Girl Power: Fight The Symptoms Of PMS The Smart Way

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The joy of being a woman knows no bounds, right? The premenstrual syndrome symptoms of aching, crying uncontrollably, binge eating, and bloating make a few days of the month feel like hell on earth, but there is possible respite. While stopping your periods altogether is possible with the use of hormonal intervention, it’s easier to treat the symptoms rather than the cause. If you’re particularly familiar with the monster that is PMS, here are some great ways to get some release.

Enjoy a balanced diet

Eating well throughout the month can really help when it comes to PMS time, especially as it helps to keep blood sugar balanced, but sometimes supplementing your diet in the lead up can help too. Vitamin E supplements, a fish oil capsule, and a whole load of leafy greens are the real lifesavers, and studies have shown people who increased the presence of these nutrients in their diet saw huge improvements. It’s worth a try, anyway!

Try some gentle exercise

Don’t laugh; it really will help. While exercise might be the last thing on your mind when you’re plotting the death of everyone around you, mild exercise can truly help to relieve symptoms. A bit of a workout releases endorphins that act as pain relief, dopamine to help cheer you up, and serotonin to fight feelings of depression and anxiety. A bit of yoga or regular stretching can help to relieve tension in your lower back and abdomen which helps to fight cramps too.

Treat yourself to a massage

If there’s ever a time for a massage, it’s when your body is conspiring against you. You could go DIY and use massage oil to gently rub the top of your thighs, lower back, and abdomen. It helps to relieve cramps, gets the blood moving, and will cheer you up no end. If you feel like you need a little more TLC, book yourself in for a professional massage – you deserve it.

Get some medical help

Sometimes it’s all just a bit too much to self-medicate successfully. In these cases, a GP will discuss your options with you. One option commonly used is to help balance the body’s hormones artificially by using contraception, such as the Yasmin contraceptive pill. As PMS is caused by a conflicting inbalance in the body’s hormones in the lead up to a period, the hormonal pill can really help to put things back on the straight and narrow. Speak to your GP and see what they suggest.

Top tip: avoid caffeine

While taking mild diuretics during a period of PMS can really help lessen the bloating that tends to accompany it, it’s worth being selective about the choice of diuretic you go for. Calcium, vitamins B and C, and potassium are all great for reducing bloating. Caffeine, although a diuretic, will only contribute to feelings of anxiety, so it’s not great for helping with the other symptoms.

Premenstrual syndrome can be a really difficult time for women, but it is possible to alleviate symptoms. Just remember to go easy on yourself.


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