Trash Can Writing Prompt- Seven Things I Want to Do Before I Die #Bucket List

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I was this writing prompt from the Trash Can Bloggers and figured I’d give it a go.  I had a bucket list of sorts growing up and I have accomplished many of the things on the list.  Of course they were things like get married, have children, etc.  Now that I am a little a lot older I figured I’d write a new list with this writing prompt so here goes!

Seven Things I Want to Do Before I Die (I am taking out the Before I Die part because it just sounds too morbid.
1. Take my kids to NY to see play in snow while they are still children
2. Go on another cruise with my family Done, March 2014 for my 40th Birthday
3. Put enough money into savings to not have to worry (not even sure how much would make me feel this way)
4. Get a dog (I am trying to wear hubby down on this one) Done, August 2013.  We love our lab mix puppy, Cooper!
5. Go to Israel
6. Go to Europe with my hubby (England, France, Italy, Greece are all on my list)
7. Travel around the United States to see national landmarks like the Grand Canyon, The White House, etc.

Bonus 3 to make an even 10:
8. Go skiing
9. Lose weight AND keep it off
10.  Stop biting my nails

Wow, now I am realizing that I could go on and on with more things.  And my list is quite random.
What’s on your list?  I’d love to hear your ideas.  Please comment below!


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