Puppy-Proofing A House In 4 Simple Steps

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Are you thinking about buying a new puppy? Congratulations! There is nothing like adding a new addition to the family, especially when it is furry and adorable. Still, there are a few bases to cover before you can be sure that the transition will be a smooth one. In simpler terms, it’s essential to puppy-proof the house for your sake as well as the dogs. For anyone that doesn’t know where to start, the following four tips will help.

Cover The Danger Points

The puppy’s safety is paramount when it moves into a new home. The problem is that dogs and humans have a different threshold for risk. For example, a fire which is closed-off won’t be an issue for you because you know to take precautions. Dogs don’t have any idea what will happen, and they don’t care. They will touch it and burn themselves if there isn’t anything in the way. Doors are windows should also come under consideration. You can’t just let your puppy out the house to wander around alone. But, an open door is too big a temptation for a young dog to turn down. So, make sure they’re closed and locked.

Hide Your Valuables

Until they have training, the dog might lash out by ripping the house to pieces. Everyone has seen pictures of the carnage, so don’t be fooled by their innocence. Sadly, there isn’t much you can do other than hope they keep their teeth to themselves while you’re not on watch. Oh, and move anything that you class as valuable. Shoes might be replaceable, as might bags and homework, but it’s still a lot of hassle. The sensible thing to do is to keep the dog and your belongings apart for the time being.

Get It A House

A house within a house: isn’t that a bit much? No, it isn’t over the top at all because it helps the puppy feel at home. Dogs don’t like wide, open spaces as they prefer to feel cozy and relaxed. So, a big house with nobody home is often a recipe for disaster. A small inside kennel that they can call their own is an excellent solution as long as you choose wisely. And, you can as long as you have a dog house guide that you can trust. Once you have one that is large enough, load it with toys and soft blankets and the dog might never leave!

Be Alert

In truth, there is only so much one person can do at a time. Puppies are industrious characters so they might get into trouble from time to time. All you can do is accept that it will happen, and try to minimize the damage at every turn. Owners with a keen sense of eyesight should be able to stop a dog from doing something stupid before it happens. A tip: keep the doors to the house closed if you think there’s going to be a problem. Or, call it into the room with you so that you know where it is at all times.


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