Top 5 Signs You’re Getting Older And What To Do About Them

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Taking care of our looks is what makes us feminine and beautiful. It has a huge impact on our mental and emotional health too. Our friends notice when something is wrong. It may be our hair needs combing, or the makeup didn’t get applied this morning. These are warning signs to our friends that something isn’t right in our world. Perhaps it’s just a hangover or missing the wake-up alarm!

Life does sometimes get in the way of a good beauty routine. As we get older and have other life responsibilities how we look may matter a little less. However, getting older has another awful side effect on how we look. Signs of aging include yellowed teeth, wrinkles, saggy skin, weight gain and poor complexion. Here are some handy tips to beat those  five signs as they start to creep up on you:

  1. Teeth – Teeth weaken and yellow the older we get. Start to protect them now with a really good hygiene plan. Floss and brush at least twice a day. Try to avoid staining foods and drinks like curries and coffees. Take care of your enamel with a good toothpaste designed to protect and enforce it. Keep away from fizzy water and pop drinks.
  2. Wrinkles – Our faces are the most important part of our look. We spend a lot of money on beauty products each year to keep our skin looking fresh and youthful. From our mid-twenties, wrinkles will try to become more visible. A good moisturizer keeps them at bay for a little while. Wrinkles may remain prominent without botox or treatment from somewhere like YMD Eye & Face. Crows feet and lines between the eyebrows are the biggest problems.
  3. Saggy Skin – Bat wings, tummy rolls, and flabby thighs are just some of the signs of getting older. Elasticity in our skin starts to reduce from our mid-twenties. Keep the skin moisturized and drink plenty of water. Exercises to tone muscles can help reduce the visual effect of saggy skin. Saggy skin is particularly problematic if you have lost a lot of weight. Try not to let weight fluctuate rapidly.
  4. Weight Gain – This is usually a big problem after pregnancy. Having a baby changes your body shape permanently but it also changes your daily routines. If you’re thinking about having children, get into a good exercise routine you can keep up even with kids in tow. Your tummy will be prone to storing more fat than before, and you may find convenience food easier to fall back on. Take care to consider a good diet in advance of family planning.

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5. Complexion – Age changes our skin texture. It dries and thickens, and circulation is reduced. Diet and exercise help improve these problems. Most importantly, choose skincare products relevant to your age as you get older. Steer clear of those blemish control products. They’re just too harsh on older skin.

Aging is so hard on our looks! Fortunately, we can battle against it for many years yet. Looking good is important, so take care of your body from the inside out to maintain your looks. Choose from cosmetic treatments or preventative measures to look good for decades to come.

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