Squeaky Clean: Busy Moms Vs Messy Homes

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Whether you’re a working or stay at home mom family life can be pretty hectic, so it can be difficult to make sure everything gets done. We all have different standards when it comes to tidiness, what’s super clean for one family might not be quite the same for another! Between the school run, grocery shopping, PTA meetings, and cooking dinner there’s not an awful lot of time to iron but somehow moms are expected to manage.

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We Are Family

Everyone eats, sleeps, bathes, and wears clothes in your house so why shouldn’t they help lighten the load? Stop doing your older children’s laundry and teach them how to separate whites and colors themselves, encourage your kids to pick up their toys and put them away after playtime. Have your husband, or partner cook at the weekends as most guys enjoy the chance to get busy in the kitchen, it’ll take the pressure off, and you’ll get to relax with a glass of wine instead of rushing around.

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Everyone’s Good At Something

While it may not be a brilliant idea to have your five-year-old in charge of washing the laundry unless you want pink clothing, she’ll be great at folding it. If your teenage daughter loves arranging stuff, have her set the table each night and let her show you how creative she can be. Does your son love gadgets? Great, give him a lesson in how to work the hoover, dishwasher and coffee maker while you tackle the garden and your partner washes the car.

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Hire A Cleaner

If things are getting a little too much you may want to think about hiring a cleaner. While lots of us cringe at the idea of a stranger coming into our homes to clean up our mess, it’s a lot better than you bursting into tears when faced with a mountain of dirty laundry that could rival Everest.

Even if it’s just once or twice a week to do the dusting, hoovering or dishes so that you’re free to get on with other things. Online cleaning services allow you to book a cleaner at a time that suits you; you’ll be able to find someone local who specializes in residential deep cleans as well as being able to inform them of your requirements, i.e. bathrooms, bedrooms and kitchen surfaces at the touch of a button!  

Fifteen Minute Chunks

It’s horrible having to spend the entire day cleaning instead of having lunch with friends, reading a book or just soaking in the bath, isn’t it? By tidying up as you go along, you can minimize the mess or tackle chores in fifteen-minute chunks which will stop you getting overwhelmed and make you feel that things are getting done! Organization is a huge part of keeping your house from looking like squirrels ran through it. Pick a room to focus on each day, as well as the daily stuff like laundry, dishes, taking the trash out and general tidying up. Resist the urge to go into your kid’s rooms and tidy for them, unless they’re still in diapers they’re perfectly capable of hanging up clean clothes themselves and they know it.

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