How To Protect Your Household From The Effects Of Natural Disasters

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We recently wrote about some of the major worries faced by all homeowners. This time around, we’re going to go into a little more depth – on the subject of natural disasters. Unfortunately, natural disasters can strike at any time, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop them. However, there is plenty we can do to preempt the problems that they can cause.

Putting the right security in place is vital wherever you live. But, it’s especially so if you are based in an area that natural disasters occur in with any regularity. With this in mind, let’s take a look at some of the protection you can use for your home.


Floods and water damage

Unless you live on the top of a hill or mountain, then there is a possibility that you will experience flooding, no matter how far away you are from water. Flooding can cause significant problems to your home if you don’t have any protection. Leaving aside the damage to your property, there are significant health risks associated with household floods. You can expect contaminants, bacteria and ‘black water’ that spreads illness to enter your home – and a very costly repair job.

To protect yourself from flooding, you should consider waterproofing your home. Also, if you live on a flood plain, think about building a defensive wall around your home to prevent high levels of water coming in. If there is a flood in your area, then a healthy stock of sandbags can help as a second defensive wall.

Earthquakes and your home

Earthquakes can cause severe damage to your home. Although there is little you can do in an especially violent earthquake, there are still protective measures you should be thinking about. If your house is based in an area with a lot of tectonic activities, you should consider making structural changes. Many new builds, for example, have bolts running through the house that are attached to its foundations.

You should also think carefully about what you keep in your house. If you have furniture and utensils stored at height, you can expect them to tumble down even after a minor quake. So, make sure that everything is strapped or bolted to the walls, and that your cupboards have adequate fittings that won’t burst open.


If you live in a dry and hot location, then you stand a chance of seeing a wildfire at some point in your life. However, they can also happen anywhere and spread very quickly to areas that aren’t expecting it. Learning about the history of wildfires that have happened in your area is a good starting point, and may give you the encouragement to put some protection in place.

The main thing to understand about wildfires is that they won’t be stopped. It can take the combined efforts of several fire services just to keep it under a minimal amount of control. So, it’s important to think carefully about keeping anything flammable in your home because the only thing you can do is reduce the amount of damage it causes.

We hope this has highlighted some of the problems that major disasters can have on your home. And, of course, given you some ideas on how to keep the damage done to your home to a minimum.

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