, often it’s better to let them go ahead with their actions and learn a valuable lesson through first-hand experiences. By doing this you avoid a fight, you don’t end up getting worked up, and chances are the child is going to learn a lot more from their experience over a fight with their parent.

Find a Creative Outlet

Even if you aren’t a creative person by nature, finding a creative way to get out your emotions can be extremely helpful. Maybe that means taking a painting or pottery class, perhaps it involves writing in a journal on a daily basis, or maybe you want to keep things light and create your very own digital comic through

Carve Out Time for Yourself

Parents are notorious for giving all their time and energy to their children, leaving very little if any extra steam for themselves. While your children are certainly deserving of your time and attention, you deserve time for yourself to do the things you love too. That could be making sure you leave time to enjoy a book on the couch, getting together with a friend for coffee, relaxing in a bubble bath, or anything else that allows you to relax and focus on you.

Don’t Worry About the House Being Spotless

Before you had kids you were probably able to live in a spotless house that was organized and presentable at all times. Kids certainly change that and suddenly that spotless house is a thing of the past. Again it’s not something to sweat. There is nothing wrong with a little mess, just keep it within reason. It’s also a good idea to teach the kids early on while they are still very young that they need to be cleaning up.

Take Up Exercising

If you’ve never really been the type to work-out, now is the time to change your perspective. Including regular daily exercise of 30 minutes or more will do wonders for your energy level, your mood, and your personal health.

Parenting is never an easy job but that’s exactly what it’s so rewarding. Finding ways to stay sane can help make the path a whole lot more enjoyable.

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