Could You Manage If These Everyday Essentials Broke?

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Do you rely on your tech too much? As capable as we are, many of us would struggle to get by if some of our much-used appliances and gadgets were to break. There are a few items we simply couldn’t do much with if they broke down, but fortunately, some can be fixed with a little DIY ingenuity.

Hearing Aids

If the sound of the world suddenly cut out, life can get a little lonely. Hearing aids bring conversations, everyday sounds, and music back to us when we start to lose our hearing. If you lead a busy life at home and work, a broken hearing aid can make things more than a little challenging for you. Don’t panic. It’s not impossible to repair your hearing aids should they fail. You can do a few vital checks yourself. Sometimes it’s something as simple as the volume turned down too far. You might have some ear wax that you can resolve yourself. If you’re still struggling, speak to your audiologist or ask the manufacturer direct.

ache-adult-depression-expression-41253Thanks to for this photo

Air Conditioning

It’s hotting up outside, and the air con just won’t come on. There are several checks you can make before you call out the HVAC guys. Blockages are a very common cause of systems refusing to start. You might have a lit warning light to indicate that. Even if you haven’t, start inside with the filters closest to your unit. If they’re mucky, take them out, clean them and let them air before putting them back. Outside, check there is no debris in the unit. Leaves and even the odd stone can end up in there, blocking the fan or filters.


Glasses are made of three pieces. Two arms are attached to the glass frame with tiny little mini screws. These are so small that you need a special technician’s screwdriver to loosen or tighten them. Or, you might simply have a very busy day and a screw loose! Glasses tend to fall apart at the most inconvenient times. You might not be able to drive or to work without them. Make sure you have a set of those screwdrivers and a spare couple of screws! Of course, many optician stores will make that kind of repair for free or a small charge too.

pexels-photo-39716Thanks to Pexels for this photo


Many of us tend to have our entire lives on our phones. Contact numbers, passwords, and account details might all be there. Batteries can quickly and easily become very destructive to your phone. If you catch it in time, you can usually just buy another battery, install it, and everything is OK. Of course, if your screen becomes damaged, or the phone itself is corroded, you might lose anything that wasn’t stored in the cloud or on your PC. Let your network provider know. Chances are they can replace the handset next day. In the meantime, backup what you can.

Busy lives mean a heavy reliance on the gizmos and gadgets that help us get by. Try to have a backup for anything you really rely on. Don’t forget to service those items regularly too!


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