Turning Your Small Lounge Into A Suitable Living Space

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The living room space should play a central role in all households. Not only is it the place for family interaction, but it’s also an area where you can inject a sense of personality to make a house a home. But what do you do when the space is limited?

There’s no doubt that this issue will cause a few issues. Nonetheless, it shouldn’t stop you from gaining the full enjoyment you deserve. Here are five simple tricks to ensure that the room lives up to expectations


Opt For A Light Wall Color: Color sets the atmosphere throughout the entire room, and bright colours instantly put you in a happier mood. More importantly, though, they help reflect the light to give the room a far larger appearance. When combined with mirrors and increased natural lighting, even small lounges take on the idea of boasting more space. Best of all, if you grab a brush this weekend, you could have a brand new lounge by Monday.

Prioritize Comfort Over Style: There’s nothing wrong with wanting a lounge that looks great. However, you cannot afford to let those desires stand in the way of human requirements. No TV or luxury ornament will compensate for a lack of basic comfort. Fixing the HVAC systems should always be a priority. Meanwhile, you must ensure furniture is set out in a way that enables communication without blocking radiators. Get those foundations in place, and the luxury items will bring far greater joy.

Think Family Function: The perfect living room should serve several purposes. Those exact details can be influenced by the available space in other parts of the home, so you may wish to look at a new dining table to add that extra function. Alternatively, you may want to use a sofa bed to accommodate regular guests. Ultimately, sitting down to decide exactly what you want from the living room space will provide the direction to keep you on track. Build around those desires, and you will not go far wrong.


Stop Wasting Space: Unnecessary waste is a tragedy for all living room spaces. Nonetheless, the impacts are far worse when the space is limited at the start. As mentioned, furniture is crucial. However, opting for stackable side units can allow you to save space when smaller ones aren’t being used. Likewise, removing the need for TV units by mounting the television to a wall will claw back valuable inches. Use the walls to hang photos too, and you’ll soon see a noticeable difference.   

Go Open Plan: If the lounge still feels claustrophobic, you could look at the idea of knocking down a wall. Whether it’s combining the living room with a hallway, kitchen, or conservatory is entirely up to you. While you won’t add physical dimensions to the property, it can certainly create the perception of a larger living space. This can be especially useful when the second room is larger than necessary but is also a great trick when this isn’t the case. Just be sure to check that the wall isn’t supporting the roof!


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