Four Things to Do in Your Twenties

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Your twenties: the years when you’re old enough to know better, but young enough to do it anyway. And there are certainly some thing out in the big wide world that you have to do, otherwise, you may just live to regret it.

Travel Alone

Enjoy the freedom of travel while you can, and enjoy the freedom of being alone while you can as well. Without anybody there to tell what you can, and cannot, do, you have the room and space to be able to grow into a version of yourself that you never knew existed, but will soon grown to love. Specifically, travel to places where nature and culture is rife, rather than just going on yet another lad’s holiday. Listen to the child that is still within you: did you love Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle when you were younger? Well why not travel to Neuschwanstein, a Germanic nineteenth-century castle that was the inspiration for it? Or if you loved swimming as a child, why not travel to an area that is filled with rivers and waterfalls like Cashiers, North Carolina. Could even check some of the homes for sale in the area, just incase you’re ready to settle down in your thirties.

Take a Risk

You only regret the risks you didn’t take. And this doesn’t have to mean take a risk by jumping out of a moving helicopter (although that is highly advisable), this means taking a risk with your dreams. Don’t listen to those people who constantly belittle your aspirations and tell you to ‘get with the real world’. Those people who are happy enough to turn up to work every day, complain about it the most, but never leave. They are the people who are happy to help build their boss’s dreams whilst letting their fall onto the wayside. Don’t let them turn you into one of them, and certainly don’t their words of discouragement stop you from chasing your dreams. Don’t give up on the day dream!

But Also Be Clever

For example, missing out on five identical nights on the same place in your home city in order to save money for travelling sounds like a good idea, right? Well it’s easier said than done, because when your friends are badgering you to come for ‘just one drink’, it’s hard to say no. But sometimes, you have to be both strong and clever enough to say no. Your future, travelling, self will thank you.

Be Selfish

Finally, being selfish, despite what your parents always told whilst you were growing up, isn’t always that bad. If you don’t want to waste time doing something that you don’t think will enrich your life, don’t do it. If someone is trying to get you to spend all that money you’ve got tucked away for your travelling adventures on one night out just so they can go out and have a good time, say no.

It’s your life, you have to live it.

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