Helpful Plumbing Tips For Homeowners

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If you’re a homeowner, knowing some helpful plumbing tips can stop you from needing to call somebody out each time you experience a problem. Problems will happen from time to time: that’s just the nature of owning a home. These tips should help you:


Flush The Toilet With A Bucket Of Water

You might have been lucky enough never to experience a toilet that just won’t flush. How embarrassing it could be if you just picture the various situations it could leave you in. Don’t panic! You don’t need to call a professional and have them see everything you may have left in the toilet bowl. You can simply flush your toilet with a big bucket of water. It’ll have the same effect as a flush, so you can get it fixed and avoid embarrassment. Bear in mind that the bowl won’t fill up again afterwards, but at least you’ll have a clean toilet. It’s a good idea to have a couple of buckets on hand if your toilet ever stops working.


Insulate Your Pipes

Insulating your pipes isn’t as difficult as it might seem. Foam tubing can help to protect your pipes, and insulation tape can be used on different gaps. All you have to do is read the manufacturer’s instructions properly before you use anything to make sure it’s the right type.

Unblocking The Sink

A blocked sink is an extremely common problem, especially if you have a garbage disposal that can mean things like vegetables get stuck. Before you give unclogging the sink a go, make sure you turn the disposal off. Remember that you should never, ever put your hand into the disposal. You could end up in serious pain and end up in the emergency room! Instead, use a long handled spoon or a similar tool to unlock your sink. You can then run the hot water for a minute or two and check to see if your efforts have worked. If you don’t have a disposal, plunging can help you to get rid of your clog. If you still haven’t fixed the problem, make sure you call a professional plumber. In the future, remember to avoid pouring grease down the sink. Avoid putting stringy foods such as meat and celery in the garbage disposal too.


Leaking Pipes

When you have a leaking pipe, you must turn off the water supply to the pipe. Small drips and leaks can be stopped temporarily until a plumber can get to you, but anything more serious should be fixed immediately be a professional. You can use a sheet of rubber to stop the dripping while you wait. The majority of leaks must be fixed by a professional, so don’t do it yourself if you are unsure of what to do. Make sure you remove valuables from the area, so you don’t have to pay to replace those either.


Hopefully these tips have helped you and you now know what to do if you come up against a problem with your plumbing. Thanks for reading.

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