Why Use Dog Waste Stations: Dangerous Diseases Found In Dog Waste

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Baby Girl In Summer Dress Sitting In Field Petting Family Dog

Baby Girl In Summer Dress Sitting In Field Petting Family Dog

A lot of dog owners believe that their furry friend’s waste makes a good fertilizer for their lawn. However, this assumption is not only wrong, it can have serious consequences for the health of their families. As dogs eat foods rich with proteins, their waste is acidic and can actually ruin your lawn.

But that’s not all. Dog poop is full of dangerous contaminants like pathogens or bacteria. If you use their waste as compost or fertilizer, people could come into contact with these dangerous pathogens. The only proper way to dispose of dog poop is to use dog waste bags and stations. Otherwise, these pathogens could spread to other dogs and even humans.

In this article, we’ll tell you about some of the dangers that lurk in your dog’s waste.


These parasites are common in cats, dogs, and other pets. Puppies that haven’t been vaccinated yet tend to eat the waste of other dogs, coming into contact with this parasite. Some clear signs that your dog needs to be de-wormed are vomiting, diarrhea, and spaghetti-shaped waste. Roundworms are dangerous as they can also infect humans. That is why you should always wash your hands when cleaning after your dog.


These blood-sucking parasites are passed from dog to dog through the skin on their bellies or the pads on their feet. These are common internal parasites that are easy to get rid of. They can even be passed on to unborn puppies in the womb.


There are several ways how cats and dogs can get tapeworms. There are many types of tapeworms, but the most common one infects your pet through fleas. Others can spread if your pet eats a smaller critter. If you find any tapeworms in your dog’s poop, you need to treat your pet right away. Tapeworms are very dangerous and can even pass on to humans through contact with your infected pet.


These single-cell parasites mate in your dog’s intestinal tract and can infect others through waste. One clear sign of Coccidia infection is severe diarrhea accompanied by mucus or blood if the infestation has spread. Other symptoms include vomiting, lack of appetite and weight loss, and dehydration. If not treated, coccidia could lead to a fatal outcome.


This dangerous virus can be fatal to dogs and is usually transmitted through feces. The virus is very resilient and can pose a threat for a full year. It affects puppies more often than it does grow dogs. The symptoms include pale gums, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.


Another single-celled pest, giardia lives in the soil, water or food and can be transmitted through dog feces. It can cause diarrhea and weight loss, even though it does not affect the appetite. The waste is usually pale, unusually smelly and has a greasy texture. Children are at risk of getting infected through soil contaminated with the parasite.

Contact Zero Waste USA at 12316 World Trade Dr Suite 102, San Diego, CA 92128; 800-789-2563 or visit https://www.zerowasteusa.com/Roll-Bags-Prodlist.html 

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