How to Prepare for Getting a Kitten

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Getting a kitten is a very exciting time. You may feel as though a kitten is going to be great for the kids it will be a welcome addition to your family as well. A lot of people don’t know this, but you do really need to prepare your home before you go out and bring home your furry friend. This is because there could be a huge range of hazards around the home that you might not even be aware of, so it helps to get these sorted out beforehand.

Curious Creatures

Cats are notoriously curious, to the point where they can wreak havoc on your home. They will play with absolutely anything they can find so it helps to look around your home to see if there are any blind fixtures or curtain tie-backs that could pose as a strangling hazard. If you want to avoid this issue then cut the cords or undo the knot so that the string isn’t looped on the blinds, or keep your tie-backs hooked on a loop so that they don’t dangle down. Some companies are actually selling strangle-free blinds now as they do pose as a risk to children, so it is well worth looking into these before you bring your kitten home. Elastic bands, paper clips and other small items can also be hazardous to kittens, so make sure that you put these away in a drawer. Remember that cats can be acrobats and that they can easily jump to higher shelves.



If you have household chemicals then you should know that these are incredibly toxic to cats. Pesticides, car fluids and even cleaning products can be very dangerous to your cat. The worst thing about this is that some car fluids can taste very sweet so your cat may be tempted to lick them up if they are spilt anywhere. If you are unable to dispose of these chemicals, put them somewhere the cat can’t go. This can include a locked cupboard or it could include putting them in the garage.

Toxic Plants

There are some plants that are incredibly toxic to cats. You would probably think that cats would know this and avoid them, but that isn’t the case at all. Cats are curious and they will nibble on just about anything, especially plants. For this reason, you need to make sure that you avoid having toxic plants in your home altogether. This can include lilies, irises and ivy as well. If you can’t get rid of the plants for whatever reason then try and hang them higher from the ground and watch out for any hanging or falling leaves as well, as these can be just as toxic to your furry friend.


Cat Beds

When you make a bed for your cat, you can easily keep them off your furniture and if this is your goal then it is very easy for you to make this happen. If you have furniture around the home and if you don’t want your cat jumping on any of it then you may need to have a bed in every single room that you have, even if it is just a pillow or even a folded up blanket. Cats like to sleep in places that are higher up, so consider having them on the windowsill or on top of a set of drawers.


You should always make sure that your cat has a collar. Some people see cat collars as being dangerous because they can get them caught on trees and even branches. If you want to avoid this then try and have a collar that is elasticated. This will protect your cat and it will also help you to keep them safe as well. It also helps to have a tag on your pet’s collar as well, so that you can have your phone number and even your vet’s phone number as well.


In some areas, it is a legal requirement for you to have your pet microchipped. When you do have your cat microchipped, this is a very small device that is placed underneath the cat’s skin. If something was to happen to your cat, the microchip would contain all of your details and it will also give you the chance to find your cat if they ever get lost or if something happens to them when they are out on their travels. Microchipping is a great way for you to protect your cat if they don’t have a collar as well, so make sure that you keep that in mind.


Buy Everything you Need

The next thing that you need to do is make sure that you have plenty of cat litter and you also need to make sure that they have plenty of food and water as well. You will want to have a separate container for their food and water, and you should also take note that stainless steel is by far the easiest thing for you to clean. If you are getting your cat or kitten from a shelter then it is worth asking them what food they are being fed at the moment and you can also ask them about their cat litter as well. Some cats don’t like to have feeding bowls that touch their whiskers either, purely because of how sensitive they are so consider going for a really shallow feeding bowl to begin with to see how your cat or kitten likes it.

It also helps for you to buy plenty of toys as well because kittens are incredibly playful and they are always going to be on the lookout for things to mess around with. The more you give them to play with, the less likely they are to cause mischief around the home and this is something that you really do need to stay focused on. Luckily cat toys are very affordable to buy and they are also very easy to find. Catnip is great and it can really help to get your cats interested in a new toy as well.


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How to Keep Your Dog More Active

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Keeping your dog active is very important for their health. It also serves multiple purposes because dogs require stimulation to keep them mentally challenged and enjoying life. Playing games with them also helps make you feel young again because it may have been a few years since you played simple games with anyone other than your kids if you have them.

Here are several ways to play around with your dog to keep them busy.

Wear Them Out with Tug O ’War

Playing tug of war with your dog will give them a chance to get a workout by doing battle with their owner in a non-aggressive manner. It may at first appear with the bearing of teeth that they’re being aggressive, but actually they’re just focused on gripping the rope toy when pitted against you.

Be aware of your surroundings because sometimes they wrestle the toy free and it can go swinging around (or flying across the air). So don’t play tug o’ war in the living room with your big screen TV nearby unless you’re prepared to replace it real soon! Dogs who get to play this game improve their confidence and are better mannered.  Learn some other great games that teach them better manners by checking out

Teaching Fido to Fetch & Drop into the Toy Bin

Dogs love to play fetch and sometimes they can be taught to drop the toy on demand. What you want to do is extend the usefulness of this activity by teaching them to return their toys to their toy bin when they’re finished with them.

Create a new command to teach them to collect their toy and drop it into their toy bin. Keeping their toys all in the same place makes it easier for them to find them and for you to put a lid on the box when it’s not playtime yet. They can get a sense of new found confidence when they manage to return toys to their rightful place and get a small treat for doing so.

“Which Hand is the Treat In?” Game

Playing the “Which Hand is the Treat In?” game is a fun one for inquisitive dogs because they love being teased and trying to find out what is going on. It helps to develop their sense of smell in isolating where things are. You can rub the treat all over one hand and place it inside a closed fist of your other hand to completely confuse them. This will teach your dog not to give up when failing to find the treat the first time out. This way they also learn that smells don’t always lead directly to the target. Developing your dog’s sense of smell is important for advance warning about intruders in the home, so it’s a useful game as well as enjoyable too.

Playing games with your dog to keep them more stimulated both mentally and physically is necessary for their development. Staying healthy for longer is helped when they are challenged rather than left to sit around inactive. Only small lap dogs that are used to being indoors with elderly people should expect to be less active.

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Tips to Prepare for a New Puppy

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Welcoming a new puppy into your home is a lot like welcoming a new baby. Excitement levels rise as everyone in your family anticipates the arrival of the fluffy little guy or gal. Preparation is important in order to help your pup acclimate to a new environment as seamlessly as possible. It also helps minimize potential negative puppy behaviors due to anxiety and stress. Before you order your furry bundle from, take the time to plan accordingly.

Puppy Space

It’s important to determine ahead of time which areas of your home will be available to your puppy. Will he have free reign or do you want him confined to certain areas? Is he allowed on the furniture? There are no right or wrong answers here, but your preferences need to be taught to the pup right off the bat. If you let him on the couch on Day 1, you can be sure he’ll be jumping up there forever after. Install gates/barriers on any off-limits areas before the puppy comes home.

Create a cozy space that belongs only to the puppy, whether that includes a dog bed, an old pillow, or a blanket for him to snuggle up with. Anticipate your pup’s natural need to chew on things, and don’t give him anything you wouldn’t want permanently damaged. If you have young kids, make sure they understand that the puppy’s cozy space is off limits. It should be a place where he can go to relax.


It’s no secret puppies like to chew. Not only do they like it, they actually need it for the development of their teeth. They also like to play! Puppy toys and chews are a must to keep your pup engaged, entertained, and satisfied.

Plan on devoting one-on-one time with your puppy just playing and bonding with him. Not only does this establish that important bond with your pup, it helps him begin to learn appropriate behaviors and keep his growing brain stimulated. Although you will soon find out what types of toys are his favorites, begin with a variety of toys including:

  • Raw hide chews
  • Rope tugs/chews
  • Stuffed animals
  • Rubber toys
  • Throwing/fetching toys


Growing puppies have unique nutritional needs. If you have mature dogs, you cannot just feed your puppy the same food they eat. Puppies grow at an astonishing rate and need specific vitamins, minerals and fat content to keep them healthy. It’s a good idea to speak with the breeder or his previous caretaker to find out what he has been eating since being weened off his mama.

Sudden changes in a puppy’s diet can cause digestive problems that you likely do not want to deal with! Even if you plan to change to a brand or type of food you prefer, it’s best to wait until the puppy reaches his first birthday.

Bringing home a new puppy is a family affair. It will effect every aspect of your lives, from current pets to family members and children. While a puppy can add much joy and love to your home, they can also cause quite a ruckus. Arm yourself with appropriate supplies and food, a positive attitude, and patience. You will find that investing your time and energy into the first few months results in a well-behaved, happy pooch.


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Why Use Dog Waste Stations: Dangerous Diseases Found In Dog Waste

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Baby Girl In Summer Dress Sitting In Field Petting Family Dog

Baby Girl In Summer Dress Sitting In Field Petting Family Dog

A lot of dog owners believe that their furry friend’s waste makes a good fertilizer for their lawn. However, this assumption is not only wrong, it can have serious consequences for the health of their families. As dogs eat foods rich with proteins, their waste is acidic and can actually ruin your lawn.

But that’s not all. Dog poop is full of dangerous contaminants like pathogens or bacteria. If you use their waste as compost or fertilizer, people could come into contact with these dangerous pathogens. The only proper way to dispose of dog poop is to use dog waste bags and stations. Otherwise, these pathogens could spread to other dogs and even humans.

In this article, we’ll tell you about some of the dangers that lurk in your dog’s waste.


These parasites are common in cats, dogs, and other pets. Puppies that haven’t been vaccinated yet tend to eat the waste of other dogs, coming into contact with this parasite. Some clear signs that your dog needs to be de-wormed are vomiting, diarrhea, and spaghetti-shaped waste. Roundworms are dangerous as they can also infect humans. That is why you should always wash your hands when cleaning after your dog.


These blood-sucking parasites are passed from dog to dog through the skin on their bellies or the pads on their feet. These are common internal parasites that are easy to get rid of. They can even be passed on to unborn puppies in the womb.


There are several ways how cats and dogs can get tapeworms. There are many types of tapeworms, but the most common one infects your pet through fleas. Others can spread if your pet eats a smaller critter. If you find any tapeworms in your dog’s poop, you need to treat your pet right away. Tapeworms are very dangerous and can even pass on to humans through contact with your infected pet.


These single-cell parasites mate in your dog’s intestinal tract and can infect others through waste. One clear sign of Coccidia infection is severe diarrhea accompanied by mucus or blood if the infestation has spread. Other symptoms include vomiting, lack of appetite and weight loss, and dehydration. If not treated, coccidia could lead to a fatal outcome.


This dangerous virus can be fatal to dogs and is usually transmitted through feces. The virus is very resilient and can pose a threat for a full year. It affects puppies more often than it does grow dogs. The symptoms include pale gums, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.


Another single-celled pest, giardia lives in the soil, water or food and can be transmitted through dog feces. It can cause diarrhea and weight loss, even though it does not affect the appetite. The waste is usually pale, unusually smelly and has a greasy texture. Children are at risk of getting infected through soil contaminated with the parasite.

Contact Zero Waste USA at 12316 World Trade Dr Suite 102, San Diego, CA 92128; 800-789-2563 or visit 

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Improve Your Dog’s Diet

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hungry dog and diet

In today’s world, we mostly have no idea what goes into our food and rely on various experts and food manufacturers to tell us what is good and what isn’t. The same is true, if not even more so, about our pets’ food.

The quality of your pet’s food will have an effect on their behavior, health, and the leavings they leave behind them on their walks. You should always have a baggie with you, or walk your dog where doggie bags are available. With numerous companies like creating affordable and easily available doggie bags, you have no excuse not to pick it up. However, picking up after your dog can give you an insight into their health and the quality of their food.

Food with a Long Shelf Life Isn’t Ideal as Staple

In order to maximize the durability of the dog food, dog food manufacturers add a lot of different chemicals to ‘stabilize’ the food and make it last a lot longer than it would otherwise be natural. Even though it is written on the label what it is and what it contains, this food is marketed as healthy and good for your pet.

However, since it has been treated chemically and changed so drastically from what they would naturally eat, this food is not ideal for the staple of their diet. The supplementation of nutritional substances is an ineffective way to ensure that your pets get everything they need nutrition-wise.

Add Some Fresh Food to Their Diet

Even if you choose to ignore the previous entry, you still should consider adding some fresh produce to your dog’s diet. Not only will they enjoy it much more, but you will also ensure that they intake some fairly important substances not available in the dried out foods.

It is well known that there are important enzymes and other substances which are destroyed by cooking, so fresh food is really the only way to get them, both for you and your dog. Another important thing coming from fresh fruits and vegetables are fibers, the cornerstone of a proper bowel movement. When you’re picking up after your dog, wouldn’t you rather it is always the same consistency?

Just make sure that you do enough of research, whether alone or in consultation with your vet, about the foods and the amounts that your dog requires. Don’t forget to take into account your dog’s size, age, and physical activity levels.

Variety Is Good for Your Dog

Sticking to one kind of food is boring and unacceptable to the vast majority of us. So if you really love your dog and want them to be happy, you shouldn’t limit them to just one food type due to laziness or not thinking it through.

In nature, dogs and their relatives eat a lot of different food groups and items. One more important thing is – don’t cook their meat before you feed them. No creature in the world eats cooked meat apart from humans, so your dog will be more inclined to eat raw meat than cooked one. A lot of nutrients important for dogs are lost when meat is cooked.

Gluten Is Less Than Ideal for Your Dog

Even though we are probably all a bit fed up with people claiming to be gluten intolerant or even allergic to gluten, dogs really shouldn’t eat it. Even though it is not particularly damaging to your dog’s organs, it is not digestible by them. That means that it reaches your dog’s guts undigested, where it is eaten by bacteria, causing gas buildup, finally resulting in nasty dog farts we all dislike.

If you feel like your dog could eat better, it is up to you to ensure that happens. For their sake, as well as for your when you have to use doggy bags to pick up after them.

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Are You Ready To Take On The Responsibility Of A Puppy

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Welcome home

When you’re looking for after a pet, it’s important that you can see them as more than just an animal, as they can be a great substitute for companionship. A lot of owners take theirs in as if they are part of the family, and for many reasons, that’s true! Dogs are loyal animals and loving if you teach them, they return all of the affection you give them. They’re not just there for your entertainment though, there are a lot of responsibilities that come with them, but it’s definitely worth the effort! If you don’t think you can handle that, then you probably shouldn’t consider attempting it! It’s not rocket-science though, but because they’re with us for their whole life, the least you can do is give them an enjoyable experience.

Their health

Along with the other responsibilities you have, taking them for walks is one of them. Obviously, the amount of exercise they need is based on their size. A German shepherd is certain to need more than a chihuahua, so that much will depend on you! If you can’t keep up, a lot of owners take them to the park or a field to play fetch and other games, get them running around for a while! Exercise is a vital part of looking after them, as they can’t get the same kind of entertainment from sitting around and listening to music like you can, so keep that in mind!

You need to be ready to deal with their health issues too, as they are also susceptible to injuries and mental problems that people experience too. Taking them to the vets for check-ups can be expensive, but essential if they have issues that you can’t figure out or don’t know how to deal with. There are also dog CBD treats you can use to help dull and ease pains they might have, they act as good medicine that you don’t have to struggle when you administer it. A lot of the time, dogs tend to refuse things like pills and drugs, even sneaking it into their foods can be difficult, so using an alternative like this can help the process along.

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The diet

Knowing what they can and can’t eat is very important when it comes to having pets, as you may end up accidentally poisoning them. It’s easy to dismiss something you eat as acceptable, but in some cases, they can be very harmful to your animal! Even something most can enjoy, chocolate, can cause a lot of damage if a large quantity is eaten. You’re responsible for them, so you need to make sure things like this are kept from their reach. They don’t know what they should and shouldn’t eat, and depending on how they’re trained; they may even try to help themselves to the food they see. You wouldn’t want to come home to find that your dog has eaten a box of raisins from atop the kitchen counter, or a bar of chocolate that you left out. If it helps, try to think of them almost like they’re a child. They can’t understand, but they maintain that curiosity.

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Three Ways To Keep Your Feline Friend Happy And Content

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The saying that “a cat makes a home” is true for many cat lovers. Cats are so relaxing to watch when curled up in front of the fire or sat on the windowsill watching for you to return home. They are also fun and playful. Cats are fascinating creatures and although it’s often true that the cat owns you rather than the other way round, they offer so much in return. As a cat owner you will want your cat to be as healthy and happy as possible. This article aims to show you tips, so that you can achieve a long, happy life for your feline friend.

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Bringing home a kitten

If you choose to own a kitten rather than an adult cat, ensure that your kitten is at the very least 12 weeks old and preferably 16 weeks old before it leaves its mother. Also if you choose to adopt a pedigree cat such as the magnificent norweigan forest cat ensure you choose your kitten from a reputable breeder. Breeds such as the Norwegian forest cat have beautiful long coats that will need grooming, so purchase grooming equipment. You will also need food that the kitten is used to, bowls, a litter box, a cosy bed and toys. As this will be quite a scary experience for your kitten its a good idea to ask if you can take a blanket from its original home with its familiar smells.


Make life interesting for your cat. Cats are hunters by nature and so love to catch and chase things. They also love to climb and scratch. You can buy many commercial products to keep your cat from getting bored such as scratching/climbing posts, toys and laser pens. Laser pens have the benefit of being unpredictable to the cat, which is what they love! Even a rolled up ball of paper or a cork tied to a piece of string will be appreciated by your cat. Having toys and time spent interacting with their owners will make a happy cat and a content owner. It will also prevent any destructive behaviour such as scratching furniture. These tips are especially important if your cat stays inside all its life. If you are away from home for long periods of time it may be a good idea to get a companion for your cat.


Cats need feeding regularly and need access to plenty of fresh water. Take advice from your vet as to the most suitable food for your cat. When researching brands of food ensure there is a high meat content and that the food isn’t bulked out with grain. Cats are fussy eaters and generally they will make it known when they are not happy with your offerings, as they will simply turn their nose up and refuse to eat!

This is a very brief overview of ways to make your cat happy. It is also very important to get your cat neutered, as there are so many unwanted cats in the world. It would also be a good idea to get your cat microchipped, so that they can be brought home if they wander or if they sustain any injuries on their travels. Regular vet visits are a must, to check general health and to receive annual inoculations against prevalent cat diseases.

Have fun enjoying your feline friend!



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Common Dog Health and Safety Myths That Are All Bark And No Bite

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After weeks, months or even years of doe eyes and relentless nagging, you’re considering… just considering, bringing a dog into the home. For them it’s a source of tremendous joy and excitement, but for a responsible parent, it represents a significant amount of thought and more than a little anxiety. A dog can be a loving and protective presence in the home, a loyal friend, a mood booster and a genuine member of the family. Unfortunately, they can also be a hazard. At best they could chew your furniture, befoul your garden and destroy every pair of socks in the house. At worst they could inadvertently harm your children or your neighbor’s children.

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There are many things that a responsible parent needs to consider both when determining your kid’ safety and their ability to adequately care for their new friend.

You must consider the breed of the dog; larger dogs obviously need more exercise and (especially when young) will be very energetic and boisterous rendering them perhaps unsuitable for younger children or those of a nervous disposition. Different dog breeds will have different nutritional requirements and can also be prone to certain congenital health defects. All of that selective breeding is bound to take its genetic toll, after all. Then there’s the decision of whether to get a pup or an adult dog. Although both will require care and training, adult dogs have the potential to be more agreeable and lower maintenance than their adolescent counterparts.

Whatever size, age or breed dog you have your sights on, it’s important to make an informed choice based on proven fact. Unfortunately, the world of pets is one of the fields in which hearsay, old wives tales and other strains of “common sense” prevail over research and logic. In order to choose the right dog for your family, and to keep all parties healthy and safe, you’ll need to shake off some common canine misconceptions…

[X breed] is more aggressive and likely to bite

There’s nothing more irritating to dog lovers than when the actions of a single dog leads humans to decry the entire breed as dangerous. That logic has seen entire breeds outlawed, yet it is no truer for dogs than it is for humans. That’s not to denigrate the seriousness of a dog bite. A dog bite can cause not just profound physical injury but psychological trauma resulting in fears and phobias. That’s why dog bite lawyers exist to protect the victims of these unfortunate incidents. Nonetheless, a dog’s breed does not make them inherently aggressive. Any breed of dog can demonstrate aggression but nurture is a far more important component than nature.

A dog has to have her first heat before she can be spayed

When your dog is in heat she can cause other dogs to behave in some very unpredictable ways. While these are just the “niceties” of animal courtship they can be terrifying if your child is walking said dog. Unless you intend to breed your pooch you should have her spayed at the earliest opportunity. A good veterinarian will be able to tell you when the time is right for your dog. Spaying early is not just beneficial for your child, but your dog, too. An early spay severely reduces her risk of breast cancer.

Canine body language

A great many myths and preconceptions (more of that toxic “common sense”) have arisen around canine body language. Humans think they know what their pet is trying to tell them and this can lead to dangerous misunderstandings. For example, a wagging tail isn’t always a sign of happiness, it can also be a warning to back off. Likewise, when your dog bounds around the house upon seeing you get back from work, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re happy to see you. It can mean that they’ve been understimulated and have a lot of pent up energy that they need to release.

animal-dog-pet-dangerousImage by Pexels

Barking is a sign of aggression

Most of us shout when we’re angry or threatened… But do you ever shout when you’re happy or excited? It’s exactly the same with our canine counterparts. If your dog barks at another dog or a visitor, it’s not necessarily a sign of aggression. It could mean that they’re excited to see them, or that they’re asserting themselves over their territory… or even that they want to play.  

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

Unfortunately, this ancient adage has soured many on the prospect of adopting adult dogs. Unlike their human counterparts, dogs can learn and adapt to changes in circumstances at any age.

Hopefully shedding these widely held misconceptions will help you to find a fuzzy friend who’s a beloved pal for all the family.

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4 Types of Collars to Consider for Your Dog

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dog-425067_640 (1)Sourced from Pixabay
Collars are among the most important pet accessories you need to have for your dog. Aside from letting everyone know that your dog is not a stray, it also lets you attach valuable information—such as your name and contact details—to your pet. This is especially helpful in case your furry friend goes missing. Last but not least, a collar is also a valuable training tool that likewise allows you to control your dog whenever you go outside for walks.

If you’re getting a collar for the first time, do not make the mistake of thinking that anything you can wrap around your dog’s neck will do. Different types of collars have different characteristics, some of which may cause problems if not used the right way or if used on the wrong type of dog. Let’s take a look at the different types of collars available.

Standard Buckle Collars

The standard collar is essentially a small regular belt, which is often made of nylon, leather, or any other woven fabric, and fastened using a conventional belt buckle or a quick-release buckle. It also has a metal hoops where a dog tag or a leash can be attached.

Although standard collars are usually cheaper than other types of collars, they are not the best option for more energetic dog breeds. When a dog pulls on a leash while wearing a standard collar, it can put too much pressure on the throat and cause the dog to suffocate. Standard collars work best on more behaved dogs that do not require constant pulling during walks.

Martingale Collars

Martingale collars are sometimes called greyhound collars or whippet collars because they were originally used on these dog breeds, whose necks were wider than their heads. A martingale collar can be considered as both a regular collar and a training collar because it tightens up around the neck when the dog pulls on the leash. However, unlike other training collars that can potentially strangle a dog, a martingale collar is specially designed to only tighten to a certain point. The pressure from tugging on a leash will be enough to deter pulling and other unwanted behavior, but not enough to cause harm.

Martingale collars are safe enough to be used as a regular collar, so there’s no need to keep switching collars every time you need to take your dog out for a walk. A good martingale collar is also easily adjustable so it can be used on almost any kind of dog breed that is not prone to breathing problems. You can get martingale collars from well-equipped dog supplies shop and from trusted martingale collar suppliers online. 

Safety Collars

Safety collars typically come in two variants, namely breakaway collars and stretch collars. Breakaway collars possess a secondary safety buckle that releases when pressure is applied, while stretch collars have an elastic section that can stretch, allowing the collar to loosen from the dog’s head if needed.

These collars are specifically meant to prevent strangulation accidents, particularly in situations when a dog gets entangled with hazards like fences, branches, tables, and other objects.

Body Harnesses

A harness wraps around a dog’s shoulders and chest, taking the pressure off the dog’s neck when the dog pulls the leash. Because there is very little (if any) risk of choking, a harness is great for dog breeds that are prone to breathing problems such as pugs and other brachycephalic dog breeds.

Depending on the type of harness you choose, you can attach the leash to a hoop at the front or at the back of the dog. Most people recommend the front-clip variant for when you’re training a dog not to pull, while back-clip harnesses are typically chosen by those with dogs who are already disciplined enough not to pull.

Choosing the right type of collar is important not just to keep your dog safe and comfortable, but also because it is an essential tool for training your pet. Make sure to get a quality product from a reliable supplier.

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7 Effective Tips for Potty Training a Puppy

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five shih tzu puppies in a basket on white background

Image Copyright:willeecole

Are you frustrated with your puppy for not grasping the concept of going outside to potty? Some puppies catch on quicker than others, but generally there are ways you can speed up the process.

After much trial and error, dog trainers and breeders have finally figured out the best methods for potty training a puppy.

Here is a seven-step guide that includes those methods.

Get Your Puppy into a Set Routine

I did this so many times it eventually became second nature. Your puppy needs to learn a routine of when it’s meal time, when it’s potty time and when it’s time to sleep.

As time goes by your puppy will potty each time you take it outside, because it knows why it’s outside. Add to that some of these other tips, and your puppy will be potty trained in no time.

  • Set your puppy’s meal time and stick to it.
  • Take your puppy outside to potty about ten minutes after it’s eaten.
  • Set two more times during the day when you take your puppy outside for potty.
  • Set a bedtime for your puppy too and be sure to take your puppy outside beforehand.

Be Prepared for Late Nights

You may also have to let your puppy out during the night. A puppy’s bladder is tiny, so try to be understanding when it wakes up in the middle of the night to go potty. If you’re a heavy sleeper, you may want to put newspaper down for your puppy and confine it to a certain area of the house.

Clean Up Accidents Immediately and Thoroughly

When your puppy does make an accident, clean it up right away.

  • Make a solution of disinfectant diluted with seven parts water and a few drops of peppermint oil.
  • Clean the area with a wet cloth as best you can.
  • Spray this on the area after you’ve cleaned it to remove the smell from your floor.
  • Clean it again with water and a cloth.
  • Check if the smell has gone. if not, repeat.

Dogs will usually revert to the same place to do their business, so make sure your puppy completely forgets about that time it pooped in the lounge.

Don’t Hit, Punish or Shout at Your Puppy for Mistakes

Hitting, scolding or rubbing your puppy’s nose in its mess will have an adverse effect on your potty training efforts. Patience goes a long way when you’re potty training a puppy, so stay calm when accidents happen. You’ll find they happen less and less as your puppy learns what you want.

Learn to Read Your Puppy’s Signals

When you watch your puppy roam around the house, always be sure to check for potty signals. Your puppy may hunch its body if it needs to poop. It may lower its body if it needs to urinate.

You’ll soon be a super hero puppy parent who automatically scoops your puppy up whenever it’s about to go. Take it outside and wait for it to do its business. then praise your puppy for messing outside.

Praise and Reward Your Puppy for Successes

Instead of punishing your puppy for mistakes, rather reward it for good potty behaviour. I always maintain that you should keep your puppy’s favourite treats on hand. Whenever it goes outside, give it a treat and whole lot of praise for being a good dog.

Mentally Prepare Yourself for Lots of Slipups

Prepare yourself for the work that goes into potty training a puppy. Your new best fried will make a lot of mistakes during this potty training period. But stay consistent and patient and you’ll be astounded at how quickly your puppy catches on.





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