Pulling Your Hair Out About The School Holidays? These Ideas Will Save Your Sanity!

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If you are a parent of school age kids, then you are probably pulling your hair out about the upcoming school holidays. Sure, you like having the kids off and being able to spend time together, but you don’t like the stress that comes with it.

The fact is that kids get bored easily, which means if you aren’t able to do different things with them every day, life can be somewhat stressful. Think moaning, arguments, and general bad behavior, and all because they are bored of being stuck at home.

To save your sanity and make the school holidays more enjoyable for everyone, here’s what you can do:

Encourage your older kids to get summer jobs

One way to keep the kids entertained this summer is to encourage them to get summer jobs. If they are old enough to work legally, then it could be worth finding out if there are any suitable jobs going in your area. Whether it’s waiting tables, taking care of younger kids, or working at the local mall, it doesn’t matter, just as long as you find them something that will keep them occupied while allowing them to earn some money of their own.

Sign them up for summer camp

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Another option for keeping the kids busy this summer could be to sign them up for summer camp. That doesn’t have to be a long-term summer camp, you could look out for ones run at church retreat centers that last a few days to a week, or perhaps you could even look for day camps? Summer camps are a lot of fun for kids as they allow them to try new things, make new friends, and ultimately, keep them occupied.

Transform your garden into a play center

For those days when the kids are stuck at home, transform your backyard into a play center. If they don’t already have a climbing frame, swing, and slide, invest in pieces of play equipment for them. Find little ways to make the backyard more fun for your little ones, such as by getting them a giant trampoline to bounce on. If your garden is a fun space, you won’t need to worry as much about doing things every day with your little ones, as they should be able to keep themselves entertained playing outside.

Find them a new hobby to focus on

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If your child doesn’t already have a hobby that they are passionate about, now could be the perfect time to find them something to focus on. Think about where their passions lay, and find them a new hobby that relates to them. Do they love music? If so, learning a musical instrument could be the answer. Is your child crazy about cooking? If the answer is yes, a new cookbook could be a good move. Does your child love sports? Then perhaps signing them up to a new sports club could keep them busy. Think about your child’s interests and find them a new hobby that matches them.

There you have it, some sanity saving ideas for the upcoming school holidays.


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