The Surprising Damage Work Might Be Doing To Your Health

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Sure, we’ve all said that we’re sick of work at one point or another. But what is work is really making you sick? If you’ve got some aches and pains and you’re wondering where they come from, look at your job. Even if you’re working from home, there are some dangers that can pop up in just about any business. Here, we’ll look at five of the usual suspects.

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Posture and inactivity

Besides the risk of obesity, a desk job puts you in particular danger of problems like back pain and repetitive strain injury. Other jobs, such as those involving driving or even using power tools, carry the same risk. You need to take the time to move around at work and switch up what you’re doing. Similarly, you should consider seeking help from places like Thrive for Life Chiropractic. Take a proactive approach to any pains you’re feeling.

Lack of sleep

Another common risk in a lot of jobs is the amount of time we spend on digital screens. Or simply focusing in places with bad light. This can lead to eyestrain and eye fatigue. Not only is it painful and prone to leading to headaches. Messing up your body’s exposure to light also confuses your body clock. That can lead to a very poor night’s sleep. Make sure there’s plenty of lighting in any workspace.

Losing your voice

Becoming temporarily unable to speak might sound like it’s not that much of a concern. However, it can go a lot further than that. If you’re in a workplace that involves you staying on the phone for a long time, it can cause real strain to your vocal chords. This can go as far as conditions like polyps and ulcers. Take breaks from speaking and make sure you’re hydrating.


For some people, stress is a temporary state. It’s not always worth concerned if you have a short-term period of stress. However, as it gets more common, it gets more serious. It can cause migraines, affect your weight and even your heart. If you’re concerned you’re getting to the point where stress is becoming chronic, you might need a break or a switch in roles. You might worry about what this can do to your job, but it’s more important to take care of your head first.


Occupation asthma makes up for 15% of all asthma cases in the US. It’s not a small problem for a small amount of people. Asthma can be caused by poor air conditions in any kinds of environment. Dust, chemicals, mold and the like are all risk factors. To do your best to avoid asthma, you need to take care of your work environment regularly. You should also be careful with any chemicals involved in your work. Always wear a mask.

If you’re suffering from any of the above and you’re wondering where they’ve come from, you need to make a change. Your employer (even if it’s yourself) has a responsibility to make the workplace a safe place to be.

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