You’re Moving House! Sorting The Flash From The Trash

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Tomorrow is moving day so you’d better get cracking.You’re starting a brand new life and what better way than to throw some of your old memories away. But which ones do you keep and which are destined for the bottom of the rubbish bin? Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Happy couple in their new home having fun - moving concept

Happy couple in their new home having fun – moving concept

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Let’s start with your bedroom. What things are essential to your new life? You can leave your creaky old bed and the tea stained mattress here. You’ve got a brand spanking new one already at your new house which you can’t wait to jump on. However those extra sheets and pillowcases at the top of your cupboard are a necessity. Dump them in the flash. The wardrobe can also stay behind. It’s hanging off its hinges anyway. However, pick out the clothes from it that you wear regularly and put them in some bin bags. There is no space for those holey underpants unfortunately. What about those bedside table ornaments and all those old documents in your chest of drawers? With the documents, it’s essential to keep important bank statements as well as your passport (obviously) and with the ornaments, well you’ll have to decide which are the ones that hold most personal sentimental value for you. Try to leave big bulky items behind. The moving van is only so big after all and you’re the one who will be carrying the box up and down those flights of stairs.

The bathroom is the next place to go. What should we move from here to the moving van which you hired from a company such as National Van Lines? Unfortunately, you can’t bring your bath or power shower but you’ll need the shower curtain won’t you? Not only is it light but it was new and quite expensive so why not bring it with you? Bring towels, toiletries and toilet paper as well. Yes, they may be cheap but you’ve bought them in bulk and why increase your shopping load even more when you’re there?

What else will you need from round the house? Go into your living room. Well your new place is already furnitured but what about that favourite armchair that you’ve always liked? You’ll have to discuss with your family as well as see if there’s room in the moving van before you dump it in. This is the same for those expensive cabinets in the corner of the room. Maybe you could do a quick sale if there isn’t room in the van but if you do decide to take it, remember to wrap it up safely and securely as you will with your cherished new plasma TV? An essential for the new house. Finally, look into your kitchen. A lot of it will have to stay behind like the cabinets but why not clear what’s inside carefully into bubble wrap and cardboard boxes. Your new kitchen is fully furnitured so you can leave the dishwasher and washing machine behind (Your new ones will work better anyway).

Tired out from all the packing? I bet you are but you definitely deserve your rest. Just remember to wake up in time to the toot toot of your moving van and happy moving!

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