Out On The Open Road At Last: Driving Advice All New Drivers Need To Know!

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You’ve got your licence, purchased your car and you’re all insured and ready to go- chances are you’re on top of the world right now! But while being able to drive alone for the first time is exciting, it’s incredibly daunting too. Without someone there to ask for advice and to correct you if you go wrong, it’s all down to you. By getting your driving license you’ve already proved you’re a competent driver, but there are some things that all new drivers should bear in mind.

Drive How You’ve Been Taught

When your lessons are over and you’re finally out on the road by yourself, it’s easy to slip into bad habits. You start to drive how you think is the best way, rather than how you were shown. But your instructor taught you these methods for a reason, they’re the safest way to get around. Make sure you’re following their advice on things like mirror checks, signalling and merging in traffic. Stick to driving by the book, and you’ll be be as safe as possible on the roads.

Expect The Unexpected- Not Everyone Is a Safe Driver

When you’re out on the road, it’s not just your own driving you need to be aware of but everyone else’s too. Not everyone out there is a safe and competent driver, and unfortunately you will come across these kinds of people. Even good drivers can sometimes make silly mistakes, so it’s important to always have your wits about you. You need to be able to respond quickly and efficiently to whatever is happening up ahead, and expect the unexpected. If you’re ever injured as a result of someone else’s bad driving, you could find an attorney for personal injury near you who will be able to work through the situation. But of course, keeping your wits about you and avoiding any potential accidents in the first place is always going to be your best bet.

Make Sure Your Car Is Safe

Warning lights on the dash should be checked out immediately, and if anything doesn’t seem right don’t put it off. Breaking down in an awkward position can leave you incredibly vulnerable, so of course is something you will want to avoid at all costs. Ensuring all of the fluid levels are kept topped up is a smart move, never go below a quarter of a tank of gas and make sure your tyres reach the minimum legal tread depth. Any lower and you increase your chances of blowouts and skidding, and could cause a serious accident.


Be Wary of Different Weather Conditions

Hopefully, you will have covered all weather conditions while you were doing your lessons. However, if you gained your license pretty quickly, there may well be a season you’ve never driven in before. In winter you need to be aware of snow and ice, how to deal with possible skidding and how to de-ice the car. In the warmer months, you need to be mindful of the fact that the heat can make road surfaces softer, and how to deal with glare from the sun. You might have never driven at night or in very heavy rain or fog. Be aware of these kinds of challenges, and don’t become complacent.



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