Killer Ways to Make Matching Your Kid Cute

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Tabloid newspapers and gossip magazines love to point out when celebrity moms have matched their outfit to their daughter’s. And it can be pretty cute if you do it in the right way. Thee important thing is to dress both of you appropriately for your age, which means not matching completely. Wearing the same outfit isn’t a good idea. But if you color coordinate or have matching accents or accessories, it can look super cute. Just as long as you still look like an adult and your daughter still looks like a little girl! There are lots of cute ways you can match your outfit with your little girl’s (or your little boy’s). You can use similar colors and patterns, wear similar styles and more.

Color Coordination

Matching colors is one of the most subtle ways of matching you and your kid. You don’t have to wear exactly the same color, and you can use different shades of the same color instead. For example, maybe you will wear navy blue, and your little one will wear baby blue. If you do choose to wear the same shade, it’s better to stick with smaller amounts of color. Match accent colors, instead of dressing the both of you in hot pink from head to toe.

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Pattern Matching

Pattern matching can look incredibly cute too. Coordinate your stripy top with your child’s striped dress, trousers or t-shirt. Or put together outfits for both of you that feature spots. Floral patterns are pretty for summer. Choose similar patterns in different colours, rather than exact matches. Stripes can be different widths, for example, as well as different colours. Just like with color matching, don’t go overboard.

Matching Items

Another in the list of chic fashion options for matching your kid is combining adult and child rompers or playsuits. They don’t have to match in any other way, except to be a similar items of clothing. A romper or playsuit is a cute option for both mom and child, and they can also be comfortable. Comfortable clothes are great for both moms and kids who are running around and have important play dates to attend. You can match other items too. Maybe both you and your daughter can wear a cute summer dress and sandals. Just spice your outfit up with a few more grown-up accessories.

Accents and Accessories

Instead of going all-out on matching your clothes, choose elements of your outfits that compliment each other. This is a more subtle way of matching your outfits, instead of looking too similar. Using accents and accessories helps you to avoid dressing too much like a child and focus on adult fashion choices. You can pick something in your little one’s outfit to focus on and extrapolate for your own clothes. Maybe they have a cool print on their t-shirt that you can incorporate into your outfit. For example, a rabbit picture for them could turn into a rabbit ring for you. The key is to coordinate but not match completely.


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Essential Nutrients Your Child Needs for a Healthy Body and Mind

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Making sure that your child gets a balanced diet isn’t as simple as simply feeding them whatever comes to mind. You should know which vitamins and minerals are essential to their health and which foods are the best sources. There are many nutrients that are crucial to your child’s health. And, although they’re likely to get them in their diet without too much planning, you should still make sure they’re getting enough of each.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important for vision and bone growth. Vitamin A deficiency can cause night blindness and is quite common in developing countries. Vitamin A also helps to protect the body from infections, and a lack of it can make children more susceptible for illness. It also promotes the growth and help of nails, hair and skin. Many fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamin A, including carrot, spinach and butternut squash.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C supports your child’s growth and development. It helps to form and repair red blood cells, bones and tissues. It helps gums to stay healthy and strengthens red blood cells, which helps to minimize bruising. It helps wounds to heal, boosts the immune system and keeps infections away. You child can get their necessary vitamin C from citrus fruits, broccoli, strawberries and potato.


More than 70 enzymes that aid digestion and metabolism need to use zinc. A zinc deficiency can stunt growth in children, though they’re rare in the States. Good sources of zinc include beef, almonds, yogurt and oatmeal. There are also other ways to help support your child’s digestion, including probiotics, which you can get in yogurts or supplements.


Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. It promotes healthy muscles and nerves and helps blood to clot, as well as helping to turn food into energy. Make sure your child gets their daily calcium intake by giving them lots of dairy products, including milk, yogurt and cheese. You can also find calcium in tofu, whole grain bread and cooked spinach.

Vitamin D

Once your child is getting enough calcium, they also need vitamin D to help them absorb it. Vitamin D also helps your child’s body to absorb other minerals and is essential for strong teeth and bones. It also works as a hormone and helps to support the immune system, insulin production and cell growth regulation. Your child’s body can produce vitamin D when they’re in the sun, but you should be careful about too much sun exposure. You can also get vitamin D from other sources, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel or foods fortified for vitamin D.


Your child’s body needs iron to produce hemoglobin, which is the red pigment in blood that carries oxygen. It also helps to make myoglobin, which stores oxygen in muscles. A lack of iron can result in anemia, which causes tiredness and weakness. Iron is essential to brain development. So severe anemia can be life threatening and have long-term cognitive effects. Make sure your child gets enough iron by feeding them tofu, soybeans, beef, kidney beans and whole wheat bread.


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Aches And Pains? Incredible Solutions To Help You Out

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When you’re in pain, you likely find it difficult to focus on anything. Pain is horrible when you have to deal with it for extended periods. There are many causes of general aches and pains, and so your problem may be down to something simple. When you start to suffer from regular aches, it is vital that you see a professional about your condition. Ignoring health problems leads to the problems getting worse in the long term. That means that if you don’t do anything to help yourself, you could find that the condition is worse over time. Here are some incredible ways to get rid of aches and pains.

How to stop backache

You can suffer from backache at any age and during any time of your life. Many people associate back ache with getting old, but young people can also suffer from the condition. You can take painkillers to take away the pain, but that method deals with the symptoms of the issue, rather than the cause. You need to find out what is causing your back to hurt. If you have a desk job, you might find that buying a back support cushion will help you. When you sit in the same position for many hours, you often start to get aches and pains. Make an effort to stretch and change position when you are at work. If the problem persists, talk to your doctor.

Curing painful feet

After a long day on your feet, they are bound to ache. If you get these symptoms when you haven’t been standing or walking, you may have a problem. There are many causes for tired and achy feet. One of the most-common causes is Plantar Fasciitis ( Many people suffer from this condition. Regular foot massages and resting your feet will help to solve the problem. If you are in pain, you can also use ice to relieve that. Whenever you have foot problems, the best thing you can do is try and rest your feet when you can.

What to do about stomach pain

Stomach pain is a sign that something is wrong in your body. Often we get stomach pain when we eat something that our body has trouble digesting. That is the most-common cause of the pain. Much of the time, your body will solve the problem itself. If you have a problem on a regular basis, it could be that you have an intolerance to a certain food. Try and look for the cause of the problem so that you can solve it. When do you feel stomach pain? Talk to your doctor and see what he or she can do. Many people have food intolerance to things, such as dairy, wheat and nuts. Talk to an expert and explore your options.

Wrist ache and what to do about it

Wrist ache, usually, comes from repetitive strain. If you have a job that requires you to use your hands all day long, you might find that this puts a strain on your wrist. Sharp shooting pains in your wrist can often be the result of typing all day long. When you have a job that means you spend much of the day at a computer in the same position, you need to take breaks. Make sure that you take regular breaks from typing when you are at work. If the problem is bad, you should consider getting a wrist support that will help to take away the pain. Try moving your arms to a different position when you type. If you don’t do something now, you could end up with repetitive strain injury (RSI), and so you should look to treat the issue now.

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Essential DIY Home Security Tips You Can’t Afford To Ignore

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Though the figures state that crime is going down, it is of little comfort to those who have been affected by it. Even a tiny theft can leave people devastated and feeling unsafe in their home, so it is vital that we all take what steps we can to deter thieves and intruders. If your property presents difficulties or obstacles to them, burglars will move along to a softer target. It’s as simple as that.

There are DIY improvements that we can make to the security of our property. You don’t have to employ engineers to install the latest integrated security systems if you can’t afford them. Here are a few essential home security tips you can’t afford to ignore.

Start With The Basics

The first line of defense between your belongings and a burglar is a suitable lock. Three lever mortice locks are easier to pick than five lever alternatives. They are easy to swap if you can use a screwdriver, but a locksmith will not charge much to change them for you. Follow these instructions to change it yourself:

  • Remove the handle from one side of the door. It is held on with four screws.
  • When the handle is off, withdraw the square section metal bar that runs through the door into the other handle.
  • Remove the two screws that hold the lock into the door and remove it.
  • Install the new lock in the reverse order.

As you can see, it is a simple and straightforward job.

If your window catches do not have locks, you can replace them with aftermarket products. They fix to the window frames with a couple of screws and are enough to deter a burglar because they will have to break the glass to gain access. That makes an unwanted noise from their point of view.

DIY Burglar Alarm

You can protect your property with a wireless alarm kit. They are widely available online or in stores and are simplicity itself to fit. The PIR detectors are powered by batteries and connect to the control panel wirelessly. All you have to do is fix them in position. In only one day, you can be the proud owner of a sophisticated system that will alert the neighborhood if someone causes an activation.

Security Lighting

If you know how to fit a plug on a cable, you can install a security light with an integral PIR detector. The fittings use five-hundred watt halogen bulbs that are powerful enough to make it look like daytime in your backyard. Intruders prefer to carry out their dirty deeds under cover of darkness. You must connect a piece of 1.5mm flex to the fitting. There are three connections; live, neutral, and earth. When you have done so, drill a hole through the wall and push the cable through into the house. Once inside, put a plug on it and insert it into a socket. It’s a satisfying DIY job because the light is extremely useful in the evenings.

If you take these small steps, those who are up to no good will move elsewhere, and your property will be safe and secure. It will lift some of the anxiety that crime causes and help you sleep better at night. When you consider the low cost of these improvements, we have no excuse for ignoring them any longer. Have you heard the phrase about shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted? Don’t be a victim of crime.


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Creative Ideas To Help You Design The Perfect Dining Room

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A dining room is unlike any other in the house. It is where we entertain, so it must be an attractive and comfortable place to spend time. It is also a functional space where we gather as a family for at least one meal every day.

If you have a dining room and you don’t know how to decorate and outfit it, you will find some handy tips here. They will inspire you to create a practical and aesthetically pleasing space that will enhance your home.

Here are some creative ideas to help you design the perfect living room.


It is one room where you don’t have to worry about creating a feeling of space. If the table and chairs fit comfortably, it is enough. If you want to use flock wallpaper here, go ahead. I spend all of my time advising people not to use wallpaper that has intricate patterns, but this is one room where you can. When people sit around the table, such decoration can make the space seem cosy and intimate. Dark shades are acceptable too. They help to create a romantic or sultry mood in the evenings. People enjoy dining in the dim glow of candlelight, and the dark walls will enhance their experience.

Warm Flooring

When I dish out parenting tips and home design ideas for kids, I mention the benefit of laminate flooring over carpet often. It is an ideal product to use in the dining room because you can mop it clean. The problem is that it can feel cold underfoot in the evenings when you host a dinner party. As in the image, you should place a rug to cover the seating area and keep your guest’s toes warm. If there are no young children living in the house, I recommend that you use carpet in the dining room. It adds to the luxurious ambiance there.

Dining Furniture

Thank heavens the trend for French reproduction furniture is over. I like a dining table and chairs to be chunky and substantial. These days people often make one from recycled scaffold planks and other timbers. It must take pride of place in the centre of the room so that your visitors can move around it with ease. That is why you must consider the size before you buy or make one. It must be of an appropriate scale. Dress the table with a Noritake dinner set, or one from any other leading manufacturer, even when it isn’t in use. It’s not necessary to put all of the cutlery out, just some mats, plates, and dishes. The pieces are attractive, and they enhance the look of the space.

Subtle Lighting Ideas

The main lights must be controlled by a dimmer switch, and strategically placed table lamps will create a mood. Don’t be tempted to fit a rise and fall fitting, they went out of style decades ago. Of course, you should also stand a candelabra in the middle of the table.

You can hang as many pieces of art on the walls as you like in this room. They will help to create a cosy atmosphere, and you dining room will look stunning. Invite your friends around often and be a perfect host. A space that doesn’t get much use is a waste; I’m sure you agree.

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4 Simple Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy

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Who doesn’t want clearer, healthier looking skin? When you are running around all day being super mum, it can be difficult to have that youthful glow. Having healthy, clear skin is important for many. But, for busy mums it can seem like an impossible dream. There are some great ways to ensure that your skin is in superb condition. You don’t have to break the bank to achieve this either. Simply make some changes to your skin care regimen so that you have beautiful looking skin that everyone will be envious of.

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1.    Quit Smoking
Quitting smoking has a number of advantages. Your skin looking amazing is one of them. Smoking causes skin to lose its elasticity; this can leave you looking pale and withdrawn. What is more, smoking contributes to fine lines that can leave you looking older than your years. Aside from having a detrimental impact on your health, smoking can cause a multitude of skin problems too. So, if you want to know what is good for your health and your skin, it’s time to ditch the cigarettes.

2.    Use Good, Quality Moisturizing Creams
Using a good quality moisturizer is critical to your skin looking good. You should aim to use products like Skinception stretch mark cream on your body and cold creams on your face. Moisturizers can act as a cleanser and a toner. They are much gentler to your skin than using harsh abrasive cleansers. A cold cream can rid your skin of dirt that clogs pores. No one wants to be prone to blackheads. A stretch mark cream will ensure that fine lines and scars are reduced. You don’t need a wealth of skin care products in your cosmetic bag. You need quality over quantity. Your skin will look fabulous in no time at all.

3.    Drink More Water
While it may seem like common sense to drink more water, so few of us do this. With the kids in tow, it may seem that caffeine is our best friend. But, try to limit your coffee intake. This can age the skin dramatically. Drink a liter of water per day and ensure that your skin is positively glowing. You will look radiant and beautiful in no time at all. Plus, you will be less prone to breakouts and dull skin. You will feel more energetic and lively. Who knew that the humble glass of water could improve your lifestyle?

4.    Be Gentle on Your Skin
So many of us are harsh to our skin. This is a beauty no-no. The key to having glorious, healthy skin is to use fewer chemicals. Using harsh chemicals and cleansers can leave the skin looking damaged and raw. It’s time to be gentle on your skin to see its appearance improved. Avoid using strong soaps and harsh scrubbing techniques. Make sure that you use skin care cosmetics that complement your skin tone. You don’t want to be left oily or dry by using inappropriate skin care products. The key to your beauty success is to use skin appropriate creams.

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Create Beautiful Gift Baskets to Give This Christmas

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It’s not long until Christmas – at least, not in terms of preparing for Christmas – and you’re starting to think about gifts. There are always people you struggle to buy for, from close family members to people you don’t know very well. It’s especially hard to buy for people you’re closely related to, but not close to (in a relationship sense). But even the people you know well can cause a problem, especially when you’ve been buying them presents for years. Sometimes it feels like you’ve run out of steam, and you’ve already bought them everything they would enjoy. When you’re stuck for ideas for big gifts, the next best thing is lots of little gifts. A gift basket or hamper makes a delightful gift for Christmas, as well as other occasions. You can buy them ready-made, but where would be the fun in that? Here’s your guide on how to start putting one together.


Choose Your Basket and Theme

To start you off, you can choose a theme to create your basket around. You don’t have to do this, but if you want to get creative, it can help you to make your basket more cohesive. Otherwise, it could end up just being a collection of random gifts that don’t have anything to do with each other. When you choose your basket or hamper, think about how much you’re going to put in it to make sure it’s big enough. It doesn’t have to be a woven basket if you don’t want it to be. You could use a large vase, a big decorative bowl or even a colorful bucket.

Buy Wrapping and Lining

Before you start filling your basket, choose fabric, paper or cellophane to wrap and line it. You might decide just to wrap everything in clear cellophane, so you can see everything in the hamper from the outside. If you use paper, make sure it’s durable; normal wrapping paper is too thin to wrap or line your basket without breaking. You can use colored cellophane too, and line your basket to make the inside prettier. Follow your theme, if you picked one, to come up with a color scheme.

Decide What to Put Inside

Now it’s time to start filling your basket. If you picked a theme, concentrate your items along the theme, as you did with your lining and wrapping. Some things you might put in your basket include wine, homemade cookies, chocolate, jewelry or baby items. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on everything you put in the basket, which is one of the bonuses of filling a gift hamper. Everything should be good quality though, especially if you’re filling a food basket. Wine and chocolate in particular should be good quality – try Venchi dark chocolate for indulgent Italian chocolate.


When you’ve tied your wrapping around your basket, add a few finishing touches to decorate. You can tie on some ribbon curls, add some stickers or stick on a bow. Don’t forget the gift tag!


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Amazing Cheap Game Ideas For Your Children

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Keeping your children entertained when you’re on a budget can be tricky. Expensive days out and new toys are pricey. That means that you’re going to have to find other ways to keep your children busy. It is possible to entertain your little ones without spending a fortune. Doing so will mean that you need to use a little imagination. The great thing about children is that they are adaptable. They will love the fact that you are taking the time to play with them. Money can’t buy quality time, and so you should not worry about how much money you can spend on your children. Instead, focus on how much time you can spend with them. Here are some amazing and cheap games to entertain your children.

Limbo in the backyard

One simple game that your children will love is limbo. If the weather is nice, go outside with your children and play a game of limbo. All you will need for this game is a long stick. You can likely find a stick in the yard or outside. If you can’t find one, a stick from a broom will also do the trick. You will need at least three people to play this game. Two of you should hold on to either end of the stick whilst the other one bends backwards to go underneath the stick. Take it in turns. Each time lower the stick a little closer to the ground to make the game harder.

Doughnuts on a string

One classic children’s game that won’t cost you must is doughnuts on a string. Unsurprisingly, the two things you will need for this game are doughnuts and string. Make sure you get doughnuts with holes in so that you can tie them up. Use the string to tie the doughnuts so that they hang down from a pole of a ledge. Your children have to race to see who can eat their doughnut first. The one catch is that they need to ensure that they only use their mouth. They should keep their hands behind their back at all times.

Decorate boxes like cars and tanks

What is the one thing that children do when there are boxes around the house? That’s right; they play with them. Indulge your children’s imagination by buying some cheap moving boxes and using them in a game. You will also need some paint and craft materials for this game. Let your children decorate a box each that they can play inside afterwards. Often boys like to pretend that their box is a car or a tank, and so they will likely decorate their boxes in this way. Once the decoration is over, your children can play at being tanks and cars.

Have a sports day in your yard

If you have a large family, you can put on a sports day in your yard. Play the same sports that children play at school. For example, put on an egg and spoon race in your yard with ease. Make sure that you hard boil the eggs in advance, or you could end up with a mess. Pick some of your children’s favorite sports to focus on and make an event out of the day.

Hide and seek (in the dark)

Put a twist on the classic game of hide and seek by playing it in the dark. Draw all the drapes in the house and turn out the lights. Count to ten and have your children hide in certain areas of the house. The game will be more difficult than usual because you will find it difficult to see.


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The Ultimate Guide To Hosting The Perfect Garden Party

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A garden party is a great way to reconnect with your friends and family. Inviting people over to enjoy an evening of fine food and drinks gives everyone the chance to catch up. While the weather is still warm, you should take the time to plan a party in your yard. When you are planning a garden party, you should make sure that you keep your stresses low. You can easily get overwhelmed by party planning, and there is no need to do so. Remember, a party should be fun, not hassle. That means that means that it should be fun for you as well as your guests. Enjoy planning the party and try to take things easy. Here is the ultimate guide to planning the perfect garden party.

Who to invite

There is no rule book when it comes to inviting people to a party. You can invite whoever you want as long you have room to host everybody. Don’t fall into the trap of over-inviting people to be polite. Many people invite guests to their party just because they think they should. One thing that will stop you stressing about your party is keeping things simple. Invite people who you want to spend time with and who you like. Nothing could be more simple than that.

Finding the right entertainment

Every party needs entertainment. There is nothing worse than turning up to a party and feeling like there is nothing to do. Make sure that you have entertainment ready for your guests when they turn up. Plan a few party games and consider putting on a film or a sports match. Look online to view outdoor TV enclosures that will protect your TV outside. When people turn up to parties, the first hour can often be awkward. Having something to watch and discuss will help break the ice.

Outside lighting

You should start the party whilst it is still light, in the early evening. When it gets dark, though, you will need to have some lighting options. Paper lamps look incredible at garden parties and will help to serve as part of the decor. Choose a color theme and pick lanterns in that color. Doing so will mean that the yard looks magical when the lights come on. You may also want to wind some fairy lights around a tree or bush to create extra lighting in the yard.

Designing the decorations

Keep the decorations as simple as possible. You don’t need to spend a lot of time or money on decorating your garden. If you get some paper lanterns, they will be a good start to your decorations. Get a tablecloth in the same color to match the lanterns. Pick one color theme and stick to it throughout the decoration. A few balloons might look nice, but there is no need to go overboard.

Keeping the food simple

Simple food is the key to a successful party. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you can cater for the entire party. You can’t make individual meals for all your guests. Instead, lay out some simple finger food on the table so that people can eat whenever they want throughout the party.

Mixing the drinks

Make the drinks a little special for your garden party. Why not look into some Prosecco cocktail recipes? Drinking some gorgeous cocktails in the moonlight is an ideal way to spend an evening with your friends and family. Remember to make some non-alcoholic drinks for people at your party. Some people will be driving to and from your party, and so can’t drink. Often non-drinkers get stuck with water or soda. Instead, make your non-drinking friends some delicious virgin cocktails.

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Daddy Cool: Tips On Bringing Your Man’s Wardrobe Up to Date

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As much as we love our men, their wardrobe tastes may leave a lot to be desired. You have probably looked through his wardrobe and thought ‘what the heck is that?’ It’s okay; we have all been there. If the man in your life needs some hot tips on how to dress, you are just the woman to do it. Here are some fantastic tips that you can utilize to make your kids daddy, cool.

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What is the Occasion?

Do you have a big event coming up? If so, you can’t go wrong with a dapper suit. Stick to classic black, in a tailored style, for maximum impact. He doesn’t need to invest in a tux, but a perfect suit that fits in all the right places is sure to wow. Add a crisp white shirt and a pencil thin tie. He will look the epitome of cool and sophisticated.

You may just want to update his general, day-to-day style. You cannot go wrong with a classic pair of dark denim jeans and short sleeve shirts. These look sophisticated and fashionable. What is more, this won’t is too much of a culture shock to him. If your man is used to dressing in comfy jogging bottoms and over-sized t-shirts, decking him out in skinny jeans isn’t going to work. You want to make sure that he feels comfortable in his new attire, but also update his retro-look.

Starting Small: Don’t Frighten Him!

You don’t want to overwhelm him with new wardrobe choices. You should seek to start small. Make small, subtle changes that he is sure to love. Is he a fan of a printed tee? If so, you can start by updating and modernizing the t-shirts in his collection. Aim to get him a new t-shirt every week. These subtle changes will make sure that he doesn’t feel like you are trying to change him. Add jeans, denim, shirts and ties when you see fit. Don’t remove his entire wardrobe in one foul swoop. He will notice and may be offended. Starting small is the key to yours, and his, fashion success.

Shoes Matter

For women, we love shoes. Men, on the other hand, are less than enamored with shoes. Update his sneakers with a cool pair of Converse. He will look down to earth and comfortable, but oh-so-fashionable in the process. In terms of more formal shoe wear, a classic pair of brogues is suitable for any occasion. Opt for black or brown and keep the wackier colors for the younger generations. Tan looks sophisticated and smart and will take him from office to date night in no time at all.

Compliment His New Clothes

Complimenting his new finery will ensure that he wears your carefully selected clothes all the time. Tell him that he looks handsome in his new clothes. He will be sure to wear them time and time again. After all, we all love compliments your husband or spouse is no different. That will make sure that your efforts are not wasted, and he looks the embodiment of daddy cool.

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