How You Can Help Someone with a Drug Addiction

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Drug addiction isn’t just something that one person has to deal with. Their friends and family are also affected by their addiction and its consequences. If you suspect that someone you know is an addict, it can be difficult to deal with. Not many people automatically know what to do or how to help. You may feel at a loss, but there are several ways that you can try to help and offer your support. Keep reading to find out how you can be there for a friend or family member who is experiencing issues with substance abuse.

Recognizing an Addiction

Many people are unsure how they can identify whether someone is addicted to drugs or not unless they’re actually tested. They may see some warning signs but be worried that they’re jumping to conclusions or going too far. There are some things you can watch out for that help you recognize an addiction in someone else. You can ask some questions, either of yourself or of the person if they’re willing to participate. For example, you can consider whether they take the drugs in larger amounts than they should. You can think about whether their habit affects their ability to handle their responsibilities.

Encouraging the Seeking of Treatment

In the media, you will often see dramatic interventions to address someone’s addiction. However, there isn’t much evidence that pressuring someone is a reliable path to take. You can offer your support, but you shouldn’t push too hard. Your role should be to encourage them to consider treatment options. You shouldn’t give them ultimatums or scare them into doing anything. Talking to them about the possibility of treatment and encouraging them to see a professional is a healthier and safer thing to do.

Looking at Treatment Options

One of the helpful things you can do is look at drug rehabilitation options for your friend or family member. Not everyone will respond to a single treatment. So it’s important to find one that will suit the person you’re helping. The program needs to be tailored to their needs, from physical to social requirements. There are several things you need to consider. They range from whether to choose a residential facility to religious affiliations. If you are working with them, you can look at different options together. However, if you haven’t managed to encourage them to get help yet, you can still find places for them to consider.

Providing Support

Another way that you can be there for someone is to provide emotional and social support during and after rehab. It’s a time when friends and family can make a significant difference. You can be a listening ear, but you also must remember to look after your own needs. Helping them to find a support group can be a good idea too. It means they can have people with similar experiences to discuss their problems with.

You can feel helpless when you watch someone struggle with addiction. But there are things that you can do if you want to help them recover.


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