The Truth About Milk

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One of the biggest myths about your health is that you should drink milk to get Calcium. Calcium is an important part of your diet because it helps maintain healthy bones among other things.But just because it is true that you need Calcium in your diet, that doesn’t mean that milk and dairy are the best places to get it.

Why Not Milk?


You might be wondering why milk isn’t the best source of Calcium. People have been telling you otherwise for years, after all. The reason is that the Calcium found in milk doesn’t absorb into your body as effectively it would if you got it from other sources, that means you aren’t getting all of the benefits. The reason that this happens is that the animal proteins that you find in milk are broken down by the Calcium. That means that instead of absorbing into your body and bringing you all of those health benefits, the majority of it is being used up breaking down those animal proteins.

Another thing to think about is all of the other ingredients in milk. While it might have a good amount of Calcium, it’s also quite high in fat so drinking it all of the time is not going to be good for you. If you cause yourself other health problems by drinking too much milk, you’ll counteract a lot of the good it has done anyway. With that in mind, it’s much better to get your Calcium from better sources, but what are they?


Taking Calcium supplements is much better than consuming large amounts of dairy because there are no negative effects. AlgaeCal plant calcium is an all natural source that doesn’t have any negative side effects. However, you should always check with the doctor before taking any kind of supplements in case they are not compatible with your diet.

You should also limit the amount of supplements that you take because your body is only capable of absorbing around 500mg of Calcium at one time. You do need more than this so you should be taking it in smaller doses throughout the day.



As well as taking supplements, there are so many different foods that you can get Calcium from, most of them a lot healthier than dairy. Dark leafy greens are the probably the best source of Calcium out there because they have a lot of extra nutrients in them besides the Calcium. Things like Kale, Spinach, Collard Greens, and Broccoli are packed full of Vitamins A, C, K and B. All of them are essentials in your diet and these greens also have a tiny calorie count, especially when compared to things like milk and cheese.

Fish is another great source of Calcium but it needs to be fish with the bones in. Ordinarily, you’ll take the bones out so you lose a lot of that goodness, but if you use canned fish you can retain it all. The bones in canned fish go soft during the process so they can still be eaten. Fish also contains a good amount of Vitamin D which helps to absorb the Calcium and get the most out of it.

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